
The tale of a lone cultivator

Chris Parker reincarnates, after experiencing mysterious circumstances. In his new life, which is also full of mysteries, he looses many things, due to an attack of the ones he should be protected by. After that, he allows no one to get close to him and finds the path that is stated as evil by others, to get revenge on those who betrayed him. (P.s.: the real storyline begins with chapter 6, so if you don't want the background information just start reading from there on out) (P.p.s.:The chapters before chapter 6 are relatively short and not as good as the ones thereafter. I hope that if you don't like the beginning that you'll try reading the longer chapters. Thank you.) (The chapter release rate will depend on how much support I get, so if you want more chapters per week, give feedback, so I can improve my writing skills, and power stones to encourage me in publishing more frequently.)

1txd0r1 · Fantasy
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38 Chs

Beast spirit search

A week went by in the blink of an eye.

Idris had trained his spells to perfection. He had become able to cast them at normal speed and their efficiency had also grown several times. The damage he dealt could injure a 3rd layer Body Tempering Realm cultivator badly.

He had also reached the 3rd layer after cultivating every day.

After all the progress he had made in that week, he finally wanted to go and kill some of the monsters, to earn beast spirits to boost his cultivation even further.

He had already asked marquis Asteria where he could find monsters. He was told that when he went to the east he would arrive at a forest, that led onto a mountain range, 5 kilometers away from the city.

The marquis had also requested to go with him, so that he wouldn't be injured on his trip. Idris had refused the offer politely. He wanted to go to get real battle experience. Even though he had already fought once, it was in his transformed state. He didn't want to rely on it too much, because he still didn't know how to activate it. That's why he had to battle with his own power.

He had also packed right after being told about the location of the beasts. He wanted to gain those beast spirits as fast as he could, so that his cultivation would increase further at a faster pace.

Before he departed, he had bought a mask, that would cover the left half of his face. After the attack he had received from general Hopkins, the wound hadn't healed and left a bright red mark on his face additionally ro his now blind eye.

The mask he had bought was a lookalike to his transformation, just without his horns.

On the 8th day he finally started his journey to the east. The way to the mountain range was full of beautiful fields and plants.

After 4 kilometers, he reached the forest marquise Asteria had talked about.

As he went inside, all noises suddenly vanished and silence surrounded him. Fortunately, there was still very much light, due to the distance between the trees.

As he advanced farther, noises began to resound again. First it was only the chirping of a bird, but when the mountain started to go upwards, even more noises entered Idris' ears, mostly of rabbits and lizards rushing through the bushes.

He was just looking around for some plants as a wolf suddenly jumped out of its hideout.

Idris could sense the presence of mana inside the animal and could assume that it was a mana beast.

He had read that the mana beasts could also cast spells to attack their enemies and defend themselves. The strength was decided by how much mana they possessed.

Idris stood still and looked into the eyes of the wolf. It had the stature of a normal wolf, but its fur was icy.

It meant that its element was ice. It also was one of the stronger rank 1 beasts.

Idris casted Waterfield to make his opponent stay on one place. Since he had practiced it thoroughly, it was very effective.

The ice wolf tried to run away, but due to the pool of water, that had been hardened, it was unable to go very far.

It was very slow and Idris used this to attack with a windblade, making its head fly away, while dying the water red.

Idris made the water disappear. The wolf turned into dust which flew away, blown by the wind.

He wondered where the beast core could be, but after looking at the place the wolf had just stood in, there was now laying a blue orb.

It had to be the beast spirit he had heard about.

Idris took it and looked at it a bit closer. Inside the orb was something like a soul flying around. It was probably the spirit of the beast.

Idris wanted to test the power of one of the beast spirits. He threw it into his mouth and sat onto the ground. He started his breathing technique and began to refine the mana that came out of it.

After 1 hour passed, he had refined all the energy of the beast spirit. He had moved from beginner level of the 3rd layer up to the middle level.

The amount of energy was amazing. That was also why the beast spirits were so expensive. Not only were they relatively hard to obtain, but they were very powerful too.

He continued with his hunt for beast spirits for quite a while now. He had already gotten about 10 beast spirits and put them into his spatial bag. He would refine them all when he returned.

Suddenly loud stomping could be heard. The earth began to shake. Before Idris, the big sheep came to a halt. It was 3 metres tall and 5 metres long.

From the aura it emitted, one could tell that the animal was a rank 2 beast. It could normally only be defeated by 6th layer Body Tempering Realm cultivators or higher.

Idris had a bad feeling. Even though sheep were herbivores, the one in front of him had blood around its mouth.

As the beast wanted to bite him, he dodged it closely and began to attack. The windblades were annulled by the wind barrier the animal had set up.

Next he threw fireballs which also went out due to the huge amount of wind being generated by the sheep.

He didn't know what to do anymore. The speed of the beast suddenly increased and its mouth opened wide again, trying to eat him.

Idris was scared of the death that awaited him and tried to fend off the beast by firing every magic he could while closing his eyes to not see the animal's mouth.

He screamed in fear. But nothing happened. He opened his eyes again. Idris was dumbstruck. He had just killed the beast by accidentally casting a fireball into one of the eyes of the sheep, making it burn.

"Eh...?" He let out an irritated tone. He really didn't know how to handle this situation.

The beast turned into dust and instead of its body there now layed a white orb and... a scroll?

He took the orb and let it vanish into his spatial bag.

Then he examined the scroll that had dropped. He hadn't heard that beasts could produce scrolls before.

He opened it and saw that something was written inside. The title said "The Superb Necromancer Technique".