
Chaotic Dantian

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

After she finished her sentence, she turned around to leave without hesitation; and there was no sign of stopping in her steps.

However, when she reached the door, there was a blur in front of her eyes. She felt an enormous strength suppressing her.

When she recovered her senses, she was already pushed onto the corner of the wall. The man's big build and oppressive aura were covering her, causing her to be unable to escape or move away.

Nan Gongyu looked at her with a fiery gaze and a tinge of coldness. "I seemed to have just warned you not to call me 'King of Hades'. Call me by my name!"

He Xi was angered. "Who are you to me? Why should I listen to you?"

Nan Gongyu said slowly, "Don't you want to know how to unseal your dantian?"

He Xi's original assaulting motion stopped, and her face revealed a confused and shocked expression… followed by a mask of strong desire.

She had only stayed at Mainland Miluo for a few days, and her desire for power increased day by day. If not, she would become an ant that anyone could trample on sooner or later. The man in front of her was the first person that could tell that her dantian had a problem. Perhaps he really had the solution to help her?

When He Xi's brain was whirring countless times, the anger on her face dissipated and turned into a strong hope. "You know how?"

Nan Gongyu's eyes flashed a smile as he watched her bright and sparkling eyes while thinking that he liked this girl even more now. This was a feeling that he had never experienced before—to keep a girl beneath his wings and protect her, trapping her by his side to pamper her. The most important thing was that this feeling was not bad.

Nan Gongyu's lips curved upward as he lowered his head to look at the girl who pretended to be calm, without saying a word.

He Xi clenched her teeth and felt the pain in her vital organs, but she still opened her mouth and whispered like a small fly, "Nan Gongyu, what do you mean by unsealing my dantian?"

A real man… ahem, a girl could submit or stand tall as required; as long as she could become powerful and strong, this bit of face meant nothing.

This light call of his full name made Nan Gongyu's eyes smile even more.

His lips unwittingly curled up, and his handsome face looked as if the dazzling, silver moonlight was shining on it, causing one to be unable to move their eyes away.

He Xi watched on in a daze, and a thought flashed in her head for some reason. She only called him by his name; did it really make him that happy?

Very quickly, Nan Gongyu kept his smile and said, "Have you ever heard of chaotic dantian?"

He Xi shook her head in ignorance.

"Warriors who have chaotic dantian don't have their cultivation spiritual powers categorized into the five ways, and their spiritual powers are much superior to the ordinary dantians. So, for warriors with chaotic dantians, their cultivation speeds or capabilities would be much better than the other warriors of the same grade."

He Xi's eyes widened slightly. "Do you mean that I have a chaotic dantian?"

Nan Gongyu smiled and nodded; his eyes had some warmth that he did not notice himself.

"But I remember that I did test for spiritual roots when I was young. Back then, there was no response from the black stone, so Nalan Zhengze gave up on me completely and deserted me at the villa. If I really have a chaotic dantian, why would a fourth-grade physician like Nalan Zhengze fail to notice that?"

The black stone was used to test everyone's spiritual roots potential and attributes. During the test, the black stone would shine different colors that represent different attributes. The colors would represent purity, which was the potential for cultivation.

If the black stone had no response, it meant that the person had no spiritual roots and did not have any potential in cultivation. This was how Nalan Hexi remembered the test from back then.