
The Sytem Want Me To Flirt

Olivia gets Jeremy kicked out of the company after she refuses an arranged marriage from her father because of being instigated by Karin, her best friend. Then her father's company went bankrupt after being dropped by a business opponent; she was tricked by Karin and killed. Then Olivia wakes up in her room after she rejects the arranged marriage. A system window pops up and gives her two choices to save her life, marry Jeremy or die for nothing. Olivia chose the first option, accepted the match, and married Jeremy. But her father said, "Jeremy. My daughter accepts your proposal of marriage! congratulation, boy!!" Olivia got married, receiving all the attention and love that Jeremy gave her. Including taking revenge on Karin and her father's business rivals, she comes back to life with the help of a system that keeps asking her to seduce her husband, who is perverted and always likes physical touch.

Alexa00_ · Fantasy
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18 Chs

Morning without system commands

"What about the news around last night's incident?" Olivia asked her husband.

"Everything has been damped, and we can't possibly create an uproar like this in the media. So at least the directors and reporters can understand, although there are some reporters who ignore our warnings." Olivia nodded in understanding and followed the long steps of her husband, who was now slowing down, seeing Olivia having trouble chasing him.

And now Olivia was walking beside Jeremy, holding his hand all the way. They were both silent and speechless in the elevator,s, and it felt very awkward.

Olivia couldn't stand it, and her hands felt moist and itchy to get out of Jeremy's grip. Unfortunately, whenever she tried to let go of Jeremy's grip on hers, the man would hold on tighter, making her even more uncomfortable.

And when she got to the floor where last night had hosted a charity party, Olivia found a big mess. Many people clean the glass on the floor, the blood on the table that is overturned by the wet cloth, food scraps, and many other things.

'Last night meant a killer was sneaking into the charity party!!'

Olivia subconsciously leaned closer to Jeremy. The man glanced at his wife and spoke slowly.

"There's no need to be afraid, it's all over, and we're going home," Jeremy said, calming his little wife.

The two arrived in front of the lobby, and a car was already waiting with Jeremy's private driver. Both got in and headed back home to meet Alan. Jeremy's cell phone has been ringing for a long time, and Alan is apprehensive about what happened last night that everyone is trying to suppress so it doesn't leak to the mass media.

With Alan's hand, Ningning was also a few other higher-ups. The mass media may not continue to force coverage if they don't want to go out of business.

The car finally arrived at Alan's house parking lot. Olivia and Jeremy got out of the car and were greeted by Alan, who hugged his daughter.

"You're okay, right?" The older man asked to see Olivia's entire form from head to toe.

"I'm fine, dad. Have you eaten, Anne?" Olivia asked towards her maid, who was on the slightly back side of her father's body.

"Yes, young madam. But he didn't finish breakfast this time because he was worried. We were all worried about what happened last night." Anne said with her eyes covered with dew of tears.

"Sorry to worry, dad Jeremy protected me, and now I'm home safely. Please take care of dad's health. I don't want anything wrong to happen to dad, "said Olivia with an immeasurably sad tone.

Then Alan nodded and brought his daughter and son-in-law inside without letting Olivia's hand go, as a father who knows many enemies in his unhealthy business world.

All his fault in the past, having been caught in a vicious circle in the business world, brought each other down. It would have been his fault if he had not been so ambitious in the past that he caused his wife to die young and leave his only daughter alone at that time.

Alan regretted it to this day.

"Daddy, I will protect Olivia no matter what. No need to worry. Think dad's health is the main thing for us, "Jeremy reassured his father-in-law, who looked pale.

"Right, Jeremy will protect me. Dad need not worry. I heard that last night Dad had a mild heart attack. Please... take care of Dad's health. I..." Olivia couldn't continue her sentence considering Alan's heart disease.

Alan smiled, "It's okay. It's natural for parents to be worried about their daughters. You can rest easy."

"How can you calm down? What if it was the last time..."

Alan chuckled but stopped for a moment when he saw that his daughter was crying. Even though he didn't want to make Olivia worried but he couldn't.

"Okay, sorry, dad. Don't cry…." Alan hugged his daughter.


After that incident, everything subsided with time. Three months ago, Jeremy put a guard around his wife. The leeches were getting closer to him, and he knew they were Alan's enemies, who already knew many things he shouldn't say.

And it's been a week since Olivia's been in college, but it's been a week since Jeremy was as clingy to his wife as this morning when Olivia had to rush off to college for a presentation.

"Jeremy! How long are you going to be like this?!" Olivia tried to untie the tight arms around her stomach while Jeremy kept sniffing at the back of her neck.

"Wait a minute, and today is the last day of our wedding preparations as well as our appointment as CEO of the company. There will be a meeting with the board of directors, and I have to charge as much as possible," the man told his wife.

"But I'm too late and don't want to repeat the class!" Olivia started to whine, especially when her husband turned their bodies to face each other and entangled.

"No, your course lecturer will be late this time. So enjoy this morning comfortably," Jeremy cupped his wife's lips, who was about to speak. Eliminate the last sentence.

And after more than an hour, Olivia could finally escape her husband's snare. She grumbled in annoyance as she went down to the first floor to find that breakfast was cold. She asked to be warmed up without waiting for Jeremy because she was already late.

"Auntie, I'll buy you strawberries later. I still want to eat it, "said Olivia towards the housekeeper.

"Okay, Auntie will buy it at the supermarket with Adam. Is there anything else, young lady?" Anne asked Olivia, who was enjoying her breakfast with a listless face.

"Nothing, that's all. Oh! Please buy me yogurt and ice cream refills in the fridge," Olivia said, finishing her breakfast just as Jeremy came down from the second floor. "I'm leaving, and I'll see dad finish his breakfast. Don't drink tea first if you don't want me to be angry."

Olivia walked away without looking at Jeremy, who followed the tiny body out of the house. Anne saw it and smiled a little as she turned around and went to warm up another breakfast for her master's son-in-law.

"Did Olivia order anything else today?" Jeremy asked as he sat down and scooped up his simple breakfast of porridge topped with shredded chicken and a cup of coffee.

"Young lady ordered to buy strawberries, yogurt, and ice cream, sir. Lately, madam often eats those three things. Even if there is still a lot of ice cream left, she asks to be refilled."

"Buy it, as long as Olivia spends it. Is daddy awake?" asked Jeremy.

"Not yet. Master is still sleeping. This morning I woke up asking for porridge, and so far, I haven't woken up,"

Jeremy nodded his head before standing up and saying goodbye; after finishing his breakfast, he opened his cell phone to see maps of his wife's journey this morning. When he saw that the car his wife was driving was on the road leading to campus, this became a new habit for him. Olivia already knows that some of her devices are given tight security by Jeremy while not being banned from many activities.