

Daniel Faust was a mildly talented, underachieving, slightly lecherous data analyst who wanted nothing more than to live a simple life with his darling wife, Anne. For him His life was perfect, or at least it looked that way to him. Until life threw a curve ball at him. They diagnosed him with cancer. The doctors were adamant that Dan wouldn't last long without surgery, so he would have to be on chemotherapy for six months at the very least, so Dan did exactly that. He went on chemo only to lose his hair, his job, his wife, and then finally his life. Dan wasn't really expecting a whole new gig in life after death because of cancer. He was hoping for peace at the very least, but the universe had something else entirely in stock for him. Dan was thrust into a body of a child thrown into a world he barely understood with powers that he needed to hide, with a name that was not his but was his, and a life that was not worth much to anybody but himself. Meet Our protagonist as he tries to survive in a hostile world of magic power cruelty and things unknown that in every right should be nothing but stories and myth. Join him on a journey as he encounters old gods, dark elves, blood elves, night elves, high elves, dwarves, goblins, orcs, and mythical beings not to mention humans of all kinds, He is cursed with a cruel fate, and to escape that fate he needs to figure out his mysterious powers and who he can trust and who is out to kill him...or worse. . Disclaimers: This story will contain eastern name settings as well as western setting names, so eastern names based on Chinese and Japanese Names in this setting will be presented with the family name before the given name (i.e., Last name first name). I would like to tell you, that I'm in no way, shape, or form a professional writer and that it will not be perfect. I will nonetheless strive to make it the most accurate and pertinent possible when it is due. I am, also, not a native speaker. My English skills are roughly 90% self-taught. You are welcome to correct my poor mastery of your tongue in the commentary section if you do it nicely, I'll correct my, multiple, blunders. Divine Warlock is my Second serious attempt at writing a story. It's heavily inspired by East Asia culture, folklore, and mythology, with the western magic element. I will try to write every day, with a goal of about 45,000 words per month (~1500 per day). Chapter lengths are random on average, I will be releasing chapters on the day they are ready.

JDSin97 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
31 Chs

Chapter 12

Kesala sat in silence as she observed the notes her apprentice had prepared for her; each page contained more information than the last, all written in neat cursive script as if it was written by a professional.

Kesala sat silently thinking over everything that had happened,

For a long while, the old woman was lost in thought.

Her thoughts were scattered among all different things her research, her experiments, her desires, her granddaughter, the foolish prince, her goals

finally calming her mind

She looked up from the sheets of paper t look at her apprentice standing still as if she had been frozen.

for the thousandth time, she contemplated whether or not to execute this poor creature who had become nothing more than a puppet in her hands.

She decided to leave the girl alive for now,

as it would be a waste of such valuable material in such a manner and it would be a hassle to find a new apprentice,

besides, she liked her in a certain way,

this young servant reminded her of herself,

And it reminded her of when she first found herself trapped by those bastards at the palace,

she used to hate her for being born into such lowly circumstances but she now wished the girl well;

she may have stared out as a weak slave but she wasn't one now.

The old woman stood up slowly from her seat,

the wrinkled loose skin on her cheeks and forehead creased together as she leaned forward to peer into the apprentice's eyes,

she could feel her own bloodlust beginning to stir once more and the urge to kill and devour was already overpowering her

she suddenly felt a wave of dizziness wash over her and her stomach ached painfully, her eyes widened involuntarily.

but soon she had it under control, thank the father if she had lost control only gods would know the outcome

"So, it was telling the truth then?" she asked softly

she ignored her discomfort and focuses on the matter at hand

the radiant

her apprentice didn't answer.

she knew that her apprentice was sacred and with good reason

She didn't know what to say anymore, she couldn't believe it, it couldn't be true, she must be dreaming, right?

"Answer me!" the old woman ordered angrily, she wanted to rip the apprentice apart just like she did that stupid little bitch of a servant that had dared touch her,

the old woman felt the urge to tear open the young girl's flesh and feed her to the beasts

The apprentice gulped in anticipation as she felt the old woman's rage, and it was overwhelmed her for a second before she recovered

"yes mistress, it seems he is telling the truth,"

she answered reluctantly, afraid of what would happen if she angered the old woman further.

the old woman smirked at the words, amused at the apprentice's obedience.

she turned around and walked toward the large window that overlooked the bustling city below and stared out at the bustling crowd that seemed to flow ceaselessly between the many stone buildings

"So, the abomination was not created but rather born. Interesting," she muttered in fake amusement, to cover her growing fear

then she looked back to glare at the apprentice,

"you verified through a truth potion?"

"yes mistress"

Lady kesala felt her heart skin at the news, but she acted as if nothing was wrong

"so what do we do with him? Do we keep him chained and tortured?"

The apprentice shook her head in response, and the old woman laughed.

"no, I'm afraid that won't work ...well maybe"

suddenly an idea came to her, an idea that just might work

"what won't work?" The apprentice asked confused.

the old woman smirked as she looked over her shoulder at her "let's make an offer shall we? he is worth a lot more than you imagine and it seems like he is the key to the whole mess that our dear fellows have left me"

"Come, Ravella! Let's go and see to our monster"

she grinned, then she started walking briskly past her apprentice

As the old woman was about to exist the gritty dark lad she paused before abruptly turning around

"Are you sure that abomination is a male?"

"I'm positive mistress"

She shrugged her shoulders "why not then?"

"A male radiant now I have seen everything,"

The old woman resumed leaving the stunned apprentice in complete bewilderment and scared

The apprentice quickly followed her master as a chill ran down her spine and her heart rate increased tenfold.

her master was a cruel, bloodthirsty old woman, and she had her most feral grin plastered on her face as she continued strutting ahead.

They reached the entrance of the dungeon that housed the abomination that had made them lose everything,

her heart sank at the sight of the room, her mind began racing and she couldn't help but let out small cries of distress that never made it out her mouth.

the man, no abomination siting where she had left him staring blankly into the darkness


I was strapped onto the cold hard surface of the cold stone floor. My vision was blurry due to the constant tears streaming down my face and blurring my vision to make it difficult to see my surroundings properly, as I struggled against my binds with as much strength as I could muster.

I was exhausted, my head was throbbing so much, my neck hurt so bad. It hurt even worse after I realized how close I came to death.

After a while, I gave up and just lay there waiting for whatever they planned next.

There was a slight movement, but my blurred vision couldn't pick up anything other than two silhouettes, I could tell they were female judging by their height though, I guessed from the silhouette I could tell it was a woman, but who could it possibly be

One figure moved closer

"what are you doing here Dan?"

I squinted my eyes trying my best to focus and catch a glimpse of her

I looked at her in disbelief and my eyes widened in shock at the sight

It was none other than my wife

"you!" I cried out in surprise

"me!" She said back happily as she rushed towards me and pulled me into a tight embrace.

she squeezed the life out of me.

"you're alive!"

I said with joy.

"no darling, I'm not"

She replied with a huge grin across her face

I furrowed my brows in confusion, "What?"

"simple silly I am not really here" she chuckled.

"How? Why?"

the i rembered

"I died"

She nodded sadly, tears welling up in her eyes

she wiped away her tears and took a deep breath, composing herself before speaking again

"I'm sorry darling, but I'm sorry, for what you are going through but you don't have much time left, love yo need to leave now."

"how" I asked quietly and she smiled sadly.

"You know why"

I shook my head

"No, I don't, please tell me".

she came close to me and grabbed my face

"listen to me my love i have moved on so shall you and you must live, it is the only way, accept what is offered"

"You'll have your chance again, darling"

she spoke, then took a step away from me with a satisfied smirk and disappeared completely without a trace;

my breathing became heavy as the weight that rested heavily on my chest grew heavier and heavier,

It felt so suffocating. I could barely breathe.

then the shadows moved as my reappeared again

she sighed in defeat, "because of you."

I froze

"Because of you, because it is your fault. You caused this. Everything is your fault!" She screamed as she pointed directly at me

Then suddenly black enveloped her as

She threw a fist at my face and struck me hard across my jaw, sending me falling backwards into the ground and I winced from the pain

"Stop! Stop hitting me please," I pleaded in pain, feeling another sting as one of her fingers touched my lip.

"oh darling you know what will happen to you if you do something like that again...it will take you a few minutes but by then the others will come,"

She said ominously as she picked up one of the swords lying on the ground next to her and approached me, holding the sword high above her head. I cringed when she lunged at me.

"NOW WAKE THE HELL UP, YOU IMBECILE!""" I heard a voice shriek at me in a loud, shrill tone,

my body tensed, and I gasped for air, breathing heavily.

I was back in the chains on the cursed chair that had been my bane for days now

I slowly opened my eyes, and I saw a beautiful lady looming over me, glaring down at me angrily.

"What the fuck do you think you are doing," she growled furiously.

a voice I didn't recognise shouted at me in a threatening tone

My eyes snapped open immediately, but my head Spun with disorientation.

I closed my eyes as if that would get rid of the blurriness that was surrounding my brain.

When I opened my eyes again gone was my lovely wife instead, replaced by the sinister appearance of a beautiful, young and curvaceous lady with short ginger colored hair, piercing blue eyes that glowed with malice

She wore a white satin nightgown and had a pair of black stockings on her shapely legs which exposed her long delicate ankles.

she held a dagger tightly in her hand as she glared angrily at me.

"What do you want," I stammered.

"Oh, what do I want really" she replied in a musky voice that was enchanting

"what do you want," I repeated dumbfounded, not knowing exactly what was going on or if this was all a dream.

the girl scoffed

"Oh, she wants nothing of you radiant, it is i that want something" from behind the super hot model psycho girl stepped out of thin air, wearing only a black robe and carrying a long back in her cane in her left hand

it was the old woman, even though her face hidden by the darkness that surrounded me, but her voice identified her plenty.

She stopped in front of the model

with a sly smile, she placed her hands on her hips and stared at the model as if to look for something in particular.

A moment later a satisfied smirk appeared on her lips when her sharp grey eyes found their target, then she turned towards her toothless grin looked more feral and dangerous than anything I have ever seen

"hmm...now where to start?" She asked in a low raspy voice.

the girl raised her chin slightly arrogantly

"you must be very hungry"

I watched with wide-open eyes as food appered in front of me in silver plates, floating in the air

as if it was being manipulated by some unseen force.

I eyed each dish with curiosity and hunger, yet a part of me wondered why would I eat these

I was given no time to contemplate my dilemma however because the old woman cut me off once she noticed my hesitation.

"eat it or watch it" she stated.

'was she mocking me? I was strapped and chained tight to the chair unable to move or say or react, how could I possibly eat or watch this? unless I was crazy?'

"eat up" she ordered once more.

"How..." I whispered.

she raised an eyebrow in curiosity, looking amused for some reason

I bit my lip nervously waiting

"Oh my, where are my manners Guntas would you be a dear and unlock our guest so that we can finally have some fun?" She said smiling evilly, she was enjoying this, she liked watching me suffer.

I slowly was slowly freed

As the beauty took her sweet time removing my shackles and with great difficulty,

once free

I stretched my arms and groaned

"thank you darling" the old woman with a voice of a young bright girl chirped.

"Now" said my evil captor in a stern voice, I felt shivers running down my spine,

"I hope you enjoyed, my apprentice handy work I personally never like to torture, but it has its uses like any tool does, it's quite entertaining actually, if you ask me,"

the memories flooded my mind, as began to remember, the endless pain, the agony as the blonde woman tortured me day after day.

As if she had been listening intently, she cackled evilly and laughed loudly.

"oh poor thing, you have suffered so much haven't you, oh yes, indeed you have!" Her laughter reverberated throughout my entire body.

"Who are you?" I questioned.

she snorted in annoyance

"of course you wouldn't remember, you've been in the dungeon longer than me darling but I still expect you to know me,"

"Who are you?", "what do you want from me?", "why are doing this?"

the question flew out my mouth before I could even stop it.

the old woman stopped laughing and stood in silence, seemingly lost for words, her eyes flashed in anger and sadness, and the light reflected in them seemed darker than usual.

she walked towards me menacingly,

The old woman stopped in front of me and smirked devilishly,

"here I thought I was dealing with an intelligent creature as for questions abomination you can me mistress or aster choose your pick I don't really care and I want to speak with you and I did this to be safe you can never be too careful I say" she said calmly and nonchalantly.

She then reached for the table where I was tied to and grabbed a small bowl. She held the bowl near my mouth as if she wanted me to eat it.

I hesitantly opened my mouth and let her fill it with the contents, it wasn't water or soup but rather, dark liquid.

it smelled disgusting.

The old woman filled my stomach until I could barely swallow another spoonful. Then, she dropped the bowl and I couldn't resist the urge to vomit.

The old woman laughed in delight

"This isn't poison, believe me, it's perfectly helpful to you, trust me," she assured with a chuckle as she helped me clean myself up.

I gulped nervously and nodded reluctantly at her, still not fully trusting her

The old woman giggled at my response and patted my back softly

"I promise, you will feel better soon enough and you should thank me."

"thank you?"


The old woman replied simply

"Thank you." She smiled in reply

she then stood up and walked over to the the other crazy lady.

"now my dear" she said waved her hands, and a chair conjured out darkness and shadows as she sat down in front of me

"shall we talk about wether you live or die?" she asked giddily as she handed her cane to the ginger