
The Tale of Rian and Salsa: Mystery of the Ice Age

In a frozen world, Rian, a soldier haunted by loss, and Salsa, a brilliant survivor, discover alien technology that could thaw the planet. Their journey to find the crashed alien ship and restore Earth's warmth is fraught with danger, betrayal, and the unwavering hope that humanity can be saved.

Razarush4 · Sci-fi
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15 Chs

Chapter 5: Ambush in the Blizzard


Setting: The vast frozen wasteland, engulfed in a blizzard that's growing fiercer by the minute. Visibility is almost zero, with only the faint outline of the abandoned snowcrawler visible in the distance. The expedition team trudges forward, holding onto each other to avoid separation.Characters:

Rian: Leading the way, his eyes narrowed as he tries to pierce through the storm. He holds his rifle tightly, ready for danger.

Salsa: Walking behind Rian, her hand clutching the alien artifact that glows faintly, providing a small amount of light.

Nikolai: Limping due to his injured leg from exiting the snowcrawler. He leans on Anya for support.

Anya: Helping Nikolai walk, while keeping a vigilant eye on their surroundings. Her hunting knife is ready to be drawn.

Dr. Elara: Shivering from the cold, trying to protect her notebook from the onslaught of snow.

Professor Thorne: Walking at the back, his expression anxious and uneasy.


Rian: (Shouting to be heard over the storm) "Stay together! Don't get separated!"

Salsa: (Replies breathlessly) "I'm trying, Rian! But this storm is getting worse!"

Nikolai: (Wincing in pain) "My leg... I can't go much further."

Anya: (Supporting Nikolai firmly) "Hang in there, Nikolai! We'll find shelter soon."

Dr. Elara: (Shivering) "I can't take it anymore... the cold is piercing my bones."

Thorne: (Voice trembling) "We need to find shelter immediately. This storm could kill us all."(Suddenly, a large shadow emerges from behind a snowdrift in front of them. The creature has an indistinct form, like a mass of black fog moving rapidly. Glowing red eyes are visible in the darkness, staring at them hungrily.)

Anya: (Shouts) "There! Something's in front of us!"

Rian: (Aims his rifle at the shadow) "Don't move! Who are you?"(The creature doesn't answer, only moves closer. Its terrifying roar shakes the air, increasing their fear.)

Salsa: (Clutching the alien artifact) "This... this is the creature that attacked us before!"

Thorne: (Takes a step back, his face pale) "Run! We have to run!"

(Rian pulls the trigger of his rifle, but before he can shoot, the creature lunges towards them, disappearing into the intensifying blizzard. Their screams mingle with the roar of the storm, creating a symphony of terror in the endless frozen wasteland.)

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