
The tales of warriors: The Gems

"But.. how could you do this to me?!" "Ohh! Darling I can do anything!" "See! Dumb ass!She ain't your-" This is a story of a teenaged vampire who is paired with a new lycan to fight Arena. in this universe gems are the things which helps ti boost powers but Arena wants those for himself. how can a vampire and a lycan work together? how will they stop Arena the Vampire? find out!!!

Ayesha_Siraj · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Chapter 2: lycans?

the old man took Luna to a jungle where his hut was and said "Dear, you believe it or not but you are a lycan!" His voice seemed very serious.

But she did not believed this at all, because she was one of those who believe that only science exists and these are all myths.

She made her way to her home and had a deep conversation with her mother, but she skipped the lycan part.

Soon it was 3:00am, every one was asleep but she, Luna couldn't sleep, she heard the howls of wolves and ahe began to feel uncomfortable,she was thirsty, when she grabbee a glass of water, she saw that her hands were covered by brown hairs, glass slipped from her hands and made a loud noise, Luna is really scared, she went nearer tto a mirror, Luna was trembling, her face was not her face, instead it was a brown wolf's face, ahe opened her mouth to scream, but remembered that her mother was fast asleep, her nails were growing, Luna was shivering in fear, after a few minutes she calmed herself down.

'How could I look like this?! If my mother would have a sight she can faint, more over I could be homeless! What do I do? What do I do?!'

She jumped out of the window but sun rose, and she was again a human being. She came back to her home and without delaying she went to her school. She had a thought that only the old man could help her. After the school timing she went to the same place where she dropped that man. When she saw the old man, with out even greeting she started to ask "Who are you? Why have I transformed into a wolf last night? What us happening?" But in a respectful manner.

"Ho-ho! Calm down! Relax! I am a lycan master Cheng and you are a lycan, which means that you can transform into a wolf when ever you want, and if you are destined and are talented you could be among thise great lycans!" As he was talking his height was changing, he was 5'9 feet tall.

"Luna took a while and asked " Can my mother know about this?"Your wish,but make sure that your mother is the only human to know about lycans!" Mr. Cheng answered.

Luna rushed to her mother and said "Mom! Can I tell you something?"

"Say anything and everything" Her mother's voice was sweet as sugar.

"Well..... Mom I-I.." Her voice was breaking but she showed bravery and said in a hurry "I am a lycan and I have to join the Lycan school!".

"Is this really a thing to tell?, I mean sweety I know that you are a lycan from the day you were born, are you... Nevermind" Mom was going to say dumb but her little daughter would have been disappointed hearing that so she stopped her mouth. After a second she said "And about the school, you should not worry because I already took an admission,pack your bags darling!".

Luna was amazed. She went to the school and met Shenzi, well... Shenzi is smart when it comes to spells.

It was the night time, Mr. Cheng was in the doorstep of Lucifer. Lucifer knew Mr. Cheng and obeyed him. When Mr. Cheng explained about Arena, and asked if Lucifer can help. Lucifer agreed, he wanted to meet Luna before the mission and wanted to check her fighting skills.

"Luna is powerful but she had not realized it yet" Mr. Cheng said.

"No problem!".

When Mr. Cheng asked Luna if she was ready to fight against Arena she said yes, and went to meet Lucifer " You are a vampire, like a real vampire, it will be fun working with you!".

"Really? I will make you regret, just have patience" And started to teach her some basic points to fight the creatures.