
The Tales Of Fervious Grounds

The compilation of the young children's life all over the Fervious Grounds, a Nation in Chaos due to many misfortunes and events that have taken place. Every city in this chaotic land has it's own representative, a child who seeks revenge, love, friendship, strength with the grief and remorse piled up in their life.

Detoxified · Fantasy
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5 Chs

The Incident

Jemma Merov

The Central Valley, a city with all brave warriors, a peaceful city with no interference in war. This city holds it's name as the "Beauty Garden" and has almost all floras and faunas in it's territory. The Central Valley is a place ruled over by the Merov Family, a family which every single kingdom fears in the lands of Fervious Grounds. Why you ask? The Merov Family has the most influence in the 'Underworld'. The 'Underworld' is the land of demons and the only humans known to have come back alive unscathed from there are the people of the Merov Family. This statement most certainly reflects the fearsome strength of this family.

The Queen of Central Valley is someone no one dares to even look in the eye. The Queen is soft-hearted and kind but holds enough power and military strength to obliterate the entire nation and turn every single kingdom to ashes. If she were to abuse the use of her 'Grand Competence', there would be an all out war between the Heavens, Lands and the Underworld.

The Queen of Central Valley had a daughter who was rather troublesome. She was energetic, cheerful but caused a lot of trouble since birth. This 15 year old princess was a troublemaker named Jemma Merov. Her character had even made her previous teachers resign as they couldn't handle her.

"So I am your new geography teacher, Princess Jemma."

"NO! I hate studying. Let me go or else I will let loose the 'Bloodknots'."

"The queen did tell me about your rude behavior towards your previous teachers and I will not let any rude activity slide. You will be punished!"

"Oh yeah? Well then take this!". Jemma hit the teacher in her nose and let loose the 'Bloodknots'. (Bloodknots are small rat like demonic creatures that feed on nutritious blood)

The teacher frantically ran away and Jemma ran away from her study room. Jemma went to play with her friends who were commoners. Of course, Jemma wasn't allowed to leave the palace for her own safety and she got into a big trouble for what she did to the teacher and the irrational decision she had made to run away.

"So, I heard you ran away huh? You little squeak.", said the Queen with extreme anger and locked Jemma in a dark room without food. When Jemma yelled for help and pleaded, the soft-hearted couldn't rest quietly and let Jemma go. But Jemma had fooled the queen. She ran towards the forest to a small village to meet her friends.

The moment she reached there, she could smell blood. She faced a terrible incident, a terrible side of this world. She saw no signs of life and searched for her friends. She found them. All dead from what looked like 'Demonic Soul Extraction Technique'. The moment she saw it, she knew it was a Devil's Advocate and in her naïve mind, the only people who have connection with them were her family. She knew that her family wouldn't resort to violence and felt like someone else had done it.

Her mother would never interact with them as they love violence and plot conspiracies to consume every single living thing of a kingdom. Yet, she had a mixed feeling and felt like her mother had done it. She never forgave the queen and never talked to the queen with the feeling a child should have for their mother. The queen was clueless and tried to convince Jemma many times that she hadn't done it. The queen investigated in this matter but didn't find a solid evidence to who did it.

Little did they know, a Devil's Advocate was running loose in the whole Fervious Grounds and was on a killing spree to survive and hide from the Heavenly Warriors.

*This was a very short chapter and from now on I will be posting new chapters every Saturday. The next one will be more interesting and more engaging so stay notified.*