
Chapter Three: "Beautiful Beyond Compared"

Emilia's Point of View


Kalen looked at me after I snapped. His face was a mix of confusion and anger. I don't know if he was angry at me, angry at his pack or angry at himself. But all I did know was that I didn't care. The one person who suppose to protect everyone in his pack allows his pack to hurt one of their own. This isn't a family no matter how much they try to say they are. Family doesn't hurt and betray their own. I turned my head and looked at the window not bothering to listen to whatever he had to say.

After what felt like hours I turned and looked and Kalen was gone as was Healer Adam and I was getting thirsty and needed to pee. I knew I wasn't suppose to get up but hey I wasn't going to piss myself waiting for someone to come in and help me. I got up from bed and wobbled myself into the bathroom. Note to self for next time Wait for someone to come and help you.

All I knew next was that I had fallen onto the floor and once more smacked my head. The world began to spin and it all went dark...


Kalen's Point of View.

After I left the clinic where Emilia was at. My wolf Ace began to whine and become restless. Cojo had imprinted on Emilia a while ago it just now started to get stronger as I stopped fooling around with every girl that threw herself at me. I pushed Cojo aside but the more I fought the more he got more restless. He knew something that I didn't.

He was trying to tell me that something wasn't right with Emilia. I phased into Ace and ran out of the house. I ran to the clinic and phased back into myself before walking inside the clinic. Healer Adam looked at me and gave me a questionable look. I looked at him and said "is Emilia okay?" Adam looked at me and nods his head I growl lowly under my breath as I looked at him "tell me the truth Adam!?" a little of my alpha voice coming out as I glared at him.

Adam stuttered over his words as he was terrified of what I could do. He finally bluttered out an answer and said "s-she got up and slipped in the bathroom, she is unconscious and might be in a c-coma" I growled lowly and slammed him against the nearby wall and screamed "YOU FUCKING BETTER MAKE SURE MY IMPRINT WAKES THE HELL UP OR ELSE!!!" I'm pretty sure the entire pack heard hell I think the entire state heard me. Healer Adam whimpers as I pressed my large body against him, if I really wanted too could snap his bones in half as he was a pick stick

I pulled myself away as I heard my imprint, my emilia whimper in pain. I rushed down the hall pushing whoever got in my way to the side. I walked into Emilia's room and saw my beautiful imprint laying unconscious on the bed. A pain runs through my body as I looked at my imprint. She had the most gorgeous of features, tan skin, caramel hair, soft freckles that cover her cheeks and the bridge of her nose, her lips were rosey pink, she had her nose pierced and her ears. Her hair fell over her shoulders and laid in small waves at the bottoms. I couldn't take my eyes off of her. She was that beautiful.

She was Beautiful beyond Compared.