
The Tale of Trickster Hero ~ My Hero Academia (Boku no Hīrō Akademia)

Dragon? Elves? Minotaur? Manticore? Phoenix?... A creatures who born from the age of Mythology, Story book, Fairy Tale, etc. came to existence and shake the foundation of the world. *** Disclaimer: My Hero Academia is not mine including some of the characters.

Crayun · Anime & Comics
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30 Chs


When the Giant Spider die leaving a strange scent and some burn web. Gray looked at Yui who was still staring at him with passion. Gray didn't, but his instinct are screaming to push her down.

Wind passed his body and he felt coldness. Gray, discovered he was naked and looked at her. Yui felt his gaze turned her head.

"Did you enjoyed my body?" Gray walked at her and help her to stand while Yui feel something excitement.

"Hmph! Pervert..." Yui roll her eyes, but a hint of redness can be seen at her cheek. She looked at the giant spider in curiosity.

"Any Idea?" She pointed the spider corpse who turn to fossil. She was certain the Giant Spider was not normal.

"I don't know, but I can tell. The Spider has a Quirk and how he received a Quirk is unknown."

"How can be?"

"..." Gray shrugged his shoulder. He didn't tell his theory, but he believed their must be research laboratory hidden and the spider was exposed and started to change.

"Let's go home..." Gray grab Yui and a mist covered his body and changed to men's kimono Yukata. Yui who saw Gray who used some trick to change wear a clothing felt lose.

"I want to stay here for a while... Gray. Grandma told me to search for something."




"Kodai, are you sure to send your Grandchild at wolves mouth no... Fox mouth?" Sorahiko looked at her in Curiosity.

"Fufufu~! let it be... I already know my Yui and I'm already thankful and she show some interest toward opposite sex. fufufu~!" She looked at Sorahiko and gave a wink.

"..." Sorahiko looked away. He didn't say anything, but he regret both of them are already an old bones.



Few hours later.

Both Gray and Yui searched the mystical lake which believed can be found deep of the Forest. During journey Gray didn't either they're deep of the forest or his misfortune. Since, they encountered different wild animals from bears to tiger.

"Gray! Why you didn't kill them especially the tiger?" Yui looked at Gray in amazement. She never heard someone who could defeat beast without the used of Quirk.

"I have no hobby to kill creatures unless they threaten me or my family." Gray respond at her curiosity. When Yui heard 'my family' from Gray her heart beat faster and looked at him strangely. Gray who felt her gaze smiled.

"Yui tell me about the Mystical lake you're Grandma told you?"

"I don't know, but according to her which recorded by my ancestors. The lake was guarded by a spirit or something. Though I didn't believe them."

Gray nod his head and saw a crystal like lake. He stopped and looked at the lake. He was impressed because he felt tranquility even his Primal Instinct calm down. He pointed the lake at the distance.


"Beautiful..." Yui was amazed and felt peace inside. He looked at Gray and gathered her courage. "Gray, let's stay..."

Gray nod his head he didn't know, but his heart beat faster despite his Primal Instinct didn't kick in. He believed his feeling and longing was genuine. He smiled and follow his heart's desire to forge his own path different from his Quirk's will in the near future.


Inside the domain. A small and single fire keep sparkling alone. Next moment the fire show it's brightness covering the small place.


Both of them stay at the mystical lake until night. They didn't know, but their band become closer. As, they looked at the crystal like lake facing the stars from the heaven. Become more beautiful and produce a tranquility and peace.

"Yui! it's already night you won't return home?" Gray looked at her in concerned despite of the relationship they built. He has no desire to force himself even it caused his death.

"..." Yui looked at him. She didn't know, but she felt his concerned from him. She smiled and simply respond "I want to stay in this place."


Gray meditate facing the lake as the Moon showed it's light. When Gray was exposed from the moon both rage and tranquility joined inside him. Yui who witness the changes from Gray's body didn't say anything nor disturbed him. She know he is controlling his Quirk and decided to train her Quirk.


12 midnight.

Gray turned to 12 and officially become adult in the eyes of his Quirk. As, the chain manifest around him and Gray opened his eyes. He screamed like a beast who was struggling from it's confinement.



Gray opened his eyes and glow with a crimson color. As, the Golden Fox ears become taller and his tail grow from 7 to 8 tails. The moon shower it's light like it was celebrating.


Gray, looked at Yui with a wet hair and body. He didn't say, but he whispered "Yui?" His body feel a strong energy to push her down like his natural instinct. He bite his lips until it bleed and Yui saw his action hugged him.

Gray saw her worry and blame his action earlier. Then, he embrace her like he did at Himiko.