

Gods. An existence shrouded in mystery. Beings. Who are object of worship and fear. And yet whether they are real or not is still doubtful. After all it is hard to believe in them when their existence is portrayed is differently in every culture.

Their names have changed as time passed as did their forms.

For nomadic humans who had been hunter gatherers elements like fire water earth were an existence akin to god. But when human were able to harness fire and develop the society the way gods were being portrayed changed. From their element like changed into beasts like fishes, snakes, etc.

With more development the appearance of gods changed once more. Now the gods were portrayed as somewhat of a mix of animals and humans. With features like animals but ability to speak like humans or bipedal gods. These gods are still worshipped in some cultures.

And finally the last evolution of gods where they are portrayed as beings with inhuman appearance but with human like features.

But this wasn't enough. If you study different cultures and their mythologies closely you will find many similarities. And these similarities aren't just found in the gods that worship. Even some of the words are somewhat similar to each other.

Here's an example for you. The word father in English is somewhat similar to greek word Pater which is also similar to the Sanskrit word Pitru (पितृ). And all of them mean same thing as well father.

The same is also observed in case of mother with Mitera (μητέρα) in greek and matru or mata in Sanskrit. So how do our language share such similarities and yet differ so much at the same time.

Even the myths and legends of some of the gods are same.

So why do religions differ so much. At some point a change occurred which led to differences being present in our modern day religions.

There are many theories present about our civilisation.

How it advanced from stone age to present day but these are just theories.

I also believe in a theory.

I believe that our civilisation is a guided one. And the beings who guided our civilisation were none other than the gods who have vanished from the face of present day society.

Our interpretation of them changed as the time passed but their nature remained the same. Beings who are object of human worship and fear.

And it is also the reason as to why the prominence of some gods increased suddenly whereas the influence of other suddenly vanished.

But how did I draw the conclusion that gods exist. It is actually by dying.

Isn't it fun.

To get to experience a whole new world after dying. A world with limitless possibilities.

There are a few questions to which I still seek to find an answer. But I couldn't care more about it.

After all I have found a new dream. A dream that I wish to wholeheartedly pursue even if I die once again in the process of pursuing my dream.

He he

Did you find it surprising. Even I was quite surprised to find life after death. And to my relief the people aren't mummified like zombies. They are able to breathe like humans, have emotions and sound mind and they have some weird abilities where they are able to wield supernatural powers.

So don't you wonder how I ended up here or what I am currently doing in such a place spouting about gods and how our civilisation is guided one.

I am Robert Croft. I was a doctor on Earth who was persecuted for a small mistake that I committed and thats how I ended up here in afterlife.

But who knew that one mistake would show me a world full of new possibilities. A world where I will be able to taste the blood of the gods. The invincible beings who we used to believe as something akin to immortal.

Just the thought of me somehow making them bleed and then drinking their blood made by body shudder in pleasure.

My breathing had become ragged. The thoughts of how a god bleeds clouding my mind.

I went off track once again didn't I.

What was I going to say anyway. Yeah it was about how I understood the mystery's regarding our civilisation and how ours is a guided one.

I didn't unearth any secret. It was just a demon or whatever you would call it, who wanted to get some new form of excitement and he thought that I would be quite a fun piece to watch for. At least that's what he told me.

So thats my story or rather the beginning of a new chapter in my life.

Don't take the above thoughts seriously since it is a work of fiction.

Redoakcreators' thoughts