
The Holder of the Truth

"So, what do we do now?", Jeffrey asked as we walked through the village.

"I think we need to think this through a little bit more. The leader of the village just gave us a great deal of information to discover what happened with this village", I said and then closed my eyes, entering in a thoughtful state although my ears were still open for listening to their opinion on that.

"Well... We know that they all must have died before they supposedly went to sleep and after they walked around the mountain for the seventh time... Otherwise, this mountain wouldn't be the same", Jeffrey said.

"True... And we know that nothing unusual happened in this period. Given the actual information we got, the only thing that we know that happened was the meal, but it's not unusual...", I said and then the fox jumped on my shoulder, as it had a hunch of what could possibly have happened.

"What's it Beech, did you think of something?", I asked it and it nodded. Then it pretended to be eating something and pointed to what should be the food.

"The problem is with the food, is that what you think? But what could possibly be the problem wi-".

"Well, there's one possible thing that could have happened...", I interrupted Jeffrey before he finished. "If the food was poisoned, then everyone who ate it would die... It's an efficient way to kill them all quickly, and, perhaps, they wouldn't even realize they were poisoned if it's lethal but silent"

"I see... If that's the case, they can't even imagine that something unusual actually happened... Which would explain why most of them don't know that"

"Exactly... We should investigate the person who prepared the food, he or she must have some clues about it, or maybe even be the culprit all along. We should hurry up and find this person"

"Excuse me, miss Dagger", a voice interrupted us right before we could proceed with our investigation. Behind me, a woman was standing with a very slight smile on her face. Even though we didn't meet properly, I remembered who she was.

"Oh... You're... Miss Emma, right? I am very grateful for the tea you served me, it was really good", I thanked her, at the same time I tried to think why would she possibly be searching for me.

"Oh, about that...", she said while giggling a little, shyly. "It was nothing, really. Just the best for the visitors. Well, you forgot this at the leader's house".

"Hey... Dagger... Can't you ask her about the person or people who prepare the meals of the village?", Jeffrey whispered to me. It was a good idea, but at the same time, I looked what Emma gave me... It was... A sort of letter, with something inside.

"Uh... Thank you... But I don't think this is mine", I answered her. And she gave me a strange, suspicious... Perhaps even a threatening glare.

"Oh, believe me, it's yours, miss Dagger", she said. It felt a little forced, but I accepted the letter then, and she walked away from there.

"Ah wait. Do you happen to know the person or people who prepare the meals of this village?", I asked before she left us here and she looked back at me.

"I don't have that info, I am sorry, Dagger. Now, if you excuse me, as the second most important person in this village, I have many duties to attend to", she said and walked away. For a minute, I thought about what she said... Didn't she just contradict herself? As the second most important person in this village, it's likely that she would know who are the people that prepare the meals... Before I could say anything to her, however, she was long gone from there.

"So, she says she doesn't know who are those people", I said to Jeffrey and Beech.

"Well, what was that just now, anyway? Even if we don't see or hear her, she seemed to have behaved way too suspiciously... What did she give you?", Jeffrey asked and, curiously, I opened the letter, and inside there was a black dagger decorated with a beautiful emerald on the handle. It looked sharp and fancy, strong, and quick... That was a very high-quality dagger. Accompanied by it, there was a letter.

"The truth you seek... If you want to find it, come to the Air temple when the sun comes to the sky".

"Sounds like a trap...", Jeffrey opined, and I honestly thought so too... She behaved suspiciously and now this letter...

"But we have no better lead...", I argued back to them and just sighed, betting on this only option we have.

And so... We were at the Air temple when the night came to our world and the sun governed the sky of the ghost world. It seemed like we were there just at the right time, Emma was waiting, standing where the goddess was currently standing as well, at the same place... It was... Very, very strange, to see two entities at the very same spot at the same time.

"Well, Dagger... Have you found the truth? I don't feel like the souls have been granted the desire of resting in peace yet...", the goddess said and I shook my head in denial and gestured for the goddess to stay in silence, I didn't want Emma to know that Air was there.

"Well... So you truly came, miss Dagger. Did you brought the weapon whose name is the same as yours?", she asked. I nodded and handed her the sharp beautiful dagger. She smiled a little and traced her fingers across the blade. It seemed dangerous.

"You promised me the truth...", I said. Air, a little bit confused, moved aside and watched me... At least it was less confusing with them not occupying the same place.

"Yes, I did... But I will only talk if you promise to not tell them..."

"I can't promise that, miss Emma. You hold the truth, if it's not released, the people will not be able to rest in peace..."

"I don't really care about that, to be honest, Dagger. But truth to be told, I might be the only one in this village who knows that everyone is dead... And you're alive, right, Dagger?"

"Yes, I am alive... And trying to help you"

"As I guessed. Well... I promised you the truth, but the truth is that I cannot tell you that... And I will very certainly try to make you don't get closer to discovering it either"

"Are you... You wouldn't dare to kill me, this would only bring me to your world, but I can still find the truth", I tried to argue with her but she smiled.

"Yes, I would dare... Because if you're here permanently, I will also have better control of what are you doing! Well, give your farewells, you are coming to my world!", she said and charged against me. Quickly, I took the necklace off, waited a few seconds, and then put it back just in time to see that Emma was behind me... I had the advantage here, she couldn't hit me as long as I am not in her world.

"You're clever... I give you credit for that, but I will kill you eventually!", she said and charged against me again.

"You're clever too... So just tell me the truth, Emma!", I said and moved to the side, dodging while raising my sword.

"Hehe... You can't kill me, I am already dead, Dagger! And you can't force me to say something I don't want to say!", she said and charged against me again, doing a series of attacks. I dodged the first attacks, but the last hit me on the side of the stomach.

"Dagger! You might not be able to see her without it, but if you put the necklace on her...", the goddess shouted to me and I understood what was her plan almost immediately.

"I will try", I answered the goddess.

And then my and Emma's weapons clashed... She was at a very serious disadvantage considering I am using a long weapon and she's using a short weapon, but she had a reserved dagger that she used to attack me while keeping my sword busy with the other dagger. Luckily, I raised my leg and kicked her hand, sending one of her daggers away. Frustrated, she ran to the dagger and I ran after her, getting my necklace off and putting it on where she probably was after disappearing from my sight

That was it... She was stunned, looking at the goddess... And at Jeffrey and Beech. She tried to take the necklace off before anything could happen to her, but Air controlled the air around her and managed to keep the necklace in place... It was time for her to give up and give us the truth...