
The System_

Tetsü & kilə were odd ducks amongst the oddest ducks—Never to fit in, never to be found among the crowd that blindly followed the ways of this world... Or the next... 14 years of crazy experiments later they, finally found a way to break out of this mundane world’s chains. In their defense babies are dumb, and for the first 3years, they had to learn to walk, eat, and poop. Not in that order! Too bad for them. The system found them and threw them into a whole new set of rules. A million more rules..!! Will they stay true to themselves or give excuses? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Patreon Plug-in: https://www.patreon.com/Omnivex Discord Plug-in: https://discord.gg/KwRtpjYr Current updated schedule - as-of - 26-June-2023 Tue - Sunday. (01-Chapter) Average chapter length - 1700+ Words.

Omnivex · Fantasy
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108 Chs

CH- 87: Chaos (I).

 "When will kids learn?" Tetsu mused, lamenting the obliviousness of those immersed in the pursuit of leveling, instead of exploring the countless mysteries hidden within every inch of their new reality. The awe-inspiring forest teeming with death, mysteries, and untapped possibilities. "Time to hunt." He cracked his knuckles and dove into action, ready to explore and hunt within this vast landscape of wonders and challenges. 

 Tetsu planned to conduct further experiments before returning with the carcasses of the two fallen beast groups. This interim period aimed to shake off any potential trackers and offered him one final opportunity to fulfill the promise. To achieve even half of the promised quota, he knew he needed a much larger haul. Although he couldn't recall specific faces, the mountain was teeming with people, and if even a third of them consumed as much as he did, the haul he had amassed so far might only serve as a snack.

 Expanding his radius by an additional mile into the forest, Tetsu created pocket domains to save time. In these domains, certain areas were under observation, while the rest remained blind spots. His primary goal was to conceal the runes. Even if others didn't appreciate their surroundings, Tetsu aimed to establish a positive habit or routine, ensuring that he wouldn't falter in the future due to non-compliance.

 Tetsu sought to test the efficacy of stamina potions during the hunt, believing they held the main key to solving one part of the fatigue puzzle, so if possible he wanted more of these portions, and some stamina-intensive fights or pursuits—With him running away, of course.

 Luck favored him after two hours when several carnivorous creatures stumbled into his territory. Tetsu recognized the significance of terrain in determining the outcome of battles and ensured that every battleground fell within his pocket domain. If they didn't, he lured the creatures into his domain by leading them on a chase.

 In Tetsu's philosophy, if luck doesn't find you, you chase it down.

 The scent of blood attracted both beasts and plant creatures, challenging the assumption that a green hue always indicated herbivorous tendencies. As two distinct predators vied for supremacy and control within his domain, Tetsu positioned himself to be the ultimate beneficiary of the ensuing conflict, poised to collect the spoils of war.

 "Kids and their obsession with territory," Tetsu scoffed, finding refuge within a tree crevice just in time for a sonic scan to sweep the area.

 Whether or not they could scan a hole within a tree trunk was uncertain, but the [Night Warg] lacked a long-range attack, allowing Tetsu to remain concealed.

 To outsmart the sonic scan, a small wooden piece placed over the entrance seemed sufficient.




 "Two hoards? You sneaky little bastards."

 Two hoards of [Night Warg] scouted the area, each approaching from a different angle. With only one attempt available for a long-range strategy, Tetsu blinked and confirmed the pact leaders to be four hundred meters away, closer to another of his pocket domains.

 Their leaders were too cautious and among the ones who caught Tetsu using the rune [Mark] on them, so he refrained from tagging anyone during this hunt and took a mental note of their position.




 "Damn... Full moon all of a sudden," Tetsu exclaimed as he marked a tree where the [Cosmosplit Simians] would likely descend.

 "Isn't that a bit on the nose? Guess no one considers or enjoys their surroundings anymore."

 As two more moons materialized around the domain, Tetsu couldn't help but release a deep sigh. "Come on! Now, this is just ridiculous."




 A flock of [Blazer Micro Raptor] altered their course with a sudden dive, soaring straight towards the [Simians].

 "Thank you," Tetsu murmured in appreciation.




 "Ah! Revenge, thou heartless bitch." Tetsu spotted a squad of [Alloyhide Horror] flanking the [Cosmosplit Simian] leader. This small but formidable group of eleven elites seemed intent on taking down the leader, who only had four guards.

 Tetsu's instinct was not to impede their path but to warn them about the perilous territory ahead, occupied by [Terra Apexian] and [Sonic Tweeds]. The elite group teetered on the border, where one misstep could trigger a detection by the [Sonic] scouts, and sparking an all-out war. The [Sonics] were on the brink, a slight nudge away from going crazy.

 While [Alloyhide] were battle-crazed warriors, equivalent to Minotaurs in terms of pride and honor. The fact that they were planning a sneak attack showcased the depth of their anger and the lengths this group was willing to go to for revenge.

 In the fleeting moment, Tetsu had to scan them, they walked with an air of ownership over the forest, showing they hadn't yet abandoned their inherent pride.




 "Eh! Don't be so coy. I saw you move," Tetsu called them out.

 Nine trees swayed and assumed no one saw them, but how can anyone escape Tetsu's all-seeing eyes?

 [PythonWood] trees emerged as Tetsu's most formidable competitors, perhaps his sole arch-nemesis in the scavenging arena. They materialized out of thin air after a battle, feasting on the remnants. If present during a skirmish, they targeted the weakest combatant or finished those already on their last legs.

 To survive an encounter with these scavengers, one needed a potent potion or ample reserves for a hasty retreat after an intense battle. In many ways, they were even more insidious than Tetsu himself.

 Their presence alone compelled him to adopt another ironclad rule: never engage in combat unless he could secure victory with three-quarters of his reserves intact.




 "Five... four..." he prepared himself to seize opportunities and outpace the wind.

 Six apex predators lunged to seize a lotus sac hidden deep within Tetsu's territory. The location of this coveted flower remained a mystery to everyone, while Tetsu and his arch-nemesis didn't even know such a flower existed. While they sought to satiate their hunger, the rest aimed to claim the elusive prize.

 "... One." Tetsu's fangs descended, molding a toothy smile. "It's time to haul."

 "Time to hunt!" The predators erupted into motion.




 The elites of "Kuru" Mountain, under their leaders' adept predictions and scouting skills, engaged in successful hunts and secured a decent haul for the first time in a long while. The leader's sniper, with its enhanced scope, proved invaluable in these endeavors.

 Unbeknownst to them, a system event had spurred the beasts into action, compelling them to venture beyond their safe territories in pursuit of a rare lotus flower. The "Epic" designation attached to it led Jeero to contemplate sacrificing his entire mountain to obtain the item. As a natural-born leader and the chosen one, even the system recognized his efforts, transforming his base into a safe haven for humankind. The better Jeero performed, the greater the rewards he gained. His wife, acting as his pretend assistant, played it safe and assumed the role of connecting with his people on their level.

 Life was good until a stranger stumbled upon them and, by default, defeated Jeero's top elites. To Jeero's surprise, he even received a quest challenging the kid for the leadership position of the base, only for it to vanish moments later, declaring him the victor. To add to the bizarre situation, he gained a level as a reward for doing nothing.

 Jeero had broken through the threshold with sheer dumb luck, and the individual behind this peculiar turn of events slept under his roof without a care in the world.

 The questions lingered in Jeero's mind: Did he not care? After all, didn't he receive the same reward? Who has the will to squander such a golden opportunity?

 All of a sudden, Jeero didn't seem quite as special anymore. Yet he kept an eye out on this character, Koel. Because of him, he had to throw a feast, and again, another stroke of luck presented itself in the form of a challenge, allowing his elites to gather a substantial amount of food.

 If stored well, this haul can sustain his people for a month. While a mere slice of meat in their meager soup wasn't much, it would eke out survival during these desperate times.

 In fear for their life amidst the fierce competition, the elites secured limited rations. Jeero knew there would be more once the quest concluded, and he already had a chest locked in his room, so he did not waste time on something he might never win.

 A perfect vantage point proves useless when facing off against multiple apex predators. A True leader strikes when they can gain the most. If all goes according to plan, Jeero will have the key to the chest within the month, and, by sheer dumb luck, might even stumble upon the lotus after the beasts eradicated each other in vain.

 His only concern lingered around the enigmatic Koel. Reports indicated he entered the same zone he had declared off-limits. While Carl shared a different story about diverting the kids' path, no one can deceive the chosen one of humankind. Koel, the teenager, had planned and infiltrated the forbidden area. Not just any teenager could strip his best scout and wipe his memory clean.

 Peering through the sniper's scope, Jeero witnessed the convergence of fate a few miles away. He wasn't able to launch an attack from his current position—not that he would, given the chance. As the sole protector left for the base, he focused on neutralizing the only threat to their sanctuary.

 Jeero encouraged and dispatched every elite to gather food. The battle royale promised numerous opportunities, and he required ears more than eyes on the scene.

 Above all else, he was determined to outdo the kid in gathering meat. Regardless of the nature of the competition, he refused to lose to a teenager.

 Nuoro claimed he had become somewhat paranoid since acquiring the title, but Jeero argued that he had earned the title because of his paranoia. However, since he voiced such an absurd statement aloud, he knew he had to operate from the shadows to avoid further upsetting his wife.



                                                   A quick heads up! 

This arc {CHAOS} is the main, best, awesome, and important arc of TS, book 01. I had a blast writing it, and I wish I had more time to perfect my craft before attempting it, but it can't be helped. 

The chapter is massive, so I have broken it down into parts. For now, I have already written and edited 18 parts. Which is already on Patreon, and by the time this is schedule here, hopefully I will have a couple more done there. Crossing my fingers and hoping (22).

Yet that ain't the end I am afraid, because chaos never ends so fast ^^!

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