
The Tale of Five Immortal Heroes

There are five heroes in this story. They all meet each other under different circumstances. The specialty of theses heroes is that they are all immortals. They travel along the world to seek an answer for their immortality. Along their way they face many monsters. In the end they face an enemy who is capable of destroying the world. This is a fanfiction on the story plot in a video game called Glory of Heracles.

ABHIJITH_J_B · Video Games
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13 Chs

The Truth

Hercules and Leucus where on their way to Olympus. They reached near a river. It was a fine morning. Decided to take some rest. Drank some water from the river. Sat by the bank of the river. Admired the beauty of the river. Some group of people came there for fishing. They noticed both Hercules and Leucos.

Fisherman 1 " Excuse me, are you two soldiers?"

Leucos " No, we are just Adventurers, passing by."

Fisherman 2 " Adventurers, good heavens we are saved."

Leucos and Hercules made confused look.

Fisherman 1 " Can we ask you some help?"

Hercules " Yes, sure."

Fisherman 1 " Can you kill those monsters. They are supposed to around here. They pop out of water and even killed some of our men. Because of these monsters we are not able to do fishing properly. "

Leucos " Doesn't sounds like a bad idea. What you say Adonis?"

Hercules " It's okay. But only for this day. "

Fisherman " That's totally fine, sir. "

Leucos " Okay, We will help. "

Hercules " How do these monsters look like?"

Fisherman 2 " They look like big crabs."

Leucos " Okay, let's see what we can do?"

  Then they introduced themselves. Hercules hide his identity and call himself as Adonis. After one hour, a big crab like monster showed up from the river. They fought together and defeated it. Then some more monsters showed up. They put them all in a tight spot. The fishermen pulled back. Hercules and Leucos didn't gave up. They fought back very carefully and took them down one by one.

Fisherman 1" That was a close call. "

Fisherman 2 " Thanks to them, we are safe now."

Leucos " Finally we are able to defeat them all. "

Hercules " For the first time we encountered these many monsters and tough too."

Fisherman 1 " You too are really strong. Thank you very much for killing them. "

Leucos " Oh, you are welcome. "

Fisherman 2 " As a token of thanks, let us serve you with some lunch."

Hercules and Leucos were already hungry, so accepted the invitation. They cooked some fried fish for both of them. The fried fish was delicious. The fishermen said their thanks and all. They said their goodbyes and all, they continued their journey along the bank of the river. After reaching some distance, they heard some one fighting. 

They checked it put. They saw a man with green, long hair fighting back against some soldiers. They wondered why they are fight. They thought that he might me some thief or something. The way he fight the soldiers fascinate them. He was a sword user. 

Hercules " Should we intervein."

Leucos "I suppose not, we don't even know, for what are they fighting over."

Hercules " May be he is a thief or something."

Leucos " Not sure though."

Hercules " Look at him go. Dawn, he is fast."

Leucos just silently watching.

Finally he defeated them and ran towards them. He is going to escape. 

Soldier 1 called out to them " Hey you two, stop him. " 

 Hercules and Leucos stand on his way. 

???? "Move out of my way you two?"

Hercules " Seems like you are running away."

Leucos " Sorry, but that soldier just asked us to stop you. "

????? " Do you know, who I am? I am an immortal, you morons."

Hercules and Leucos were surprised. They looked at each other. 

Leucos with a smile pulling out his knifes " Immortal you say, then we should definitely stop you."

Hercules pulled out his sword. He thought that they were going to fight him. But he was wrong. They started fighting the soldiers who came at them. He was shocked and confused. He was shocked by Hercules' strength and Leucos's combat skills. He thought that leucos was a girl. He got impressed by his performance. It was like love at first site. But he priorities his own escape. 

Then he used a a special item. He threw that item in the ground. A lot of black smoke arises, that blinds everyone's eyes. In that confusion he escaped. Hercules and Leucos also took this opportunity to escape. They didn't know his name. They were shocked to find that there was another immortal guy . After that the soldiers were confused as they lost them. They didn't know why he was been chased. 

Then they resumed their journey. They hoped that they will meet again. Upon walking for a while, they found a huge temple. The sculptures are very finely made and maintained. There are so many flower gardens all over the place. So many birds were singing in the trees. Butterflies and bees, all flying around that place. 

They were greeted by some priests. They are the ones who look after the temple. They welcomed them to the Temple of Poseidon. They showed them around the temple. It has got high ceiling, large columns, many sculptures of Gods, mermaids and mermen. They were all well maintained. Finally they reached in front of the statue of God Poseidon. The priest explained the importance of prayer. If he hear your prayer, and if they are satisfied with your prayer, they will grand their blessing. 

They took their turns to pray in front of the statue of God Poseidon. Light emerged from the the heavens, came down and fall upon them. Hercules is blessed with strength while Leucos is blessed with combat skill. Both of them were surprised. The priests congratulated them for getting the blessings of the God. 

 They asked the priests about the existence about immortal humans. The priests explained that these immortal humans are treated like Gods or heroes. They are born to save the people from these monsters. They are the chosen ones for fighting the monsters. Hercules and Leucos were shocked to learn about their destiny.

They chose not to reveal that they are immortals. Instead they asked them about, how to become good adventurers. They advised them to go to Olympus as they strongly believe that they could get the blessing of all the Gods. Once they got the blessings they can work hard by defeating monsters. Then they said their goodbyes to all of the priests and resumed his journey to Olympus. 

On their way, 

Leucos " So they say that we are the chosen ones. Seems like it fits you well, Hercules."

Hercules silently nodded with a serous look on his face. 

Hercules " So what do you want to do, now? Should we becomes the heroes or just stay as we are?"

Leucos " Actually, I am confused. Never thought of becoming a hero. For now lets just go to Olympus, perhaps we can get some more information. "

Hercules " Then what about the other guy we just met in the afternoon. "

Leucos " I think we should let him have his way of life. Searching for him will be a waste of time."

Hercules nodded.