
The Tale Of Kitsuna

I am a what, and where is my little friend? No, give it back right now! What, back in a lab again? What a load of bull. Finally, I'm dying... No, I got revived again. Becoming a weapon for a kingdom? Meh, they can try and control me. Medieval weapons? I like that. Give me all of them. An Angle cult? Let's destroy that. Pure Dragons? I want one for myself. First Novel Cover made by Kumokuu Discord - https://discord.gg/h5N6ZuMSTR

TheRealSkollie · Fantasy
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185 Chs

Chapter 65: A Loli has appeared

"Hay, Kayda why did you..."

"You know what? Why don't we play tag." Kayda suddenly said, interrupting me.

"Huh?" I said, looking confused at her.

"Tag, You're it," Kayda said, running away on top speed.

"What just happened? I just wanted to ask her something," I said, walking after her sent.

"Sigh, even if she received her wings because she found her soul mate. I don't think she would even tell me. It can't be me because my soul isn't from this world. Whatever, It doesn't matter. There won't be any time for that for a while, anyway. However, I won't mind having her as my wife..." I said, talking to myself with hand gestures getting some weird looks from people around me.

"Mom, that crazy person is talking to herself!?" A boy shouted all of a sudden, bring me out of my thoughts. 

Feeling he was talking about me, I looked at him only to see him point at me. Narrowing my eyes at him, I nodded and flashed a step away, instantly regretting my decision.

"Aah fuck. How am I supposed to get Kayda now?" I said, facepalming, realizing I flash step away from Kaydas scent. "Whatever, the sent did go into a more southerly direction, so that is a start."

(Outer South District)

(3rd POV)

"We don't serve demons like you, here!?" A young man said while through a small figure out of the building from the second floor.

Landing on its feet on the ground, the figure covered itself with a coat, trying to hide its features as fast as possible, but alas, it landed right next to a table of three people drinking.

"Beggars should just die!?" A man shouted while throwing a beer jug at a small figure.

"Those marks. Fuck off, you demon!?" Another man shouted, seeing red markings on the small figure's arms.

"What is a damn demon doing here." A woman said with disdain joining the men.

Covering itself properly, the demon started to hear even more people around it talking.

"The Church should just eradicate your kind."

"Don't say something like that. What if the Marquess Anabalds dogs hear you."

"Like the church would let them do anything to us."

Looking down, even more, the figure run at its full speed, not caring where or how it just wanted to get away from these people.


"Oh, look, the demon ran into someone."

"And a Dragonoid nun the less." A man added.

"Shut up, don't get its attention. We might get killed as well because of you." The woman said, look at the newly arrived figure. 

"Shit, this might be one hell of a show for us." The man said, ignoring the warning of the woman.

"Yeah, I wonder if it is going to torture the demon or just kill it." A man said, smirking.

"Who wants to bet on kill or torture." A man shouted, holding a bucket.

"20 silver on kill!?"

"50 coppers on torture!?"


"Shut up, Bob!?"

While the betting was going on, no only realize that the Dragonoid and Demon in question were looking at each other in the eyes.

"Man, people can really talk these days. Don't they, little girl." The Dragonoid said, smiling kindly at the demon.


"Kayda!? Kayda, where the fuck are you!?" A female voice resounded from a rooftop not far from them.

"Ah, shit, she found me." The Dragonoid, now named Kayda, said, looking around anxiously.

"There you are, Kayda." A fox woman said, appearing next to Kayda.

(Kitsuna POV)

"Haha, I guess I am it now," Kayda said before I flicked her forehead. "Ow, why did you do that."

"Because you interrupted me."


"Just kill the dam demon already!?" A man suddenly shouted, interrupting Kayda.

"Shut the fuck up!?" I shouted back with killing intent. Clicking my tongue, I looked around everyone who was now lying on the ground except one small figure who was standing in front of Kayda and me looking up at us with her red eyes.



                Name: Nekro

                Age: 13

                Race: Rabbit Demon

                Bloodline: Rabbit Devil

                Gender: Female

                Level 23

                Class: Unknown

'Huh? A rabbit demon never heard of that.' I thought, crouching down. I pulled back her hood, revealing in black rabbit ears.

'Black hair that looks like it's sucking in the light. Now, that's cool, and she is so small for a 13-year-old. Not even reaching 1 meter. The only problem is she has a devil bloodline.' I thought, checking her out also releasing my killing intent, making her fall to the ground out of breath.

"Sorry about that. I was a bit agitated about something," I said, giving a glance at Kayda.

"Your strong, right?" Nekro said, looking up with hope.

"For my age, I am yes," I said, nodding.

"Will you train me? I don't care what I need to do, but please train me to control my power," Nekro said, being in front of me.

"I was planning to take you in any way," I said, shrugging. I mean, I can't just leave a devil bloodline out in the open.

"You were!?" Kayda and Nekro exclaim in surprise.

"Yeah, I mean, she is the perfect size to be a Loli backpack, and she is cute as well."

"Loli Backpack?"

"Oh, it was a famous thing to have in my past life. wherein shows a powerful warrior has a loli, a small child, on his or her back while they were walking around or fighting people."

"You want me/her to be on your back while you are fighting or walking around. how has that anything to do with training." Both said at the same time again.

"I will train you as well, of course," I said.

"You think you can go and train a demon without the church interfering." A man said, walking up to us.

"Demon? how do you guys." I said, confused as to how they knew.

"Thay saw my marking on my arm," Nekro said, looking down.

"Oh, you also have tattoos?" I said, revealing my arms shocking everyone.

"Another damn demon." The man said with venom.

"It seems the church is weak. Leaving 2 demons alive in the outer circle, useless." A woman mumbled not far from us.

"You dumbass, these are curses. It doesn't mean you're a demon. but in our case, we both are demons, haha." I said with a laugh at the end.

"Curse or Demon, we don't want your kind here." the man said, waving us off.

"Haha, don't worry, we will be going, and do me a favor. Go tell your little cult about me, and Nekro here it will make my future so much easier," I said, picking Nekro up and holding her like a plushy in my arms.

"CULT!? Blasphemy!? You will regret saying that to our honorable church!?" He shouted but nothing in the end.

"Haha, let's go, Kayda," I said, walking away with a confused Nekro in my arms and Kayda behind me.

"Hmm, ma'am, are you sure it is wise to insult the church like that," Nekro asks worriedly.

"I am the same age as you, so no ma'am, call me Kitsuna. It's fine. It will help in the long run. "

"We are the same age, and what do you mean by help? Nekro said, confused and surprised.

"Don't worry about it. We will talk about it after we go back to the mansion." I said only to hear a sudden growl coming from Nekro. Looking down at Nekro, I saw her face flushed. "I guess we need some food first."

"Yes, please," Nekro mumbled.

Getting to a restaurant, we got Nekro some food and was busy sitting around a table looking at her eating.

"So, are you going to tell me why you actually want to keep her?" Kayda ask.

"It's because she seemed interesting, so I want her to join my squad."

"You want her a... she is the same age as your, right?" Kayda asks, making me nod. seeing me nod, she started o talk again. "You want her, a 13-year-old, to join your squad full of crazy heads."

"Yeah, I need a partner for Apricot anyways."

"And you want to give her a child."

"Yeah, for some reason, I think these two would fit each other."

"In what way do you mean fit each other? romantic or fighting partners?"

"I don't know how Nekro fights, so which one do you think I mean," I said, looking at her like she was dumb.

"What? Are you sure she isn't interested in someone else?" Kayda said aggressively.

"Yeah, I am 100% certain she isn't into someone at the moment."

"Why do you actually care for her so much. she is an ex-federation soldier who is just playing on your good intention."

"Because she has suffered, Kayda. I have seen the things she has gone through, and hers might be even worse than what I saw. So don't go and hate her because we are close to each other." I said, narrowing my eyes at Kayda.

'Is she jealous?' I thought

"anyways, the main point is that her bloodline is interesting. I have never heard of it before."  I said, looking back at the eating Nekro.

"What is it," Kayda asks hesitantly.

"Rabbit devil."

"Devil," Kayda said, surprised with wide eyes. Looking at Nekro, her eyes narrowed.

"If you are thinking about doing something with her. I will do everything in my power and use any SKILL I have to run away from you," I said, emphasizing the word skill.

"I wasn't planning to. I know you have most things under control."

"Most things? I like to think I have everything under control." I said with confidence.

"What about that time you stabbed Brenda and had Sirone on you. Did you have that under control?" Kayda said, grinning at me.

"I thought we would never talk about that."

"Help, Help Kayda Sirone is trying to kill me. I remember you shouting while running at me with an angry Sirone behind you."

"Tsk, you cant talk. you have no idea how much her arrows hurt."

"Like, I care. It was so funny. Seeing you running like that from a person who is ahead smaller than you," Kayda said, smiling at the memory.

"If you guys are done arguing. I am done eating. We can go now." Nekro suddenly said, making me look at her, surprised a how much she ate.

Hahaha, I thought about making Kitsuna figure it out, but it's too early for that. They only know each other for a week, but now you guys know her thoughts about the soul mate process.

Also, hehe, a loli backpack. HAHAHAHA I bet when I completely describe Nekro in the next chapter, this combo might even be better than Zaraki and Yachiro.

What am I kidding? They are unbeatable. HAAAAAH

I was drunk when I thought about it. If it's not funny, you need to drink some to make it funny.

Oh, one more thing.

Yes, Nekro is also cursed, but hers is way cooler than Kitsunas curses. Not really Kitsuna is bae. But her powers are cool.

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