
Chapter 1: Intro: Izumi Takesu

Chapter 1: Intro: Izumi Takesu

"My child of the stars and galaxies welcome to the world I am so glad you were born the way you were born your eyes reflect that of the Galaxy itself." Said the god of the Moon. He cried. He was a baby and when he looked up whoever was talking to him was brighter than a quasar. and then he woke up slobbering in class and the drool went all the way to his stomach. Everyone was looking at him with a drool on his face laughing at him he knew because he woke up and it was partially deafened due to him. "Mr.Takesu could you please tell me how long the Edo period was around please?" They all started looking at him, giggled and smirked at him. "268 years." said a tired Izumi and then he fell asleep again. "Wake up my child you need to return to me I am your mother or father I need you to be put to the test and see if you are worthy of returning." He woke up again, but it wasn't a beautiful awakening, he shot up and fell back out of his seat. "Damnit." He picked up his chair and then sat down and then he was awake, but it was too late class was over. Izumi stood up to the morning light it hit his pupil and he sees a figure on top of the sun, but he thinks he's simply dreaming. He went to the bathroom, and many people were waiting there, all unimportant to him. Izumi went to go see the urinal and then when he did, they said, "You are that guy who sleeps all the time why do you sleep so much?" and then he looked at them and said "I feel weak during the daytime, and I can't figure it out. But when it is night, I am so strong, and I can even bend metal like clay but during the day it's impossible." He washed his hands and then he left the restroom and went to his next class. "Hey Izumi, what's up man?" His Friend who happened to be a tall muscular figure he was around 5'11 and he has black hair, and he wears a basic school uniform, and he was Suyoi Katachi and he was track star and he ran the world record for the 800m (about 2624.67 ft) dash, but other than that he was faster than anyone in the world he's peak human physique some people call him supernatural "Hey Suyoi what's up? You need something?" Izumi said that with a tired expression, and Suyoi thought for a second then nodded his head and said, "You need to hit the gym your build is nice so I need you to become the best you can be. Yknow? and I know you can do it and all that sleep is boring." (Izumi was 5'9 with black hair his eyes had a galaxy in them his eyes had life in them, and his top and bottom lips were weirdly colored and one of his ears had a lobe and the other one was connected but it looked good, and he had a pretty face he wasn't ugly.) Izumi looked at him and realized he was right so he said, "Okay I can do it, but I got to figure out why I'm so weak." They did their secret handshake which consisted of a high five then they did a charade of a sword slicing through suyoi and him falling to the ground. They laughed then they parted ways and they both went to class. "My child, you are weak during the day for I have no dominion. Go talk to Amaterasu." Tsukiyomi said as he focused on his mind, and he said, "Hello Ms. Amaterasu." He was some sort of spirit, he could see his body, but it was clear. and he said, "I came here so I could also be strong during the Day so I can be a functioning person." and then he saw a tall woman then she turned around and they were on a bridge and "You are Tsukiyomi's child begone from my presence you foul beast!" Izumi was confused "What? Me I am but just because of your past mistakes has nothing to do with me could you please stop being so spiteful and lift this shit off me so I can be normal!" Amaterasu looked at him and got in his face her aura was like the heat of the sun and Izumi was looking at the sun. "You are a resilient child I'll lift it off of you and give you some power of my own, but it will hurt the first couple of times." She tapped in between his eyes, and he was transported back to his class. It was dawn, the orange sun setting on the horizon, and as that happened, he walked down the stairs and left out the front door of the building. He saw the figure again and waved at the sun and left out the black steel front gate.