
The Difference of the Two

Tang Qing then hurriedly packs up his things, his treasured gifted wooden sword and a basket of firewood, and then returns home to his residence.

"I'm home!" He shouted out, as he then enters the house by himself, but Tang Qing heard no reply.

So Tang Qing then opens the door, and let himself in by himself. 'It would seem that Da Ge went outside to do something. That would certainly explain why he is not at home, and father is probably lazying around within his room, completely drunk or passed out from all-night drinking.'

Tang Qing despite being too young, and just an ordinary six years old, has already learned and understood the true meaning of what an alcoholic is, as his father is one himself.

However, when he entered the room, Tang Qing's nose was immediately wafted by the scent of freshly cooked congee, though the food has slightly cooled down. It was still a bit slightly warm, so it hasn't been that long. 'It would seem that Da Ge and father have already eaten their breakfast, and Da Ge left a bowl of congee for me.'

"How nice of him." Tang Qing said as he adored his older brother.

He adored his older brother Tang San, but greatly despises his biological father, Tang Hao, for his neglect over him and his brother's wellbeing. Not once has he heard his own father told him or his older brother 'I love you' or 'Are you okay?'

It's all about 'Get lost you brat' 'Where is all the booze' 'Is dinner/breakfast ready yet?'

Tang Qing, nevertheless, started to get used to the feeling of abandonment, neither does he seek acknowledgment and love from his cold-hearted and dull person of a father like Tang Hao. With a father like Tang Hao, who would even need love, much less they should focus on their own survival instead.

So Tang Qing sat beside the dinner table alone by himself, amidst the darkroom, where the only source of light is through the small gaps at the top and bottom of the door, and the small cut square makeshift windows in the mudwall. There are blacksmith tools littering the ground, with plentiful of metal dust covering the ground floor. The whole place looks like a pig stein figuratively.

With a carved wooden spoon, Tang Qing started to take small bites of the congee rice porridge. The congee that was made by Tang San, wasn't at all that good than the typical congee, but it was at least better than nothing.

The congee was made from cooked rice soaked in boiling hot water, with added cut green spring onions, mushrooms, salt and pepper, and other spices, and nothing more. It was something simple, and easy to make, but hardly contain that much healthy nutrition in order to sustain a growing child's body.

It didn't take long for Tang Qing to finished the bowl of rice congee by himself, with the bowl cleared out cleaned, he then proceeded to clear out the table and placed the dirty bowl in a basin of water.

It wasn't long before Tang San got back from doing his morning task, as he then enters the living room. He immediately spotted Tang Qing's figure, and greeted him, "Oh, you're back Xiao Ge."

"Yeah," Tang Qing responded.

"Oh, yeah! I almost forgot..." Tang San suddenly remembered something, and he then informs Tang Qing. "Grandpa Jack, the village elder came over earlier today in the morning whilst you were gone to inform us that the spirit awakening ceremony will be held in three days, and then Grandpa Jack will come and collect us, so that we may able participate within the awakening ceremony."

"Okay then." Tang Qing responded.

'Everyone within this world of Douluo, whether it is man or beast, possesses some form of spirit essence. It is only when we finally turned six years of age that we are able to awaken the spirit essence that lay dormant within us.' Tang San recalled what Grandpa Jack taught him.

He then continues, 'By having a spirit, we can enhance our abilities and heightened our abilities in a particular field. Where even an ordinary spirit can still become helpful. If by any chance that anyone of us were able to gain a remarkable spirit essence, then there is a chance that we may possibly step foot on the path of cultivation and become a spirit master.'

Grandpa Jack obviously revered Tang San and Tang Qing as the sole hope of the village. In his heart, the village's most intelligent child was none other than this Tang San, whilst Tang Qing was the strongest and most athletic child of the village and has also become an apprentice of a spirit master despite not having his spirit awakened yet. It was truly difficult to wonder how such a father could help give birth to two talented sons such as this.

Tang Qing thought to himself, he was quite hesitant to tell his brother, 'Should I tell Da Ge that I gained enlightenment into the true essence of swordsmanship...'

"It would be best to keep it a secret for now, and then tell Da Ge about it when I've become ready." Tang Qing muttered underneath his breath.

Tang San was able to immediately caught on to something that is wrong with Tang Qing, but he was not able to tell whatever he was saying. Judging by Tang Qing's actions alone, he is withholding secrets of his own, similar to what Tang San is currently doing.

Despite being biological brothers, though their mental age is years apart, but their mindset are quite similar to speak.

Tang San with his knowledge of hidden weapons and secret arts he acquired from the Tang Sect in the Immortal World from his previous life, and Tang Qing getting taught about swordsmanship and medicine from a wandering sword spirit master from afar off away land. Despite Tang Qing being physically stronger and skilled in combat out of two, he can't be compared to Tang San's refined superior secret arts and his hidden weapons.

Three days passed by rather quickly, Tang Qing still went to the open field outside the village in the early morning to do his early morning sword training exercise every day, returned home afterward.

And Tang San did something similar, as every day he would practice his heavenly secret art cultivation method and the purple demon eye at the first dawn of sunlight, absorbing the faint trace of purple qi into his eyes, that only appears at the first appearance of sunlight, in order to train his purple demon eye.

In addition, to practicing the mysterious heavenly secret arts and the purple demon eye of the Tang Sect. He also does the cooking, housing, and washing duties, split equally between the two.

In his free time, with a spare blacksmith hammer he acquired from his father, fit enough for his small size, Tang San has been practicing forging metal, by utilizing spare scraps of pig iron he found lying around in the house.

Tang Hao was quite proud of Tang San and what he has become, even though he contributed nothing to the boy's growth. He is thereby startled at the growth of Tang San's level of blacksmith forging and his hidden knowledge of metals, it is something that he never taught the boy, but he instinctively knows it.

'Is he some sort of blacksmith genius,' was Tang Hao's first thought witnessing him handle the 5 Kg hammer.

"Xiao San and Xiao Qing, Grandpa has come over to get you." Grandpa Jack punctually came over to the Tang residence's blacksmith house, but this time he didn't barge himself inside the house and only calling out to the Tang twins from the outside.

Tang San took one last glanced at his father, who is just by his side, just started eating by himself.

Tang Hao indifferently said so to Tang San, "Go! Don't delay the midday cooking any longer."

"I will be back later..." Tang San then promised to be back soon, as he and Tang Qing then left the Tang residence.

With Old Jack leading the way, Tang San and Tang Qing readily follow right behind and after him to the Spirit Hall, which is located in the middle regions of the village. Naturally, this so-called Spirit Hall was merely a large log cabin, the village's town hall, and nothing more.

Because everyone instinctively possesses a spirit that resides within them, every year they held a spirit awakening ceremony in order to help the village children in order to awaken their spirit. Therefore, Spirit Halls could be found everywhere on the continent. Naturally, these were all only subsidiary halls, there was a distinct hierarchy within the system.

The village children didn't have a very good opinion of Tang San and Tang Qing. To favor the rich and disdain the poor is an ability not only amongst the nobles and powerful households but also amongst the common folks as well. The circumstances and living status of the Tang family residence were all the more distinct. With Tang San originally being a reincarnated person and his real age having long ago exceeded 30, naturally, he was also unwilling to come into contact with these children. And Tang Qing sternly follows this example his brother set for him.

To them, spare time was much better spent on cultivation or either training and learning something new that may be beneficial towards their future. And consequently, as a result, they never actually had childhood playmate of course.

In addition to the village elder Jack and the eighteenth children present in the branch Spirit Hall building, there is also a youth sent by Spirit Hall to conduct the spirit awakening ceremony.

This person that was sent by Spirit Hall appeared to be just over 20 years old, dashing eyebrows slanting above the starry eyes, his facial features extremely bright and handsome. He was dressed completely in brilliant white clothes to adorned his status, a black cloak on his back, and right on the center of his chest, above his heart, was a palm-size 'spirit' character. This was the standard attire wore by staff that is direct subordinates to Spirit Hall.

On the left-hand side of the youth's chest was a carved badge with three crossed long swords. It seemed like Old Jack personally knew this kind of spirit master well; three in quantity represented a spirit master of the third degree, titled grand spiritmaster, and the long swords represented that this Spirit Hall attendant was a battle spirit master.

Old Jack then respectfully cupped his hands together, and bowed to the youngster, "Greetings, esteemed battle spirit grandmaster that was sent by Spirit Hall. This time we'll have to inconvenience you."

The youngster's facial expression betrayed his thoughts, having creased his brow, showcasing his indifferent arrogance, but nevertheless he showed common courtesy.

"Much obliged." The youngster also bowed slightly in return, and reciprocate Old Jack's greetings. "My time is scarce, so lets now conduct the spirit awakening ceremony."

"Very well." Old Jack turned towards the children, and then said, "Children. This is a battle spirit grandmaster that was sent by the branch Spirit Hall from Nuoding City. Next, he will then guide you to open yourselves to your spirit. You must cooperate well with the great teacher to conduct your spirit awakening; grandpa Jack is looking forward to who among you has the compatibility to become a spirit master."

The youngster having somewhat grown impatient, then said, "Very well, you said the same thing last year. Do you really think that anyone can easily become a spirit master? I already passed through several villages, and not one of them has shown great promises and any potential in becoming a spirit master. Only a small tiny fractions out of the children that have their spirit essence awakened possesses some spiritual power."

The youngster then quoted, "With the amount of spiritual power they possess once awakened, their potential would stagnate and be stuck within the spirit scholar realm or the spirit master realm barely."