
The Systems

I was just a normal girl, I went shopping with friends, went to school. Then I died and woke up with a hivemind system. This is both a female and male lead but it will lean more on the female. I suck at synopsis, the first 3 chapters will show you my writing style and how the story will progress. Thanks for reading. :-)

Wolf_God · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Chapter 15 Ash Goes to Church

Ash (Pov) 2 hours previously

After I fed off of my master I headed towards the church. While I was walking through the crowd I decided to inspect my dantin and inspect any changes that have happened after my evolution. My consciousness slipped into my dantin and what I found shocked me. Above my QI sea was a red pearl surrounded in black flame. The flame was absorbing the QI below it and refining it into small burgundy droplets before sending it throughout my body. My god, this is a legendary hell flame. Only three phoenix beast-men have been recorded to possess it. The hell flame can vaporize anything it touches it is a weapon-type flame. So why the fuck is it acting like an alchemical flame?!

Whatever, what else did my evolution grant me? Vampires are normally supposed to die under the sun. I thought as I looked up at the blazing sun in the sky. So why am I not suffering from its effects? I'll have to ask my master once I see her again. So I don't have a weakness to the sun, bonus, that would be hard to explain to the church. Has my magic changed? Cinder did say that my bloodline has practically copied our masters. Does that mean I possess her magic affinity as well?

Only one way to find out I guess. Even though I was a phoenix beast-man before, I wasn't attuned to the holy element that phoenixes are known for, so let's try that. Mentally I pictured the same holy flame that my master produced when I first met her. Once I had the picture in my mind I focused my magic to obey what I wanted. Opening my eyes I was astonished to see a white-green smoke floating around me. Angelic Ash!! Of course, a phoenix would get the ash that can heal. Although usually phoenix ash is hot enough to melt metal, I wonder? Slowly I let the ash that was floating around me drop to the ground. When the ash landed on the stone it started to steam, turning red and malleable.

I canceled the energy flow when I noticed guards running towards me while the people that were walking around me started to run away. Yeah, I probably should have practiced away from people. Before they could get to me though, a shift in the wind notified me that the Order of Steel had arrived, the guards of the church.

"Identify yourself!" Judy shouted. I'm almost offended that she didn't recognize me, she is part of my security detail after all. Although, I have changed a bit and I'm not wearing my hood like I usually do. Instead, I let my black curls frame my face, my piercing amber eyes staring straight into hers.

"Judy, is that any way to talk to your superior?" I asked with a smile in her direction. Her eyes bulged out before recognition flashed upon her face.

"Archbishop Ash, forgive me." She said, kneeling before me with her head down. As soon as the word Archbishop left Judy's mouth, the guards that were walking toward us immediately turned around like we were not there. A smile graced my face.

"Judy, call all Order captains to my office. We have a lot to discuss."

"Yes, mam. Um, before you go, Archbishop Felix is in the conference room." My eyebrow raised at that.

"Mam, you have been missing for three weeks. The Order of the Wind was frantic, we sent letters to the other temples for help. Archbishop Felix arrived two days ago to help, as well as replace you if need be." The last part said in a whisper.

"Well, in that case, all the captains to the conference room. Archbishop Felix should hear this as well."

"Yes your Grace." She said bowing once more before leading her troop back to the church.

I looked up at my home, to this day it brought a smile to my face at its beauty. A large marble building with gold trim next to the beautiful Prussian blue ocean, the reflection of it with the sun made it look as though it was aflame. The trees lined the courtyard, violet flowers speckled the grounds. It was a forest within the city, and in the middle of the courtyard, a beautiful statue of Freyja herself, a falcon upon her shoulder.

"Thank you all for coming, I know you have a lot of questions about my disappearance and my new looks. They will be explained shortly. First, though I would like to thank Bishop Felix for taking my place while I was not here." I said, nodding to the man across from me. He was tall, dressed in black robes with a gold falcon on his back, representing the Temple of Gold. He had white hair and short black red horns, and although he was hiding them in an illusion, I could see bone-white bat wings with black bone structure. I suspect it has something to do with being a vampire, I'll add it to the list of questions I have for Master.

"It was my pleasure, Bishop Ash. Now, can you please inform us why you called all of us?" Gesturing to the captains of the orders as well as the head priests of the Temple.

"Yes, well that is a long story. Three weeks ago disciple Eva crushed her emergency token on the belief that she had found a vampire. While I was berating her for using such a valuable artifact on a hunch the person in question ignored both of us and started to cultivate. What was even more impressive is her cultivation was causing her to float in the air, even though she was only at the Disciple stage." Que gasps from everyone in the room.

"Yes, as you know most cultivators only obtain flight once they reach the Grandmaster stage. However, she was able to do so at the disciple stage. What's more impressive is when Eva noticed this she decided to attack the woman in her supposed weakened state. The woman's shadow leaped from the ground and defeated Eva then it turned to us and kindly asked not to attack again otherwise it would require lethal force." Before I could continue talking Archbishop Felix interrupted me.

"What! Are you saying this woman was able to produce a fully conscious corporeal shadow while she was cultivating?!"

"Yes, at that point, with the talent I had witnessed I wasn't sure if I cared that she was a vampire or not. I had to train her potential. However I had to take Eva's rash intuition into account, so once she broke through to the Practitioner stage, I asked if she could do any holy magic. As you know Vampires can not use and are weak to the holy element. What she showed me once again solidified my decision to train her." I decided not to tell them about Master having Freyja's Grimoire, but I do have to tell them something.

"Well, what did she do?" Archbishop Felix asked, almost excitedly.

"She was able to produce the holy flames of life."


"Are you serious?!"

"Frejay bless us."

"Archbis...Bishop Ash, are you saying she was able to conjure the white and green flames in her palm?" Archbishop Felix asked hesitantly. I grinned at this, I have to make my Master look as strong as possible. Not that she isn't strong already.

"No, she was able to produce a fire ring that spread 50 feet before fading out." When the words left my mouth the room was silent.

"Archbishop Ash please tell me you have been training her." Archbishop Felix said, looking at me with desperate eyes.

"Yes, I have. I was so excited by her potential that I did not notify the Temple. I apologize for that. However, for the past three weeks, I have been training her in the holy arts. A couple of days ago I was reassured that I had made the right decision. She was cultivating in front of me when she broke through and released a surge of energy so strong that it forced an evolution in both of us. It was so strong in fact that I had to seal her magic or risk her energy killing her." There was silence for a good ten minutes before anyone spoke.

"Archbishop Ash who and where is your apprentice, I must meet her at once." Archbishop Felix asked with joy on his face. As I opened my mouth to reply the shadows at my feet started to elongate. Slowly my shadow rose from the floor before materializing as Cinder. I looked around at all the gaping mouths in the room.

"Cinder, is Seras in trouble?" I had to force myself to say her name. It somehow felt disrespectful for me to say it.

"No, not really. I'm pretty sure she just pissed off some royal prick and knew you would be able to handle it."

"What did she do?"

"Well we went to the Adventurers Guild, and this annoying boy was screaming about how us half breeds are only good for one thing and blah blah blah. Then the boy pulled a sword on her so she had me eat his hands before coming to get you. Honestly, they didn't taste very good, I would prefer the heart or maybe the liver." My stomach growled at that. It was smart of Master to feed me before coming here or I may have pounced on someone here. As I was in though I heard glass shatter behind me. Looking over, I saw that Bishop Felix had dropped the teacup he was drinking from.

"That's not a shadow spirit, my god. Your apprentice was able to create a separate consciousness within her own shadow. I must meet her." Archbishop Felix was ecstatic as he stood up.

"Well seeing as I'm about to go get her you will see her very soon, and no, you can't join us. If the city saw two Archbishops heading to the Adventurers guild people would suspect there was danger and begin to panic." He sat down in disappointment.

"Your right, of course. Well, come back soon, I can't wait to meet your apprentice."

Seras (Pov) Present

When Ash's eyes landed on me I saw a hint of fear in her eyes. When she noticed my missing wings pure rage in the form of black flame started to form around her. I feel bad manipulating her emotions like this, but, for now, it's the only way to accomplish my goals.

"You dare harm her! For this crime against her, against me, and against all that stands for her, you will die." The force of her spiritual pressure tore the building apart. The wind was whipping around disintegrating all in its path, however, it did avoid all guild members and anybody outside passing by. Although from the commotion we have caused I'd be surprised if anyone still dared to stay around. In sick fascination, I watched as black feathers sprouted from Ash's body.


|Notice: Royal Blood Ash is transforming into a full-bodied Eclipse Phoenix. She will not be able to turn back after the transformation is complete.|

"Ash no! Stop!" But I was too late.

I could hear bones cracking and readjusting. In an instant, I had to tilt my head up to see the beautiful beast in front of me.

|Notice: Bloodline Tribulations of Blood has acquired a divine bloodline, Vampiric Eclipse Phoenix|

|Bloodline has evolved from Scaled Vampiric Shadow Phoenix to Celestial Vampire|

|Notice: Classification has risen from Demigod to Divine.|

|Angelic Ancestral Vampire Trait has activated: 6th pair of wings have grown.|

|Notice: Divinity gained.|

|ERROR!, ERROR!, Dao heart has not been formed|

|Divinity Sealed until further notice.|

|+500 Agi +200 Con +50 Luck|

|+10,000 Gold|

|Notice: Your Blood has gained the traits of the Eclipse Phoenix. Your blood contains a drop of pure starlight. You will form a star within you and release it into the universe where it will absorb the celestial energies of the universe and pass it on to you.|

|Notice: Celestial energy gained|

|Notice: Unique Affinity Gravity Gained|

|Notice: Skill Steal has activated, please pick a skill: Domain of Healing, Domain of Darkness, Hell Flame, Angelic Ash, Gravity Magic.|

My once red and white wings flashed before turning a dark black, almost purple. I didn't pay attention to anything, not my wings or the notifications, I was too worried about Ash to care.

With the rage of a thousand suns, a phoenix head tore through what was left of the guild roof. Now, a beautiful black phoenix with palpable silver magic floating around her stood in front of the guild master. Before he could even comprehend what was going on, Ash opened her mouth and a river of flame shot from her maw, encasing the guild master. He let out a silent scream before fading into dust, leaving nothing behind. Ash let out a roar that shook the city as she stretched her wings, causing the walls of the buildings to collapse on both the smithy and the apothecary. Retracting her wings she looked down at me before looking at my missing wings again.

"Sweetie? Do you think you could help me and my friend?" Pointing to Yuri while lifting my other wings so she could see the damage. I feel awful, I've condemned my daughter, wait, when have I started to see them like my children?

|Notice: When you create a new vampire it creates an unbreakable bond between the two, similar to a parent to their children.|

Thank you, Alex. However, I still feel awful that I manipulated my daughter's feelings, and now she will be a phoenix forever. Never, never again will I manipulate my children, never again. Focusing back on Ash she had lifted her wings to surround Yuri and me. Once we were encased in darkness Ash's feathered started to burn to create silver ash that floated down on us. When the first speck of ash hit my back it felt like I was dipped in molten lava. Seconds later the pain ended, leaving me rejuvenated and feeling better than ever.

Standing up, I gave my new wings a light flap.

"Thank you, Ash, can you pick up your new sister and take us back to the church. This is going to be difficult to explain." Gesturing to her new look. With one of her talons she scooped up Yuri, then she lowered her feathered neck to me. I raised my eyebrow at her.


In response, she only blinked slowly, which somehow translated into a yes. Walking toward her I realized she was much bigger than I had imagined. Even when I had been standing underneath her she didn't seem this big. If I had to guess I'd say she was 40ft in length with a wingspan of 30 and a height of 40 to 45. She was the epitome of beauty for her race, although seeing as she is the only one of her kind I guess that is a little biased. Flapping my wings I jumped into the air and then floated down onto her very comfortable neck.

"Ok, Ash, let's go." Wings spread out as she leaped from the ground, shooting into the sky like a meteorite.


Sorry for the late chapter. Thanks for reading. Please comment and review.


|Name, Seras Victoria|

|Race, Angelic Ancestral Vampire|

|Contracted with Sacred Beast Raven|

|Nanite Infused|

|Classification Demigod|

|Cultivation Blood Refinement: Master|

|Bloodline: Tribulations of Blood: Scaled Vampiric Shadow Phoenix|

|Title: Shadow Walker|

|Title: Creator of Life|

|Martial Art: Blood King Krav Maga: Teacher|

|Students 0/10|

|Level 37 Exp 41,565/42,000|

|HP 3,447,660 MP 4,306,800|


|Str 2935|

|Agi 3458| Hp is 30*level*Agi

|Con 3106|

|Int 2910| Mp is 40*level*Int

|Chr 2939|

|Luck 2,951|

|Will 900|

|Stat Points 0|