
The tales of warriors: The Gems

"But.. how could you do this to me?!" "Ohh! Darling I can do anything!" "See! Dumb ass!She ain't your-" This is a story of a teenaged vampire who is paired with a new lycan to fight Arena. in this universe gems are the things which helps ti boost powers but Arena wants those for himself. how can a vampire and a lycan work together? how will they stop Arena the Vampire? find out!!!

Ayesha_Siraj · Fantasy
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40 Chs

Chapter 17: dragon

something: "Don't you have regenerating powers?!" He had a smirk on his face. "I. Uh... Damn! I was just teasing you!" Luna looked away.

"Let us take him to the graveyard!" Lucifer's duplicate said this. They were taking Lucas out of the mansion. Hearing their voices, Lucifer rushed downstairs and stood in front of the coffin. 

Everyone was shocked and confused.

"Who the hell are you?" Duplicate of Lucifer asked.

"You are asking me?! I am the real Lucifer!" Lucifer was a bit angry.

"See, he is angry too. How could he be real?" Luna's duplicate asked.

Hearing this, Luna also came downstairs.

"We are real! These are the duplicates! Shenzi, don't you believe me!" Luna walked near Shenzi.

"If you are the real one, where were you all this time?!" Luna's duplicate asked.

"We were trapped in a dream!" Luna said.

"Steve, don't you recognize me!?" Lucifer's duplicate asked. Steve and Shenzi were confused.

"What is my mother's name?" Steve asked.

"Valerie!" Both Lucifer and his duplicate said at a time.

It is usual that if they are duplicated, they could even share memories. How the hell are they supposed to identify the real Lucifer and Luna?

"Leave this crap aside, we have to bury Lucas!" Luna's duplicate said.

'Brother! Help! I am not dead! Help!'

Lucas's brain is linked to Lucifer.

Lucifer heard Lucas's scream and opened the coffin. "Open your eyes, if you're not dead!" Lucifer yelled.

'I can't! I can not move even a single inch!'

"What the fuck you both, what did you do with my brother?!" Lucifer yelled again.

"Lucifer, accept the fact that Lucas is dead!" Steve kept his hand on Lucifer's shoulder.

"Steve, if Lucas was dead I wouldn't have been breathing!" He talked to Steve calmly. "So, who told you that he is dead?!" Lucifer asked.

Everyone was watching the duplicates. Duplicates realized that everyone would figure the fact out if they stayed there for any longer. Duplicates tried to run.

"Not so easily!" Shenzi said and levitated them. Steve took two chairs, Shenzi made them sit still, while Steve and Eunwoo were tying those duplicates.

"Since when are you not able to move?" Lucifer asked Lucas.

'I don't know, maybe since the night after our picnic!'

"How many days has it been after picnic?" Luna asked Shenzi.

"Luna, yesterday we had a picnic!" Shenzi said.

Lucifer checked Lucas's back for any marks. He found a strange mark.

"How can I get him moving?!" Lucifer came near to their duplicates.

"We don't know!" they said with a smirk.

"You don't know! Hah!" He punched them. "And what do you think about now?"

"We said that we don't know!". But Lucifer knew that they were lying.

So, he punched their faces till they started to bleed.

"Now, tell me, do you still don't know?" He was grinning from one ear to the other. Looking at his face, they were scared. 

Luna held his arm and said "Lucifer stop this, or they may die!" 

"But... Okay, if you say so!" He turned back to Lucas.

Now I got to know why she referred to Lucifer as ruthless, when they met Lucas for the very first time.

Lucifer and Steve took Lucas to his bedroom. "What are you going to do next?" Eunwoo asked.

"I don't know, maybe asking Masters would help!" Lucifer was sad.

Steve went to the library, Eunwoo went to Master Feng, Shenzi went to Master Cheng, while Vanessa stayed there to comfort them.

"Lucifer, have you seen that mark, isn't it a bit strange?" Luna was sitting beside Lucifer, then she remembered that she had a book related to marks.


She took out that book and started searching for that mark. "What are you doing?" Lucifer asked.

"You will know about it soon!" Luna was still searching.

Eventually, she found that mark in her book. 

"Lucifer... That girl, who hugged him, may have done sone spell on Lucas. It is written that he is in a deep sleep, from which he is not able to wake. To wake him up, we have to find your parents. A little late could be regrettable." She said.

"And how the fuck are we supposed to find our parents!" He was sad and anger hit him.

"If we were in his dream, we were living his fake scenarios, his knowledge and his memories!" She said.

"Then if it is true, our parents are in a castle, but a dragon is protecting them!" He wanted to save his brother.

"I don't know if it is fully a truth or not, but we may go check!" Luna kept her book aside.

They called everyone to the mansion and explained the point very briefly. "But someone has to stay back and look after Lucas and these duplicates!" Vanessa kept her point.

"Correct!, but.. Who would stay back?!" Steve said.

"I will stay back. Because I can levitate them easily and if anything bad happens, I can handle it!" Every one of them agreed with Shenzi's point.

They left for the frozen castle. Everything was going as the dream was. But this time, Vanessa helped with melting the snow inside the castle. They started to search for people inside the castle. Everyone went to the middle of the castle. This room had two thrones for the king and the queen, and the other throne was for a prince. 

Lucifer came near the king's throne. Suddenly, his head started to hurt a lot. He fell on the ground. Luna came near to him.

Something was flashing through hus eyes. He couldn't see it properly, but there was a child, a cute child, walking and falling on the ground. 

Lucifer screamed due to pain. At that time, a dragon appeared. Dragon was made up of ice, crystal like pure ice crystal. We could see through it.

Usually dragons breathe fire, but this dragon was different. His breath was of ice. If anyone or anything touched that breath, then it could be frozen.