
The tales of warriors: The Gems

"But.. how could you do this to me?!" "Ohh! Darling I can do anything!" "See! Dumb ass!She ain't your-" This is a story of a teenaged vampire who is paired with a new lycan to fight Arena. in this universe gems are the things which helps ti boost powers but Arena wants those for himself. how can a vampire and a lycan work together? how will they stop Arena the Vampire? find out!!!

Ayesha_Siraj · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Chapter 5: demon's nail

Demon started attacking Lucifer, Luna was fighting with wolves. When she finished 3 wolves Arena updated the demon, now this demon is having long purple poisoned nails which are hard enough to cut through a watermelon into pieces, he is fast.

Lucifer was going to punch the demon, but in the blink of an eye the demon disappeared and blood came out of Lucifer's mouth, Lucifer gasped and gagged, he decided to have a glance on his own body, he saw a purpoe nail coming out from the right-side where the liver resides.

Lucifer fell down.

'Damn! My vision is getting blurry, I taste blood, I am falling too, why can't my body regenerate!'.

When Lucifer tried to get back on his feets, demon stood on him. "AAAHHH! LUNA!" His voice was high-pitched, roucous and shrill. He was in pain, it was the goose bumps giving type of scream, I never heard before.

Luna heard his scream so she rushed towards him and pushed the demon, she picked Lucifer up.

'What do I do? What do I do now?'

A beautiful lady appeared, her eyes were electric blue, her skin wasn't pale but also not dark. She was dressed in all white. "Luna repeat after me." Her voice was so calm, soft, honeyed, silvery, peaceful, it was like the smell which comes from the soil after the first rain, like flying into the clouds, like eating a cotton candy, such an amazing voice to hear, making the listener to desire for hearing it again and again.

But she was only visible to Luna and Lucifer.

Luna nodded.

"Kish no"    "Kish no"      "Takezaka"   "Takezaka"   "Tsuketa"    "Tsuketa"   "Ni tori akagaya"    "Ni tori akagaya".

A bright light striked the platform, where the demon was standing. Light was bright making them to close their eyes.

When Luna opened her eyes, they were in a house, Lucifer was already lying on the couch. Blood was coming out of his mouth and his nose. His liver, his shirt, her hands and the minor part of the floor was covered in blood. His satin white shirt became red. Luna was in tension she was panicking and panting.

"Lucifer please,please open your eyes, please you-you can't die on me, please Lucifer,wake up please. Dammit open your eyes or I am gonna kill you twice, please!" Her voice was breathy she was sobbing.  "LUCIFER!" She screamed.

"Don't.... You ev-even dare to..... Th-th-think. I-I am n-not d.. Dying this e.. Easily.... But your sc-scream is de-defening me!" He slightly opened his eyes.

She started to rip off his shirt and found that the upper-right side liver was pierced and his right-rib cartilage was broken.  Luna started to search for something that could stop the bleeding, because vampire or human excessive loss of blood will result in death.

Luna found some medicines and medicinal plants in and around the house, she also found guaze rolls. She made a red coloured, thick solution and applied it on the liver and did the dressing. Luckily the bleeding stopped.

She heard the noise of dropping something, when she went to check what made the noise. Luna saw a thick book "Injuries to be cured and antidotes".

Luna was a book lover like you, she can't resist on seeing books, just like you can't resist, and wanted to buy the whole book store, just like you.

She can't resist and wanted to read it. After a few seconds she opened the book and started reading it, Luna learned about demon's nail was containing poison. The poison injected by that nail would effect less on an adult vampire.  Lucifer is also a vampire, the state of poison in his body was not on the primary level. It was very effective, and a very high dose of poison for a teenage vampire.