
The Tales Of The Snake

This is about a man that finds himself in the body of a young Orochimaru , without his full memories of his past nor help of any sorts to aid him. Join him as he discovers the troubles that plagued the original owner of this body and the tribulations that this once known genius has to go through to survive as well as hidden truths that have been buried. DISCLAIMER: I do not claim ownership of any of the characters in this story except for the one I created and I also do not own picture on the book cover. Note: This is my first book published, I hope you like it and please leave a good comment if you do. I will also be doing other novels in the future, so please remember my author name to follow my work. P.S: I am not above constructive criticism so tell me if there's anything in need of correcting and also the Discord of this novel will be released in the following chapter's so follow them if you want to chat

AV_Samson_5454 · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter 3: Inheritance

The room wasn't that big, well for an adult I guess but a child it was plenty big, it had a bed, a ceiling fan and lamp. The walls were a dull green, probably due to passage of time, and in the corner next to the only window was a metal box, it had papers wrapped around it with weird symbols on them.

" Now that I think about it, that bald ninja said something about a box…and those are probably sealing papers" I walked to the box trying to analyze it but it just looked like a metal box wrapped with papers.

"Do you know what's inside?" I asked to my newly bought alter ego.

( And how, do tell, am I supposed to know, IT'S LOCKED!)

"Okay, Okay…there's no need to yell" I whispered as I tried ripping the paper but it felt like they were one with the box, my hands just kept on sliding off, I even tried scratching… but nothing.

"How do get this of things off" I was starting to get frustrated.

( Just unseal it ,we've seen Dad do this tons of times) Ego said with an irritated and impatient face.

"Oh yeah, I remember that " I said almost talking to myself, however my face was immediately with shock.

"Wait I …I remember?? How the hell d–ARGHHHH!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs, or at least tried to but the pain came so sudden that I couldn't breathe, so I just gave off a silent scream as I tried to catch my breath in-between screams as I held my head.

" Ha…Ha… plea–please tell me…that… this will be the last time this will ever happen" It took about a minute before head settled down, I have flashes of memories but honestly they're not much and definitely not worth this stress, but I can remember my parents, I mean Orochimaru's parents or are they my parents now…I'm so confused.

( How long are you planning to lie down on the floor)

'This bastard, I don't think he felt my pain just now…tch, lucky bastard' But I didn't say that out loud, despite carefree attitude, I haven't let my guard down.

'But I'm confused now, have I transmigrated or I'm I Orochimaru with memories from another world, because frankly I currently have more memories of Orochimaru than of my past life, well I remember about Naruto the anime but not much else…but I don't remember Orochimaru behaving like me…although the Orochimaru I know of was twisted with a little flare' I secretly look at my alter ego and thought ' for good reasons too'.

"Hey Orochimaru… eh… I mean me or is it you? Whatever! What I mean is I want both of us to be on the same team, alright, no sabotaging of any sorts…deal?" I said looking at my alter ego dead in the eyes, which was more an a little freaky…and honestly I wasn't even fifty percent sure he was an alter ego I only said that because of one reason… it would be horrific if he was anything else.

( That isn't just obvious it's quite natural you buffoon!)

"So… I'll take that as a deal then, Great! Now let's crack open this box" I put my right thumb in my mouth and bit it.

"A wooo!!!! A woo, A woo , A woo,that huuurt!!!!!" I held my bleeding thumb in pain.

( Now that I take a closer look the future doesn't look so bright ) my Ego said with his head down

"Dammit! Shut up okay, you wouldn't be saying this if you could feel my pain" 'I guess that confirms it , he doesn't share my pain' I thought

"Alright, let's get this over with " I sprayed my blood on the sealing papers from my thumb, which was a lot.


The metal box opened and the papers fell off like feathers in the wind. I quickly opened the box only for my excitement to be doused down as I saw bundles and bundles of

"Papers??" I looked at the box that had papers and some scrolls, I quickly pick one of the scrolls.

"Dammit!! It's just talking about chakra" I was so pissed I started squeezing the scroll without knowing

( YOU BUFFOON!!! Be careful it's all we have left of them)

"Ah…I sorry, I just wasn't expecting…haa…you I don't know what I was expecting, this is the Shinobi world their is no instant increase in power, everything is done by your sweat and blood" I realized my disrespectful action, this isn't a treasure chest, it's a message for their loved one.

"Alright, let's try this again " I picked the topmost paper in the pile.

'To my son Yasha Orochimaru. If you are reading this then it means that I and your mother have left you to deal with this blood shedding world, and I am truly sorry for that, for I knew one day that we would be targeted, but I had hoped we would be ignored after all we are just scientist, we're are not like those ninjas who can rip hundreds of lives with just a single jutsu, but depending on the situation I guess we can be more dangerous. I know this isn't what you want to hear, after all you must feel alone and betrayed and of cause we love, you were, are and always will be our world but I know you're a smart and talented boy and the harsh truth is that the world is unforgiving, so you have to pull yourself together and soar high in the Shinobi world. In the box lies our life's work, researches and projects that we deemed to risky to publish and was privately funded as well as money to fully fund your shinobi training and research if need be. From your loving parents Yasha Isai and Yasha Noriko'

" Woah… they really loved us huh" I said trying to wrap my head around the message from the after life.

"Wait a minute" I say as I suddenly focused on a particular part of the Will, the I quickly reached into the box

"Wait hold up!! All these papers are MONEY!!!" I finally got a closer look at these so called 'papers' and except for the scrolls and Will paper, EVERYTHING ELSE IS MONEY!!!" I can feel my eyes turn into dollar signs or rather money signs considering dollars don't exist here.

" Damn! I'm rich!!!" I say with my widest grin

( ...…I don't even know what to say to that)