

I felt like I was in a dream I awoke to nothingness and foggy memories. I knew nothing and know one who talked and cared for me in my health. it had been five years they said I have slept for. this was something I thought only story's told of. As I was loss in thought the wooden oak door opened and in came some people I have never seen or remember. they came with platers of freash herbs and meat lunches. I titled my head to the side to get a better view of them. they were tall and brod shouldered, but had kind eyes so I thought I can trust them. the only thing that was weird was they had no Cat ears or a tail like me just small round ears and circular faces. they didn't speak a language I understood it sounded like when you play a flute wrong. but they were loud and very exotic to me. everyday a female in white would come in and stick me with a little metal tube with a sharp tip to perce through my fur into my skin. it hurt for a second and then my whole body would relax and I would not be able to move. this always was strange to think a little tube with a sharp tip could make me rest so fast. but I never minded for she was the only other person I saw for a few times a day.