
The Tale of Revenge [BL]

Hello! My name is Aman Vasuki. I belong to the Royal Family of Vasuki Clan which is the Clan of Shapeshifting Serpents. Currently, I am working as a caretaker of a human boy named Mei Wei. Why? Because I am going to kill his father…. Aman's life was like a dream. He belonged to the Royal Family of a Clan of Shapeshifting Serpents. He had a loving family, supportive friends and riches of the world. All in all, he lived a dream like life. But one day this dream got shattered… On the night of blood moon, when he was stripped off his powers, four humans ruined him. They took what was most precious to him…. But, now he is back to get his revenge on the very people that snatched his world from him. But why does Mei Wang's son always give him a look which is filled with love? And why does his heart suddenly start feeling calm when he is close to Mei Wei? Excerpt: The cold wind was blowing with a swoosh sound. The area was dead silent despite four people being there and a fifth pair of eyes looking at them. Aman's upper human body was glistening with a little sweat, Meanwhile his lower body was turned into a fiery red snake's. The golden pattern on it shining under the moonlight. In this snake tail, he was holding a trembling human. He was trembling with fear of death. Aman brought him closer and looked at him closely. He turned back, his long red hair blowing with the wind, suddenly he laughed out loud but this laugh was not heartily but bone chilling, "I am so happy to see the fear of death in your eyes, SAGE SAETANG!" He laughed again, "I think this look of fear suits all three of you. You know, when I killed your friend Melvin he was even crying and even begging me to spare him. Unfortunately, death is inevitable. Is it not?" Aman asked Sage, as he brought him closer and rubbed his hair with his hand like a child. He was smiling but his eyes were filled with killing intent. The rub resulted in Sage's scalp becoming numb, he furiously nodded, "of course his pathetic twin brother did not fare any better. I did not get the feeling of originality, you know." Aman pouted, showing his dissatisfaction, "wailing and gaping like a fish out of water. He even offered me that he would give all of his properties to me? But what use could I have of that. This look of fear provides me with much satisfaction than any riches in the world." "And now, now the same look is in your eyes. I bet you can see death standing somewhere. But why are you not pleading? At least cry a little," Aman told Sage whose mouth was still sealed. Cold flashes in his eyes and he started tightening the coiling of his tail around Sage's body, "forget it. Do as you please. After all it's your own death. But don't blame me if Mei Wang cries louder and surpasses you when I kill him." He showed a smile that made Sage's stomach flip, "I can't wait anymore to kill-" "AMAN!!" The shout was loud enough but Aman could even feel the emotions hidden in it, shock, betrayal, disbelief and extreme hurt. His whole demeanour fell on the ground, he also changed back into a complete human. Sage also fell on the hard ground with him. Aman looked up and there he was. Standing in front of him was Mei Wei…. **** How would Mei Wei react? And will their relationship survive this? What did those four people do to destroy Aman's life? Why does he want to take revenge? Is it possible for 4 mere humans to ruin a supernatural being? Or someone entirely unexpected is the mastermind behind? Join me to witness Aman's Tale of Revenge and find out all the answers to all of your questions.... Warning:- This story contains mature scenes; explicit violence, death, rape, male pregnancy and torture. If you are not comfortable or you are underage please stay away. **Although in every mature themed chapter there is a warning and a minor friendly summary available. *the cover photo credit goes to @unlomio on twitter. Thanks @ImagineTishaD for helping me.*

themysteryboy07 · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
187 Chs

Special Chapter 2






Mei Wei was sitting in a beautiful garden. It was full of different colored flowers. The gentle breeze was blowing on his face and making him happy further. It felt like spring was at its peak.

Suddenly he heard a giggle beside him. This giggle was high-pitched and relaxing to the ears. It was the giggle of a child.

Mei Wei looked at the direction from where the sound of giggling was coming. He found a child looking at him. He felt astonished by looking at the child.

He had a pair of big round eyes which were full of innocence and curiosity. He had a headful of soft curly black hair. Same as him. But Mei Wei was most shocked at seeing the child's smile. The child's smile completely matched Aman's!

When Mei Wei looked carefully he found that the child was the perfect mix of Aman and him! Then it dawned to him. This child was their son! Their own son! 

And the next words said by the children confirmed his train of thought.

"Dada! Let's pway Gamez!!" The boy shouted cheerfully. His cute voice melted Mei Wei's heart. He nodded eagerly.

He tried to get up but he found out that he could not get up no matter how much he tried.

The child's playful laughter again erupted, "hahahaha! Look Dada not get up. Dada is fatty." The child laughed while pointing his finger at Mei Wei.

Mei Wei looked at his body and he was completely shocked to see his current state. He had become very fat. He was so fat that he could not move an inch of his body. He felt helpless that he could not even move to play with his own child.

His mood turned gloomy and he tried his best to get up.

Suddenly, his consciousness returned and he found himself lying himself in a dimly lit room. He came face to face with Aman. His face was inches away from his beautiful spouse. And he even found the reason for him not being able to move.

He was coiled around by Aman's snake tail! A large red tail was coiled around his body tightly. It was like it was securing him but not suffocating him. 

Mei Wei sighed helplessly. It was only the first month of Aman's pregnancy. But his behaviour was changing slowly.

It has slowly started to become a habit for Aman. After sleeping he would turn his lower body into a snake's and coil it around Mei Wei.

Aman also did not know the reason behind it. But he guessed that because the baby wanted to have a connection with his other father. Well, Mei Wei was glad to be connected with his baby everytime.

But now, this felt a little uncomfortable as his sleep was already disturbed. He looked at Aman who was still peacefully sleeping. His lips were parted a little and an almost inaudible whistling like breath was coming in and out. Mei Wei felt love swell in his heart. His eyes turned gentle. He brushed the back of his hand and Aman's cheek.

Aman frowned cutely and mumbled, "no brother not the small one. I want the biggest mango!" 

Mei Wei ascertained that Aman was roaming on the roads of his childhood in his dreams. Mei Wei laughed heartily at Aman's cuteness.

He took a long breath and kissed those lovely lips. He closed his eyes satisfied.

He again stepped in the world of dreams and this time he and Aman were able to play with the baby…. 

**** So hello, the second special chapter. As you know I am updating the special chapters for the time being. I am planning to update 9 chapters with the 9 months of Aman's pregnancy. 

If I get a star before the next Monday I will think that you liked this chapter and want to continue this topic for 9 chapters.

If not…. I will try to write something different.

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