
The Tale Of Crimson King

This will be my first novel that I had ever written so there can be some mistakes in my grammar so, you can ignore them or inform me so I could improve on those points. This story began from the summoning of our MC from Abyss by the Demon King to fight against the Hero. The MC that is summoned by the Demon King is someone who knows the Hero and is very familiar with one of the members of his party. But the Hero and his party were summoned from a modern world and MC is summoned from the Abyss which said to be even more worst place than a Hell. Just what happened to MC? Why was he in the Abyss? And will he help the Demon King or will he join the Hero and his party? Find it out all in this novel! As this story progress, I might add other tags like romance or maybe even harem. For now enjoy!

Kyo_Kasanagi · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
35 Chs

CH 31: [Spirit King] VS 'Shadow'.......(4)

[Dark Flames]


A completely dark and black colored fire like It would consume everything like a black hole.


In appearance, It might look no different from a normal fire except It's color but there is a special reason that It is feared by everyone.


The history of these flames goes way back to almost when this world was created.


These flames were first owned by one of the first beings in this world, an [Elder God].


Who used these flames to kill any other being that 'It' ever disliked or disobey 'It'.


No matter how stronger the opponent these flames always devoured them according to their master's wish. Even the higher beings like [Dragons], [Spirits] and [Gods] couldn't escape from It.


And the number of the victims these flames devoured are enough to make mountains of corpses.


After the death of It's original owner, these flames were later owned by DIablo, the God of Darkness and Igor, the strongest Dark Knight of the Demon Realm, after receiving the [Blessing] from Diablo.


Even though both only use these flames on special situations, the fear for these flames is still engraved in others.


These flames are also used in many horror tales that humans tell each other in this world and there is one common thing between those tales.


'As soon you saw a black burning flame, run as far as possible as even It's small spark would devour you and your soul.'






The small black flame that [Ifrit] just found suddenly began to expand on the surface the fire ball which was containing the 'Shadow'.


As soon as [Ifrit] saw this, he began to struggle in the chains that were binding him, like a trapped animal. If [Ifrit] was a human, his face would had been filled with cold sweat from fear.


After seeing those black flames, he immediately recognize them-no, he can never forget them ever in his entire life.


In his entire life, he had seen those flames only once but even that memory gives him great fear whenever he remember them.


And now as If he was the most unluckiest being in this world, he met a strange being who not only defeated the [Hero] but also can use those flames.


He knew what the appearance of these flames indicates. First that the 'Shadow' is somehow still alive and second, he must escape from here as soon as possible or else even his soul would not survive.


But no matter how much he struggled he couldn't escape from the chains and even If he tries to un-summon himself, these chains restrict him in doing anything.


If he had not been trapped in these chains, [Ifrit] would had escaped from this place as soon he saw those flames even If It's mean he had to leave his summoner behind.

[Ifrit] throws his body around like a fish outside a lake, uses his full body straight that he could gather and even uses his heat from his body flames to melt those chains, he still couldn't escape.


Instead his action only further damages the ground around him.


[Damn It! Why these chains are not breaking!?]


As he knew the seriousness of this situation, [Ifrit] didn't care about his calm persona that he first took when he came here and began to curse.


Right now he looked no different from a human who was about to be executed. And when Hero's party members saw how [Ifrit] was acting.


They all were greatly surprised. It was not the first time that they had seen those black flames.


When Igor and other Dark Knights had ambushed them, Igor had used those flames against Arthur but Arthur easily avoided those flames and defeated Igor.


That's why Arthur and others didn't think much about those flames and were unaware of It's true power. 


There is also a point that the [Dark Flames] that Igor used were not original [Dark Flames] but a borrowed power from his blessing which was much weaker than the original one.


That's why they couldn't understand the reason why [Ifrit] was showing such fear against 'simple' black colored flames.


And Kai who had stole those flames from Igor, was also using the weaker version of [Dark Flames] but [Ifrit] was still fear It because even in a weaker form those flames were life threatening.


And his trauma of these flames also played a role in his fear.


Suzuki who was seeing all of these along with others also showed a surprised face just like others but she immediately woke herself up and began to prepare another magic circle.


She didn't knew what and why this happening but her mind was telling her that sometime bad was about to happen so she began to prepare herself.


As she was preparing, black flames had already covered the entire 'ball' and instantly disappear along with the 'ball'. And in It's place stood the 'Shadow' or what was left of It.


Hot steam was still emitting from his body. Some of the body part which was first covered with strange black fog/smoke was gone and showed his true flesh under It.


His entire body skin was either melted or entirely gone, showing some insides of his body with his intestine slightly hanging outside of his abdomen, avoided from completely falling out due to a melted skin sticking with the intestine and acting as a support.


His right leg was completely gone, showing a charred bone on his right side waist. Even his right arm was badly damaged with remaining melted flesh still hanging on his completely displaying badly damaged bones.


And his face also couldn't completely avoid the heat of [Ifrit] flames as half of his face was badly damaged with his flesh, skull, and teeth on complete display to others with any skin to cover them and all of the hair on his head was also gone.


The entire left side of the 'Shadow' body was in better condition then his right side but It also couldn't avoid from being badly damaged.


It was like the 'Shadow' had focused on defending left side of his body from heat and now, he was standing in front of others, showing his miserable state to everyone to see, on his damaged left trembling leg like It was taking his all just to stand.


Mia who saw this had to prevent herself from vomiting after seeing such horrifying and miserable scene. Even though she had seen gore scenes many time while fighting against her enemies.


But this was entirely on different level. Even others who were seeing this weren't in a better condition. They also couldn't endure this gruesome scene.