
The Tale of Kenichi Sarutobi

WARNING --> This is a Fanfic. I don't own anything!! All characters except MC, OC and the World belong to their original owners. The cover pic also doesn't belong to me. I downloaded it from Pinterest. If you are the owner and want me to remove the cover Pic, please comment on any chapter of my novel ======================================= SYPNOSIS --> The Tale of Kenichi Sarutobi is a story of a boy named Kenichi Sarutobi who reincarnated in an au Ninja World with 4 boons. Follow along as he uses all his talents to grow stronger while enjoying time with his friends and learning more about the ninja universe. ======================================= SOME IMPORTANT POINTS --> 1. English is not my first language so if you cannot overlook some mistakes then this fanfic is not for you. 2. This is a Wish-Fulfillment story. If you don't like anything in this fanfic then please drop it, instead of spreading hate. 4. There will be no harem. 6. MC will be overpowered but with training. 8. No Rape, No NTR, No Yuri, No Yaoi. So if you are into these things. Please drop this novel. 9. Some characters' personality will be different from the Canon or original story. 10. MC will sometimes not follow the plot and will cause changes in the story. =======================================

Lazynobody75 · Anime & Comics
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Training Begins (Part II) - Basic Genjutsu, Basic Fuinjutsu, Nitojutsu, Taijutsu Techniques and Ninjutsu

"" = Talking

'' = Thinking

[] = Status Screen Viewing

<> = Specifying Location or Time or Both


<2nd Year>

Kenichi kept his everyday schedule the same as the previous one year timeframe. He woke up early at 6:00 am and from 6:00 am to 12:00 pm, Kenichi would learn as much Knowledge and theory as he could. This is mostly thanks to the Yonggan's information processing boost.

Both Hina and Isamu Sarutobi no longer keep an eye on Kenichi, Naruto, Mito and sometimes Sasuke's daily training. Now they only come when asked to teach something. When Kenichi asked their reasoning for the lack of supervision they replied:

"You did not know how to train properly so we supervised your training. Now you know."

This second year time frame was also a very successful training year. Kenichi is now stronger then a Genin. He should be a low to mid Chunin level by now. The only thing Kenichi lacks is experience.

In this one year time frame, Kenichi learned and mastered many techniques, courtesy to the Yonggan which helped in understanding the mechanics of these techniques faster. Firstly, Kenichi, Naruto and Mito mastered two more Chakra control exercises, namely Tree Climbing Practice and Water Surface Walking Practice.

[Tree Climbing Practice (Level Max)]


Tree Climbing Practice is a training method used to gain more skills with chakra control. This training involves focusing a fixed amount of chakra to the bottom of one's feet, and using that to climb a tree without using one's hands. If the stream of chakra is too weak, the user will lose their footing on the tree and fall off. If it is too strong, the user will be pushed away from the tree, causing the tree to break around the point of contact and the user will fall.]

[Water Surface Walking Practice (Level Max)]


This training method is used to gain better chakra control. To do this, the user has to be emitting a constant stream of chakra from the bottom of their feet and using the repellent force to walk across the water's surface. This technique is more difficult to master than the Tree Climbing Practice, because the amount of chakra that needs to be emitted changes constantly.]

One thing Kenichi learned about this exercise that he did not know before is that the concept of this exercise is similar to magnetics, which Kenichi found interesting. One more thing Kenichi found out is that the Water Surface Walking Practice allows its users to walk on sticky surfaces without being affected, and its doesn't have to be just the feet. A user under water can focus chakra on their hands or any other body part that makes contact with the water's surface. If they were submerged, they can climb atop the water as if they were climbing out of a pool.

Kenichi made sure to master these techniques to the point where they became second nature to him. These techniques not only help in Chakra control but also for greater maneuverability during combat.

Next, Kenichi also learned Genjutsu, which was a little difficult to understand. A Genjutsu is created when a ninja controls the chakra flow of a target's cerebral nervous system, thereby affecting their five senses; this is frequently used to create false images and/or trick the body into believing its has experienced physical pain.

However, because Genjutsu affects activity throughout the prosencephalon structure of the brain, humans, dogs and other species of mammal are therefore all affected by Genjutsu; however all insects lack such a structure to their brains, and so do not even notice it.

Kenichi has only learned one Genjutsu technique and thus mastered it. The Genjutsu alone isn't difficult to overcome but when used alongside the Yonggan, it can be very strong.

[Demonic Illusion: Hell Viewing Technique (Level Max)]


This technique subjects targets to visions of their greatest fear, regardless of whether or not they're aware that they're afraid of it. This "fear" can be something that the target is actually scared of or merely the one image that they least want to see.]

A victim's chakra flow, if disrupted enough, can break the caster's influence. This Genjutsu Dissipation or Genjutsu Reversal can be done by the victim themselves, (assuming they realize they're under a Genjutsu's influence) or an ally who emits chakra into them.

Just like in the anime, Naruto was unable to practice Genjutsu. Hina on the other hand could but with great difficulty and thus she gave up on Genjutsu.

In order to start learning Fuinjutsu seals, Kenichi first had to perfect his calligraphy, which was a tedious task. Kenichi learned a simple String Light Formation which wasn't difficult to master. It was a simple technique which can be strengthened when more people use it together.

[String Light Formation (Level Max)]


This barrier is designed to prevent anyone from leaving its confines. Once within a certain range of the target, the user erects the barrier underfoot, rendering anyone within the seal formula incapable of escaping.]

Kenichi who had his previous life's memories did not know how seals work. After learning the basics of Fuinjutsu, Kenichi could finally have a better understanding of its mechanics. Fuinjutsu is basically a combination of language and intent.

When the Kanji "Release" is written on a tag, it leaves a chakra in the Kanji with the 'intent' of Release thus the Release tag is used to release a barrier. However these are just the basics.

In order for the release tag to work, three conditions must be met. First the release 'intent' must be present in the Chakra left in the Kanji. Second, the Chakra must be enough and release intent must be strong. And lastly, The language used for the seal must be the same as the language used for the release tag.

The third condition is overlooked, or rather not known. Kenichi tried using English from his previous life and used the release tag with Kanji and it did not work.

Also the goal of all Fuinjutsu users is to condense their seals as much as possible. The language portion of the seals is similar to hand seals. A jutsu that uses 36 hand seals can be condensed into 6 hand seals with enough knowledge and mastery in hand seals.

Similarly instead of writing "Release the barrier" on the tag, only "Release" is written. This not only shortens the chakra needed but also makes the tag faster. This is necessary when using bigger and stronger seals that may use multiple seals one above the other.

When it came to his Kenjutsu, Kenichi had learned the basic standard cut, slash ,stab etc. with ease. His father then informed him of a few sub-sections of Kenjutsu (that Kenichi never knew existed), asking Kenichi if he wanted to learn a particular one.

Kenichi after thinking long and hard decided on choosing the same one his father had learned which turned out to be Nito Ichi.

Nitojutsu is a form of Kenjutsu that teaches practitioners how to use two swords. With most forms of Kenjutsu, practitioners train using a single sword. The swords are a long and a short sword, a combination known as a Daisho.

Among Nitojutsu is Niten Ichi-ryu, which can be loosely translated as "the school of the strategy of two heavens as one", transmitting a style of swordsmanship conceived by a warrior Miyamoto Musashi, during the Warring-States Period. Niten Ichi-ryu is mainly known for the two-sword, katana and wakizashi, Kenjutsu techniques Musashi called Niten Ichi or Nito Ichi.

A Katana is a Japanese sword characterized by a curved, single-edged blade with a circular or squared guard and long grip to accommodate two hands. Its length is approximately 60–80 cm. The Wakizashi is a short Katana with a length of approximately 30–60 cm.

After making the decision, Kenichi's father gave him a practice katana and a wakizashi made of wood. Out of curiosity Kenichi, asked his father where he learned Niten Ichi-ryu from.

Apparently, Kenichi's great grandfather, Sasuke Sarutobi, was a member of the Sanada Ten Braves, a group of ninja that served under samurai Yukimura Sanada during Japan's Warring States period. He gained a detailed book about Niten Ichi-ryu from Yukimura Sanada as a gift for his accomplishments.

Sasuke Sarutobi kept the book for his future children and clan members, but never trained in it since he was a pure Katana user.

Aside from Nitojutsu, Kenichi continued to train his body, Taijutsu techniques, Meditation and two Ninjutsu.

[Meditation (Level 31) {38%}]

[Temporary Paralysis Technique (Level 15) {24%}]


Using this technique causes a target or targets to be physically immobilized, as though they've been tied down with invisible steel ropes. Because it's a relatively simple technique, even Genin should be able to perform it. However, the strength of the binding varies significantly from one skill level to the next.]

[Shadow Shuriken Technique (Level Max)]


The user places two shuriken together and throws them both at a target simultaneously; the larger the shuriken that are thrown, the greater the necessary skill. The goal is for targets to focus their attention on whichever of the two shuriken is on top, not noticing the second shuriken travelling below it.]

[Manipulated Shuriken Technique (Level 13) {71%}]


With this technique a translucent string, both elastic and highly durable, is attached to a shuriken, making it possible to alter its path after having thrown it. An expert will have the ability to freely glide the shuriken in any direction with just a single movement of their fingertip.]

[Leaf Gale (Level Max)]


The user delivers a spinning low kick from behind, throwing the target off balance. Because of the kick's speed and how it's delivered, targets are unlikely to be able to defend against it.]

[Leaf Whirlwind (Level Max)]


The user delivers a series of high and low kicks, each of which is fast enough that even the Sharingan can't react to them.]

[Dynamic Entry (Level Max)]


This is a flying kick directed at an opponent, typically their face. The kick serves two simultaneous purposes: as a surprise attack, for which reason the user may first throw a kunai to distract targets from the approaching kick, as an act of self-sacrifice, with the user's exaggerated stance, confident expression, and the sheer inconceivableness of the attack combining to intimidate the opponent, in the process enhancing the kick's offensive potential. Because the kick's effectiveness very much relies on appearance, any faltering of resolve will weaken it.]

[Body Flicker Technique (Level 17) {22%}]


The Body Flicker Technique is a high-speed movement technique. By using the Body Flicker Technique, a ninja can move short to long distances at an almost untraceable speed. To an observer, it appears as if the user has teleported. It is accomplished by using chakra to temporarily vitalize the body and move at extreme speeds. The amount of chakra required depends on the overall distance and elevation between the user and the intended destination.]

[Earth Release: Double Suicide Decapitation Technique (Level 11) {83%}]


While lurking underground, the user grabs a target and drags them into the earth, leaving only their head above the surface. Because victims are rendered unable to move in this state, they are easily subjected to torture or decapitation.]

By the end of this 2nd year time frame, Kenichi's stats have also increased considerably.

[Name: Kenichi Sarutobi]

[Age: 6 years old]

[Natural Lifespan: 100 years]

[Base Strength (without Chakra usage): 1.7]

[Base Durability (without Chakra usage): 1.8]

[Base Stamina (without Chakra usage): 2.0]

[Base Speed (without Chakra usage): 2.2]

[Chakra Capacity: Chunin]

[Kekkei Genkai: Swift Release{0% proficiency} and Yonggan (Dragon Eyes)(First Stage){25% proficiency}]

[Nature Affinity: Lightning(high), Wind(high), Fire(mid), Yin(high)]

[Nature Transformation: None]

And thus started the year when he will enter the ninja academy. Kenichi has already decided to wait until his skills and parameters are near Jonin Level, after which he will graduate the academy early. This is so he could gain experience through missions.

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