
new school

It had been 11 years since her elements awakened and the end of the summer holidays was finally upon them,Alexandrea knew what that meant it was time to start at her new school. ever since that day people had begun to look at her differently,some excluding her from activities others just refusing to acknowledge her at all.She had lost all her friends a long time ago as she became more and more isolated from society finding solace in reading about studying and practising her magic. although so far she had only managed to cast up to a c tier spell because of the limited resources available to her.

But from this day on that will change she thought I will have access to more materials and teachers who will show me how to use my power to grow stronger.soon she had finished packing and went to get into the car to move her possessions across to her new school the dawn academy, the only school in the country that teaches the light and dark elements.

Alexandrea her father called from the car, its time to go we want to get there before it gets dark.

the scenery flew past as they drove to the national transportation centre an hour away from her childhood home. Hello where are you travelling to today? A voice said through the intercom, sunrise city replied her father. As soon as he finished his sentence a portal opened by a space element pet opened in front of them, and the intercom proceeded to wish them a happy journey before the landscape twisted around them suddenly straightening out again in the sunrise city teleportation centre.

from there it was only a short ride to the student accommodation where her parents tearfully said goodbye and reminded her to visit often and call every week so they don't miss her too much.

It had been about two hours and she had just finished unpacking when she heard a knock on her door not wanting to seem rude she went to answer it when it flew off its hinges startling her immensely. You think you can come to this school do you a shrill voice spat from the now empty doorway, someone as pathetic as you doesn't deserve to be here taking a spot from another student that could make something of themselves. pack up and leave NOW. said the same person who broke the door. I hope you're going to fix that because its causing a draft alexandrea replied.

You dare talk to me the pretentious door destroyer shouted, I will teach you to talk back to those stronger than you *ignite incinerate* (a d tier fire spell that throws a ball of fire), oh a fire mage how scary Alexandrea said before casting *eclipse* (a c tier darkness spell that engulfs other forms of magic nullifying them). now either fix my door or go away so I can I don't want the room to get too cold. you think you can win because of that try this then Flar- suddenly a ball of water splashed onto the door haters head, oh shut up Charlotte a different voice says you don't run this academy just because your precious daddy is on the board of directors no get lost before i freeze you and your ever so delightful followers.

This won't be the last you hear of me Charlotte mutters before scurrying away her henchmen following behind. Sorry about her she has a serious superiority complex i'm your roommate Morgana and i'm a b tier water mage how about you? My name is Alexandrea and i am a c tier darkness mage she responded (deciding to keep her light element and real rank a secret for now now),anyway lets fix this darn door before bed shall we or spiders might get in while we sleep and no one wants that.

i've never written anything before so bear with me while i get the hang of it haha, and don't worry after setting up the world and magic systems a bit more pets will be introduced.

stabby_ducklingcreators' thoughts