
The Tale of Some Random Shinobi

Naruto fanfic. first 150 chapters are mostly slice of life. No Harem No Ecchi No Romance I do not own Naruto. All characters and concepts in the story belong to Masashi Kishimoto and others involved parties who hold the rights of the franchise. chapters will drop whenever I am able to update. Comments will not be answered and all reviews besides the already existing ones will be deleted.

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Chapter 20 Only the kazekage can do gold showers

-Hey Naruto!

-'sup Homura...what the heck happened to you?(Naruto)

Homura's eyes had huge bags underneath them.

-Hmm!? Oh! That's just because I haven't had a proper break lately and other stuff....

-....did you get grounded again?(Naruto)

Homura was surprised by naruto's question for a moment but quickly nodded his head twice.

-...this time it wasn't even my fault...I swear those guys will...oh!...

Homura wanted to finish his rant, but then he looked at Naruto who had a seemingly envious look and immediately sh*t his mouth.

-....hm? What?(Naruto)

-it's nothing....

The 2 went silent for almost a minute due to how awkward things quickly got.

-...Hey Homura is it fun to live at an orphanage?(Naruto)

-.....why would you think that?

- even though you complain about it every time, it seems that you...have fun adventures there. (Naruto)

-...I wouldn't call it that but...I guess, it distracts me sometimes...when I don't want to think about other things...

-...I see....(Naruto)

The 2 boys had another awkward silence.

However, the reasons behind it were completely different from one another.

Naruto was thinking that Homura was sad about not having parents like him, while Homura was thinking about the bijuu bombs fired by the 10 tails.



Both boys signed at the same time while contemplating about their sad realities.

And whished they were able to escape somehow.

(Well at least this isn't Marvel...I don't have to worry about Dormamu invading or a celestial trying to bust out of the planet core....Yet! I made the right choice to come to this world.)

- What are playing again today? (Naruto)

-...to tell you the truth; all my motivation just left me...

- so like always...(Naruto)

- and like always I have to tell you that playing games is for children...

-you're a kid too!(Naruto)

- wrong! My body is just not done evolving.

As homura said that he lied on the grass covered ground.

-...I swear sometimes talking with you makes me tired- he says while also lying down.(Naruto)

- How weird! I feel the same way as well!

The two boys lied on the ground and began watching the clouds passing by in the bright blue sky.

It was a pretty cloudy but bright day, with clouds of different shapes and sizes.

- hey! look that one looks like a shuriken!(Naruto)

- hm?! Guess you're right...that one looks like a mushroom or the hokage when he wears that silly hat! Hahaha!

(Looks more like a d***)

-hahaha! You are right! (Naruto)

-why are you laughing? Don't you want to be hokage? That is going to be mushroom you up there one day!

-huh?!...look that 1 looks like a bowl of ramen, I want to eat ramen at ichiraku's so bad! (Naruto)

(So he ignored me)

- dude, I know that the place is pretty good and cheap but your eating habits scare me sometimes.

-what!? Ramen is delicious!(Naruto)

-...sure, but you eat that stuff all the time...besides, I am tired of eating pork...where's my beef *sob* *sob*

Homura pretend to cry but his feelings were genuine. The hardships of having so very little money and being unable to eat meat had taken its toll on him.

His usual diet consists of fish, mushrooms, vegetables, soup and rice...things that he was not particularly fond of.

(I'd kill for a slice of pizza....)

- Dude, why are you crying?(Naruto)

- Someone like you who always eats ramen would never understand...the pain...I go through...

- Can't you just buy it?(Naruto)

(No I can't! Pizza hasn't been invented yet...I think? it is sometimes hard to tell what is exactly available in this world...it is like playing a game of roulette. I used to think that the only modern pieces of clothing in this world were t-shirts and tracksuits, but I have seen people wear jeans and other modern pieces of clothing. We even have laptops for god's sake! But no cars! )

- You think I don't know that?! But I have no money, and saving till I get enough is impossible...why do you think I want to become a shinobi?

- Because, you wish to protect the village...(Naruto)

-....What?! Oh! S-sure, sure why not.

- That didn't sound very convincing.(Naruto)

- Forget the village for a moment, and think how much food we would be able to get and the amazing life style, if we become shinobis!

Naruto dug deep in his mind and his most surface level desire popped up inside his head.

-I...see so many ramen bowls...*gulp*(Naruto)

- (this guy...again with ramen) you see that is how all those clan shinobis live like, especially the Akimichi clan.

-The Akimichi clan?(Naruto)

-Yeah rich guys! And eat like for 12 people...Ah~~~~ that's the dream.

- the dream~~...no! my dream is to become hokage! When I become hokage, I will be able to eat as much as I want!(Naruto)

- I feel like I just somehow corrupted your dream a little.

-Now, I really want to eat ramen...(Naruto)

-Well, I can't. I wont have an allowance for 3 more weeks...*sigh*

- No! I was counting on you, you owe me for last time!(Naruto)

-I can't make money appear out of nowhere Naruto! Only the kazekage can! ...so fishing it is...- as Homura said those words, he got up and began walking away...

- fishing again!? Wait what is a kazekage?(Naruto)

- No time to explain! Hurry up! Or I will leave you behind!

- D*mn! Wait up!(Naruto)

late update once again...feel sorry for all who may have waited last week.

In other news I finished the outline for like the academy arc it is like 120 chapters (I know crazy). Too bad MC can't be part of Guy's team. But now I am in a pickle of which team MC will destroy to join or all OC team. Naruto's plot is so focused on Naruto's team (duh!) that I just don't wana have to create too many new non-canon arcs...too much work.

What do you guys think?

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