
Chapter 35: A Mage's duties

When Rhys Faughn finally awoke, disoriented, he found himself once again inside the cave where the civilians of Ynys Stone Sky resided. The tunnel he had slept in was chillingly dark, prompting him to quickly rise and exit towards the cave’s mouth, where the afflicted residents with their scaly skin watched him. As Rhys stepped outside, he was greeted by the forest’s serene embrace and the cool morning breeze, signalling the early hours of the day.

“you’re awake at last,” a civilian remarked.

Rhys turned to see a young man with half his face petrified, making his speech slightly unclear.

“How did I return here?” Rhys inquired of the young man.

“Your companion brought you back, defending us against the other Mages,” the civilian informed Rhys.

“We were attacked?” Rhys sought confirmation.

“Yes, but your companion managed to repel them. One of them is waiting for you inside the cave,” the young man revealed.