
The Tale of Some Random Shinobi

Naruto fanfic. first 150 chapters are mostly slice of life. No Harem No Ecchi No Romance I do not own Naruto. All characters and concepts in the story belong to Masashi Kishimoto and others involved parties who hold the rights of the franchise. chapters will drop whenever I am able to update. Comments will not be answered and all reviews besides the already existing ones will be deleted.

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Chapter 61: A small break?

With the written exam portion of the exam seemingly over.

The students were separated and shuffled around once again into smaller groups.

Following that, they were then made to wait in a classroom.

Each student then took a seat and waited for their turn.

Then they were made to wait, in order to be called one by one by the proctor in charge of their classrooms.

So, after each student took a seat that was assigned to them, they had nothing to do but wait.

Thus, they waited.

However, they were never told that they could not talk to each other, but no one was willing to make any sound under the fear that they would be somehow penalized if they did otherwise.

Needless to say, that the entire room was engulfed in complete silence.

However, as more of the children present within the room left and did not seem to be coming back, some of the children started to panic and tried to exchange information.

At first, they tried to be discreet about it, but they soon realized that it did not matter if they talked to each other or not.

Some even believed that it was the real purpose as to why they were put in this room together.

In other words, it was to strategize or at the very least to take a break.

Nonetheless, as all that could be said in their current situation was eventually exhausted, most conversations soon changed from information gathering to more casual banter-based conversations.

Thus, most of the kids took this time to take a breather.

Though some of them still chose to remain completely silent and just to carefully watch everything in front of them as it unfolded, throughout their entire stay.

They simply either had nothing to say or were too afraid of breaking any rules.

But as time went on and more of the kids had their names being called out and left the room without seemingly no negative repercussions, those who remained chose to just enjoy their newfound free time.

Especially for those who recognized, friends or other people they were familiar with among all those currently present.

This was the case for several of the potential students that remained within the assigned classrooms.

- Man, it's finally over.- said a boy wearing a beanie, and a blue shirt.

He was a boy of average height for children around the same age bracket as himself.

Nonetheless, the boy's most distinguishing feature was that he was also wearing some glasses with a rather thin frame.

He seemed to be the only one among those currently within Homura's assigned classroom.

- You've got that right.- answered the lad sitting across the child who was wearing a beanie and glasses.

He was a boy with spiky/brownish hair and amber-colored eyes, which were rather common traits among the people from the land of fire.

Especially more so, from individuals within the village hidden in the leaf.

- My mom spent ballistic all of last night. Telling me to do well, but I'd rather show what I can do on the field. (Glasses-wearing boy)

- Me too, but it was both my parents. My dad told me to do my best though and not stress too much. (Spiky-haired boy)

- Lucky. I got nagged all day long and told to not leave any answer blank. My dad just pretended to be busy reading the newspaper, rather than helping me. (Glasses-wearing boy)

- Really? That sounds tough buddy. (Spiky-haired boy)

- Meh, at least if I pass now she will be off my back. (Glasses-wearing boy)

- Well, that's true, huh... By the way, how did you do on the last part? (Spiky-haired boy)

- Hm?... I'm not sure but I'm sure that I aced it. (somehow...) (Glasses-wearing boy)

- Wow, really? (Spiky-haired boy)

- Nah! probably not. Hahahaha! (Glasses-wearing boy)

- You jerk. Hahahaha! (Spiky-haired boy)

The conversation between the 2 boy's remained very casual throughout since the 2 boys had known each other for a long time already and didn't seem bothered by the exam even though it was their first time taking it.

While the 2 boys waited for their turn while laughing and exchanging pleasantries, a boy sitting in the row above them; could not help but listen to their casual banter.

The boy in question looks just like any other average child in Konoha that you would find anywhere.

Though some of his features stood out a little but not enough to distinguish himself too much at the end of the day.

He'd be almost fated to disappear onto the background if it were not for his mismatched batch of hair.

Which was monochrome, in order words his hair was both black and white.

The boy had an annoyed look on his face making him less approachable.

It's obvious to all who knew him, knew that the boy in question was none other than Homura... sadly no last name.

-(...Who the f are these 2 morons?...and they clearly know each other. Is that legal or am I thinking too much?)

Homura could not stop himself from hearing the conversation that was unfolding around him.

Either due to him being slightly bored or just wanting to think about something else besides the exam; which was making him quite susceptible to others around him.

Since Homura was simply waiting to have his name to be called out by the proctor in charge of them and being escorted out of the room; the same way it had been done so many times prior, for the other children.

He could not help but let his mind wonder about what the next step of the exam was going to be about.

He had no idea about what was going on, and as time went on he felt more irritated by this fact.

Already half of the children that were in the room at the beginning are already gone.

More importantly, Shino, who was the last person that Homura somewhat recognized had just left a few minutes prior.

That event was a rather upsetting situation for him.

If Aburame Shino left the room earlier than himself, many things could be envisaged.

Since it was unlikely that he would fail the exam, however, this world seem to be already quite different from Homura's memories of the show; so he could not fully determine what was unfolding in front of his eyes with absolute certainty.

It was quite the annoying fact for Homura, but it was still at the end of the day, not a hard proof or an indicator for anything.

He still had nothing to fear regardless.

The next part of the exam seemed to be an individual test.

However, what it was exactly about was something he had no idea about whatsoever.

None of the children present were entirely sure of what this part of the exam was entirely about, but they had no other way to know.

Since they were only told to wait and that they would be each escorted individually to another room for the next step of the exam.

Each child present could do nothing but wait for their turn.

It seemed that their parents or older figures in their lives hadn't told them anything too specific about the exams, or perhaps it meant the exams are slightly different from each selection to the next, which would make it slightly pointless to indulge in doing so.

-(...*sigh* Just when is it going to be my turn?)

Homura could not help but feel even more dejected.

Since the boy that was wearing glasses got called out before himself.

-(Those two had so much confidence, that I almost thought that they were main characters... but I have no idea who they are. Whatever I am just going to sleep...)

Seeing that his turn was perhaps still far away, Homura, decided to take a fake nap on his desk.

Some minutes passed by and several students left the room once again in the meantime.

However, Homura would soon be disturbed as the proctor that was assigned to the room entered once again.

-Next candidate, is Honnou-kun (Flamme-kun). (Young Proctor)

Before, he could finish his power nap the proctor in charge of them came into the room and demanded a boy or girl called Honnou, to follow him outside.

The proctor was a man that looked to be in his early 20s and wore the normal Konoha shinobi uniform.

The only thing that was distinct about him, was that he wore a bandana on his head with Konoha's insignia instead of the usual headband that most wore.


However, the entire classroom remained completely silent.

Some of the students started looking around in order to see who the mystery student might be.

Regardless no one present seemed to be the so-called mystery student.

Even Homura who was previously resting remained perfectly silent, just looking at the proctor who had suddenly entered the room.


- Honnou-kun. Is there someone called Honnou here?(...Is he not here?...maybe I'm doing something wrong...I wish they had a last name.) (Young Proctor)


When no one answered once again, the proctor got even more confused.

He then, decided to look at the clipboard which had the list that he was currently holding, and pondered.

-(Strange. I was certain that this was the right class...Oh! Maybe...) Is Burning-kun! Is Burning-kun here!? (Young Proctor)

Unknow to all present, there was one person who was getting madder and madder with each incessant butchering of his name, until finally he was unable to hold it in any longer.

-It's Homura!

-?(Young Proctor)

Everyone present looked at the young boy that just responded to the proctor's question.

The child, seemed rather tired as if he was trying to hold something in.

The boy then put a smile on his face, however, it was clear that the boy's smile seemed unnatural.

It was as if he was trying to feign a smile, but the veins on his face seemed to indicate the contrary.

- Hahaha! Sorry, H-Homura-kun please follow me. (Young Proctor)- said the proctor with a rather awkward look plastered on his face.

- Hn *nod*

The proctor looked at the name on the list one more time.

-(Homura... Is this how you read this kanji as well?)(Young Proctor)

A dumbfounded proctor could not believe his mistake.

But he soon recovered from his stupor and escorted Homura outside the room; till they found themselves in front of a small beige door.

- Homura-kun, please wait here for a moment they will soon call out your name from the inside. (Young Proctor)

- understood.

- Hn *nod*(Young Proctor)

After the instructor nodded in agreement with Homura's response, he left Homura to wait outside the room where the next phase of the exam would be conducted.

However, he did not have to wait long.

After less than 20 seconds, Homura heard a voice from the inside calling out to him, or at least what was supposed to be him.

- Candidate Blazing-kun please enter! (???)

- It's Homura!- shouted Homura from the hallway while being close to the door.

This day, has so far not occurred as per the wishes of a certain monochrome haired young boy.

Chapter end