
Really Survived

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

At the side, Shopkeeper Zhou watched on anxiously and curiously. Under the candlelight, he saw that her skin was as white as snow; and the sweat beads were crystal clear. He could not help but feel a pang in his heart and passed a piece of cloth over. "Why don't you wipe your sweat and take a break."

Who knew He Xi did not even hear his voice? When she felt that the dropping sweat was affecting her vision, she casually raised her hand and wiped it before continuing her movements.

Awkwardly, Shopkeeper Zhou kept his hand; and his gaze could not help but land on the youngster's concentrated expression without moving a single bit.

The crowd of spectators, the anxious Shopkeeper Zhou, and the busy He Xi did not realize that a pair of eyes was staring straight at her through the half-opened window, from a position diagonal to Sheng De Pharmacy at the start of the street. The eyes were filled with fire and investigation.

After another incense worth of time, there were more than a hundred needles on the young man's body. With the sunlight shining on him, he looked like a translucent porcupine.

In the beginning, the young man was still unconscious; and there was no rise in his heartbeat and breathing. However, after another hour, as the needles jabbed into his body increased; he started letting out painful moans. His body broke out in sweat; in no time, he drenched the white cloth below him.

The faces of the crowd slowly turned from undisputed mockery to disbelief.

The young man—who was as silent as a corpse—actually started to make noise, and when the needles jabbed into his veins, there was a painful expression on his face.

How… how was this possible? Was his meridians all cut? How could he feel the trigger from the meridians?

Could… could it be that this pretty youngster was not lying? Did he really have a way to cure the patient?

Physician Xie and Shopkeeper Qin's faces became more intense following the young man's moans and slowly turned green. When Shopkeeper Qin felt the coldness exuding from Physician Xie, he started trembling and panicking.

If this pretty youngster that came out of nowhere really managed to cure the patient, would Physician Xie have to kowtow in public?

Then, would Physician Xie's third-grade reputation be ruined? When Physician Xie's humiliation turned into rage, he would definitely not let Shopkeeper Qin off.

At this time, He Xi was already taking out the silver needles from the young man one by one.

A hundred and eight silver needles. The needles were all taken out in a different order and with a specific strength. It was still a slow and difficult process, but the spectators held their breaths in and watched on with much attention; no one spoke a word.

Finally, all the silver needles were removed.

The young man, lying on the long table, let out a long moan before he opened his eyes slowly.

The glaring light made his eyes well up with burning tears. In his blurred gaze, he only saw a good-looking face and a pair of icy cold eyes.

That feeling was just like a traveler who had crossed the desert for seven nights and days and had suddenly drunk water. That drop of water became all his beliefs and hopes.

He wanted to open his mouth to speak but could only shut his eyes helplessly and engrave He Xi's face and aura in his brain.

After He Xi kept all her needles and took the young man's pulse to ensure that he was fine, she heaved a sigh of relief and said lightly, "He's fine."

Everyone let out a look of disbelief on their faces.

Without anyone rushing, Physician Xie immediately lunged forward and used his spiritual influence to check the young man's body.