
The Tales of Hurricanes.

Taijun is a cheerful and carefree boy who enjoys his peaceful life in a small village. However, his world is shattered when ruthless cultivators attack his home and slaughter his family and friends. Swearing vengeance, Taijun embarks on a perilous journey of martial arts, where he faces countless dangers and enemies. Along the way, he also discovers his hidden potential and the secrets of his past. Will Taijun be able to avenge his loved ones and find his true destiny?

random8758 · Eastern
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4 Chs

Chapter 2: Ling Ming

He then instructed them to return home, where their mother had prepared a delicious dinner for them.Their mother, Xie Jun, was a kind and gentle woman, who took care of the house hold.

Excitedly, Xie Jun greeted her children, asking where they had been. She mentioned that she had made their favorite chicken soup.

Taijun, eagerly awaiting the soup for over a week, expressed his joy. However, Haijun apologized for being late, explaining that he had taken Taijun with him to catch a spirit chicken. Taijun couldn't help but wonder why his brother was lying and felt guilty, realizing it was his fault for the delay.

Haijun pinched Taijun's waist playfully, urging him to try some delicious soup. Speaking slowly, Haijun cautioned Taijun not to mention their encounter with danger, fearing their mother's worry.

Xie Jun, with a pleading expression, called out to her children, wishing they had informed her earlier so she could have cooked them a special chicken dish. She hugged them tightly and made them promise never to venture into the forest again.

Reluctantly, Haijun and Taijun agreed. Later that night, after dinner, Huolong sat outside the house, and the two children came to sit on his lap.

Haijun expressed admiration for his father's spear technique and expressed a desire to learn it too. His father, Huolong, agreed to teach him.

When asked about his brother Taijun's interest in martial arts, Taijun admitted he preferred peace and rest over fighting. Haijun questioned why Taijun didn't learn martial arts, reflecting on what might have happened if their father hadn't intervened.

Taijun chose to ignore the conversation and went to rest. Huolong advised Haijun to let Taijun do what he wants.

Eight years have passed, Haijun and Taijun have grown into teenagers. Haijun has become skilled enough to defeat a level 8 spirit beast. However, Taijun spends his time sleeping and watching Haijun practice with their father.

Even when Haijun tries to give him advice, Taijun refuses to learn. The two brothers went to take a bath in Jun River together. They were playing around, splashing each other with water. Suddenly, Taijun noticed something strange.

He said to his brother, "Hey, look! There's a body floating in the water!"

Haijun followed his brother's gaze and saw a pale and lifeless figure drifting in the current. He felt a chill run down his spine and grabbed Taijun's hand.

"Let's go, we have to report this to father!" he said, pulling his brother away from the river.

But as they were about to leave, they heard a faint voice coming from the water.

"Help... me..."

They turned around and saw the body twitching slightly. It was a young girl, no older than them, with long black hair and fair skin.

She looked at them with pleading eyes and reached out her hand.

"Please... save me..."

Haijun and Taijun were stunned. They didn't know what to do. They had never seen a person like her before. She was not from their village, nor from any nearby town. She was wearing a royal dress, with intricate patterns and symbols. She had a necklace around her neck, with a pendant that glowed faintly.

She can be mystery, and a danger.

But she was also a human, and a survivor.

Haijun felt a surge of compassion and curiosity. He wanted to help her, and to know more about her.

Taijun felt a wave of fear and suspicion. He wanted to leave her, and to forget about her.

What will they do?

Haijun insisted Taijun help her since he witnessed her condition. Ling Ming quickly thanks for saving her.

Taijun reassures Ling Ming, saying it's okay, but then asks why she was floating in the water?.

In the Ling Empire, I am known as Ling Ming, the second young princess. Despite my royal lineage, I've harbored a burning desire to surpass my elder sister, whose strength surpasses my own by leaps and bounds. Frustrated by my inability to defeat her, I embarked on a solitary journey, leaving behind the opulence of the palace to venture into the dense forests.

My quest? To hunt down spirit beasts and absorb their essence, seeking to augment my own power.

However, my ambition led me into perilous territory, where I encountered an ancient beast of immense power.In a desperate bid for survival, I fled, but not before sustaining severe injuries. As I staggered through the wilderness, my strength failing me, I stumbled and fell into the unforgiving embrace of a raging river. My cultivation is also destroyed.

As Haijun noticed Ling Ming's injuries, he kindly invited him to their village to recuperate.

Ling Ming, grateful for the offer, accepted with thanks. Taijun, excited about the prospect of having royalty in their midst, suggested they proceed, knowing his mother would be delighted to host a princess.The village buzzed with anticipation upon seeing the unexpected guest. Upon arriving at their home, Haijun proudly introduced Ling Ming to her mother, eager to make him feel welcomed and cared for during his stay.

In the peacefull and tranquil amidsting the delicate fragrance of cherry blossoms, Xie Jun and Ling Ming shared a moment of camaraderie.She healed the wounds of Ling Ming.

Xie Jun, with his eyes filled with admiration, confessed to Ling Ming,

"I knew you were a princess the moment I saw your beauty and kind eyes.

"Ling Ming, blushing slightly, gracefully replied, "Oh, thank you, miss."

"You're also stunning." Ling Ming exclaimed to Xie jun.As they indulged in their conversation, their attention shifted to the sumptuous feast laid before them.

Ling Ming, with a playful smirk, remarked, "This seems to be more delectable than the royal fare."

Taijun, joining in the banter, chimed in, "Mother truly has magic in her hands. Her dishes are simply divine." Amidst laughter and shared appreciation.

After the dinner, Xie Jun's voice broke the silence of the room, "Miss, I apologize, but there is only Taijun's room with a soft bed.Taijun can sleep on the floor. Would it be acceptable for you?".

Ling Ming's cheeks flushed slightly with embarrassment at the situation.

"It's a bit embarrassing, but it's okay," she replied softly.

Taijun let out a dramatic sigh, feeling the weight of misfortune upon him.

"How unlucky I am," he muttered, lamenting the fact that Ling Ming would be occupying the heavenly comfort of his bed.

When Ling Ming went into the room, she was very tired. She quickly lay down on the bed to rest. After that, they both went to sleep, feeling tense and uncomfortable. The room was filled with their silent thoughts, making the atmosphere heavy and uneasy.

In the soft morning light, as they gathered around the table for breakfast, Ling Ming hesitated, expressing her desire to prolong her stay at the humble abode rather than returning to the confines of her palace.

Xie Jun, ever accommodating, assured her she could remain for as long as she pleased.

Taijun, however, couldn't help but mull over the discomfort of sleeping on the hard floor once again.

Meanwhile, Haijun excitedly announced his plans to venture into the forest to hunt a beast, prompting Xie Jun's concern for his safety amidst the perilous creatures lurking within.

Undeterred, Haijun reassured his mother, claiming his maturity and inviting his brother to join him. Taijun eagerly accepted, enticed by the promise of tasty fruits awaiting them in the wild.

Ling Ming, intrigued by the adventure, eagerly asked if she could accompany them, to which Haijun warmly agreed. And so, with spirits beasts high and anticipation bubbling, they embarked on their journey

into the forest.

As they ventured into the verdant, shadowy forest, the trio found themselves surrounded by the watchful gaze of birds perched among the trees.

Ling Ming's attention was drawn to a lone purple flower amidst the foliage, prompting her to approach it.

However, their peaceful exploration was abruptly interrupted when a ferocious tiger beast emerged from the underbrush, launching a vicious assault on Ling Ming.

Reacting swiftly, Haijun leaped into action, rushing to her aid.

A rank 5 spirit beast!" he exclaimed, recognizing the beast as a white tiger, a rare and formidable creature . He turned to his companions, Ling Ming and Taijun .

"You two, step back," he commanded, swiftly assessing the situation. "I will confront this threat."

Ling Ming and Taijun nodded, trusting Haijun's judgment.

Haijun took a deep breath, feeling the thunder element in his body and in the air. He gripped his spear, a weapon forged in the fires of determination and skill.

He had spent countless hours practicing and refining his spear technique, honing it to perfection. He was confident that he could handle any opponent, even a rank 5 spirit beast.

He stepped forward, facing the thunder tiger head-on. He saw the beast's eyes, filled with bloodlust and arrogance. It seemed to regard Haijun as nothing more than a prey, a snack to satisfy its hunger.

Haijun felt a surge of anger and contempt, determined to teach the beast a lesson.

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