
The Tale Of Kitsuna

I am a what, and where is my little friend? No, give it back right now! What, back in a lab again? What a load of bull. Finally, I'm dying... No, I got revived again. Becoming a weapon for a kingdom? Meh, they can try and control me. Medieval weapons? I like that. Give me all of them. An Angle cult? Let's destroy that. Pure Dragons? I want one for myself. First Novel Cover made by Kumokuu Discord - https://discord.gg/h5N6ZuMSTR

TheRealSkollie · Fantasy
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185 Chs

Chapter 87: Mind tricks

It's been 3 hours since Catrina's test has started, and over this time, we have decided that her weapons choice will be a great sword in her right hand and a tachi in her left. Quite a weird combo, but that's what she is good in and fits her.

At the moment, we were sitting in a circle talking to each other on the training ground that had multiple holes evident at the Earth magic that Catrina used.

"So, you guys don't mind me joining?" Catrina asked, looking at everyone nodding.

"Hmm, no, all you need to do is make sure you get a rare or exotic class. That shouldn't be too hard with the people you will be training with. However, just a warning, if you don't, then I can't help you." I explain, gesturing to Chinada and Brenda.

"I will do my best," Catrina said, brimming with confidence.

"Sister, come to the mansion! We have a problem!" I heard Amari suddenly yell from the mansion. Sighing, I stood up before heading towards the mansion.

I will come back later. There seems to be a problem that I need to take care of." I said, waving over my shoulder at them.

"See you tonight, Mom!" Apricot yelled, making me annoyed.

"Tonight?" Catrina said, confused.

"Whatever," I muttered before Flash stepping in front of Amari, who was standing on the main balcony looking over the garden.

"Told you she would hear me," Amari said, smiling at Zagan that was standing behind her.

"So why did you call?" I asked, tilting my head.

"Because Earl Everstern and his wife showed up 30 minutes ago demanding compensation and an apology," Amari explains, annoyance viably on her face.

"Did they mention something about Catrina?" I said, walking into the mansion.

"Yes, and you as well. Saying it's your fault and everything," Amari said, making me look at her confused.

"I guess it is my fault for them betraying us but wanting compensation from a marquis house. How highly do they think about themself?" I said to no one in particular. Glancing back, I asked. "Are they in the drawing-room?"

"Yes, Dad is with them at the moment. Mom left this morning for some business at the border again." Amari said, following close behind.

"Cool, let's go see for what reason do they want compensation," I said, walking towards the drawing-room.

"What do you think you're doing!" Coming close to the door, we suddenly heard a woman shout coming from the drawing-room.

"Interesting," I muttered, putting my hand on the door handle.

Opening the door, I saw a blond elf woman that looks to be around 40 standing behind the couch where an unknown man with black hair was sitting while they both were glaring at Dean, who was sitting on the opposite couch with a neutral expression.

"Aah, you finally arrived," Dean said, noticing me enter the room.

"Who the hell are you!" The elf woman shouts, stomping up to me.

"Don't shout like that in someone's face, Lady Everstern," I said, pushing her out of the way before sitting next to Dean with Amari and Zagan standing behind the couch.

"Now that my daughter is here, we can start talking like civil people," Dean said, gesturing for the woman to sit down.

"So, you're the disgraceful being that led Mary and her party to their downfall." Lady Everstern said, not hiding her disgust while sitting down next to Sir Everstern.

"Hunny, calm down." Sir Everstern said, tapping his wife's leg.

"Now, might you tell me why you guys are here. I have heard about the incident from my Daughter, but I fail to understand why you guys are here." Dean said, leaning forward resting his arms on his legs while looking at the couple seriously.

"Ahem, we are here to get an explanation for what happened on today's extermination quest Catrina joined with her party." Lady Everstern said, not letting up with her death glare.

"When she first joined the guild a year ago, we offered her to make her a party, but she said she wanted to meet new people. So, we let her do that, and she met Mary and her party. They were very nice people. We invite them over to our mansion a couple of times, and they even stayed there when they were in the capital. They became part of the family as well over the last year." Sir Everstern explains with an angry look.

'Nice people, they were only after the money. There is no way they will, after a year of being together, betray Catrina like that if they weren't only after her money.' I thought, shaking my head at the Earls' naivety.

"In the end, we are here to ask you to release those party members and apologies for the rumors of them trying to kill you." Sir Everstern said, pointing his figure at me.

"Ha-ha," Laughing a bit, I leaned forward and looked them in the eyes, making them flinch. Smirking, I pointed back at them before talking. "Rumors? Do you take me for a joke? Why would I make some dumb rumors about someone trying to kill me? People try to kill me every other day. What will I get to start a rumor about some random party I just joined? I have nothing to apologize for and for the party members."

Making snow in my hand, I put it on the table in front of us before adding. "Here, this closes thing you will get from the remains of the party."

"You! You killed them!" Sir Everstern yelled, standing up.

"Yes, of course, but don't worry, your daughter is fine. She..."

"How dare you kill Mary, you bitch." Lady Everstern shouted, fuming with rage.

Confused at her actions, I looked at Dean, who did the same with a raised eyebrow.

"What sort of combat house are they?" I asked, tilting my head.

"They are mages, but they sometimes get good assassin class children," Dean mumbled only so I could hear.

"Lady Everstern, calm down and let me finish," I said, looking back at the Earl house couple calmly.

"That won't change the fact you killed Mary."

"Why do you care so much for someone that you have only known for one year. Isn't your own daughter more important! For fuck sakes, don't you want to know what your own daughter's condition is!" I suddenly yelled, making her go pale with wide eyes.

"No, that's..."

"I don't care. You seem to care more for this outsider than your own daughter. Is this how elves act in this world?" I said, standing up looking down at her.

"Did you know that elves are family-orientated beings? I think they are just under Demon Foxes with how much they care about their own blood and race." Zagan suddenly said, ignoring the tense atmosphere.

"Huh, is that true, Zagan?" Amari asks, not feeling all our eyes on them.

"Yeah, when I heard how protective Kitsuna was about her race, I thought about doing some research about it, and that is what I found. The same can be with demons, but they are trickier as their race cares a lot about power." Zagan explains, smiling happily.

'This guy is he so oblivious.' I thought, looking at him with a raised eyebrow.

"So, you're saying that there is something wrong with this elfs' head," Dean said, looking back at Lady Everstern.

"Pffft, pretty much. Not that it matters anymore. Go figure out what's wrong with you. Worrying more about someone else more than your own child." I said, holding in my laughter. Sighing, I stood up, excusing myself.

"Wait, where is our daughter." Sir Everstern asked desperately.

"She is at the training ground with her new party, so you don't need to worry about her training from now on. I will also hide this conversation from her, so figure out where you went wrong and how you will tell her yourself," I said before leaving the room.

'Maybe I am too nice of a person sometimes.' I thought before discarding it instantly.

"Now what" I mumbled, closing the door behind me.

'I can go ask Kayda about magic again.' I thought before nodding and walking towards Kayda room.

While walking towards Kaydas' room, I let my thoughts run wild again.

'What a wild day. Joining the guild. Going on my first quest. Getting betrayed. Killing people again. Finding out I might have a major mental problem, I never notice. Why do I always have so much bad luck? That confers it I was blessed by an evil god some time in my life.'

"Where do you think you're going." I suddenly hear Mom's voice from behind.

Coming back to my senses, I realize I was standing at the front gates of the mansion.

"Honestly, I don't know. Thought I was walking towards Kaydas' room." I said, not turning around.

"Well, you're not walking towards her room but towards her. She is in the North district getting some things ready." Mom said, standing next to me, also looking at the gate.

"Towards her? How would I know... never mind? So, you told them to keep quiet about my personality problem, right," I said. Looking down at her, I saw she was still in her combat clothes and her hidden weapons were also full like she was expecting to fight someone.

"Yeah, but do understand any normal person will run away from the truth most of the time, and well, you are you, so we just assume the worse will happen. That's why we hid it from you for now." Mom explains with a stiff expression.

I have realized you guys like it when I make my author notes. So here is one.

Now last week, I didn't give one, and everyone thought I was sick. Well, you are not wrong.

But not right as well. I wasn't sick, but I had an inspiration about writing, so I have about 5 extra chapters at the moment. Sadly I am not going to go back to normal uploads yet.

I thought about it and made 3 goals for myself.

1. I will be back with a normal upload schedule end of June. so form first of July it will be normal again. (This is confirmed. Only if something major happens in my life will this not happen.)

2. I want to have at least 15 extra chapters then.

3. If I have more than 30 extra chapters schedule will change to daily.

Yes, I know I want to have way too many extra chapters, but I can't write every day for the moment. So, this is the best I can do, and I will work my hardest to get that 30 chapters.

I am sure some of you will also think I want to go premium. Well, that's true. I want to go premium. But that will be explained in the next chapter's author note.

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