
Ch 30: Sparrows, Xi Ning's Handkerchief


The following two days, we observe the territory's actions and movements. Nothing odd or suspicious.

The lack of surprise keep us feeling less startled and disoriented, less susceptible to provocations. When we initially attend this mission, however, we thrive on chaos and hope to create antipathy. Yet none of that is occurring.

There are no potential clues. Even the ancient toiletries are as clean as possible. After visiting nearly all the places, our final destination is the pasture.

The pasture is of high qualify—properly fenced, green, well-managed. Several horses are spread out, grazing on hay, while some soldiers are cleaning the horses.

While General Li is tendering the horses, I notice the abundance of birds in the sky. A flock is present, drifting and swarming the sky.

Then a distance away, I observe Co-Commander showing a soldier how to properly mount a horse. Then I see Scholar Li, whose first attempt to mount a horse fails. He ends up being tipped by the horse to the ground; he rubs his buttocks in pain.

I chuckle.

Suddenly, a voice calls out, "Miss Yuan! Be careful—"

I glance behind me; a gust of swift wind approaches me.

The hooves of a horse was one inch away from my face before someone divert the body of the horse to the opposing side. The sudden glimpse of death frightens me, as I slip down while attempting to step back. My eyes are closed shut, afraid to see the world around me.


By the time I open my eyes again, I see Scholar Li and Sir Xu ten or so feet away from me.

"Miss Yuan!" Three voices scream aloud. "Are you hurt?" asks Li Shi Zhen and General Li simultaneously.

I shake my head as I examine myself for any missing or distorted body parts. "Looks like I am alright," I say as I wipe the cold sweat from my forehead. I pat my cheeks, waking me up from the shock. A sigh of relief.

The soldier responsible for the horse approaches us, "I sincerely apologize. The horse went manic for a moment there. It seems his wound has caused him to..." One of the soldiers explains to General Li. She converses with him, dragging Scholar Li into the conversation.

Xu Kai picks me up gradually by the arm, "You just dirtied your face with your hands."

"Really, where?" I take a peek at my hands—it is smudge with wet and moist dirt. Don't tell me my face looks like it's tarnished with a tan brownish substance, resembling poop.

Co-Commander uses his sleeves to wipe the dirt, "Such mess." His gaze focus on my cheeks then forehead, determined to rid the existence of the stubborn dirt.

"Sir, your clothing will get dirty!" I attempt to reject his offer by brushing away his sleeves.

He replies, "It's fine."

I take out the handkerchief that Xi Ning has given me. "I have this, Sir. This will be a better alternative," I smile as I unfold and use it to wipe the excess dirt.

General Li and Scholar Li returns back to us. The soldier disappears upon the apology, fetching aid for the wounded horse.

"Good to see you are in good condition, Miss Yuan. All is resolved now," says General Li.

"I am glad I don't see any blood this time," Scholar Li Shi Zhen comments with relief.

I nod while rubbing the last piece of dirt off my face using the handkerchief, "Fortunately, yes."

"Did you sew the bird on the handkerchief, Miss Yuan? I didn't know you were that competent in embroidery," Scholar Li questions.

I shake my head, "No, I didn't. My younger sister did. She favors embroidery, so she made me this lucky charm. It is a song sparrow, pretty right?"

General Li smiles, "How kind of her. Now that you mention it, it is quite common to see song sparrows nowadays."

Song sparrows.. oh, yes.

Now that General Li has mention it, I do notice there have been a great amount of song sparrows surrounding us. They are the birds that have been flying in the sky.

But.. Something is connecting here. What's the connection?

"A Song Sparrow's diet is higher in seeds in the autumn and the winter," I blurt out my thoughts, hoping to realize the connectivity.

Scholar Li ponders, "What do you mean by—"

Xu Kai beckons me to continue, "Continue, Miss Yuan."

It seems he has the same thoughts as I do, but desires to hear my inputs first.

I nod, "White millet is the favorite bird seed of sparrows, as they have small beaks. The large amounts of seeds with a yellow shiny coat have come to attract ground feeding birds. With that in mind, it is safe to say that somewhere scattered on the ground are trails of millets. After all, there has been a pattern in the sparrows who have been flying in the sky."

Co-Commander agrees, "Based on my observations, this does not manifest itself into a migration of the birds. Rather, like Miss Yuan said, a mere attraction based on available food resources. If what we conclude is correct, there should be clues in the northern direction."

And there are clues. When Xu Kai secretly sent men to search for any dubious actions and objects, we found nothing at first glance.

Xu Kai persisted, however; he certainly has no doubt that our clue will lie under these sheets of water. It took several hours for the soldiers to dig and swim in the river before we discover our first clue.

When we see the soldiers drag bags of Millet from the river, we experience an epiphany that the case will finally be solved.