
The System_

Tetsü & kilə were odd ducks amongst the oddest ducks—Never to fit in, never to be found among the crowd that blindly followed the ways of this world... Or the next... 14 years of crazy experiments later they, finally found a way to break out of this mundane world’s chains. In their defense babies are dumb, and for the first 3years, they had to learn to walk, eat, and poop. Not in that order! Too bad for them. The system found them and threw them into a whole new set of rules. A million more rules..!! Will they stay true to themselves or give excuses? ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Patreon Plug-in: https://www.patreon.com/Omnivex Discord Plug-in: https://discord.gg/KwRtpjYr Current updated schedule - as-of - 26-June-2023 Tue - Sunday. (01-Chapter) Average chapter length - 1700+ Words.

Omnivex · Fantasy
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115 Chs

CH- 74: Infiltration (II).

 The squad navigated a predetermined path through the forest, making their way back toward their base. Simple traps dotted their route, manipulated by only one member, who expertly tampered with them before the group advanced to their next destination. Tetsu speculated that his proficiency with traps or hunting skills might explain his role. If captured, he'd likely be the easiest to eliminate.

 In direct confrontations, the shield-bearing member posed a significant threat, while in prolonged battles, it was the archer. Their abilities seemed custom-made for their roles, prompting Tetsu to suspect all of them had a [Bond].

 The squad's skills and equipment were nothing short of impressive, featuring flashy abilities and peculiar substances that outperformed his own mana or vitality-infused smoke orb by a significant margin.

 While a part of him couldn't help but envy their capabilities, the predominant feeling within him was disdain for the opportunities they enjoyed.

 Where is the thrill in following a predetermined path, when true adventure lies in the uncharted wilderness? Despite his disdain, frustration, and occasional curses directed at this world, the moment magic sparked within him—even if just a fraction—he dared defy the heavens to embark on the journey of the unknown.

 Where is the fun if you can implant the destination without enjoying the journey?

 He would never give up the process of discovering or creating a skill, even if it might end with a disastrous outcome.

 Tetsu made a rough estimate and made a beeline to the squad's next stop.

 "looking down on peasants has its advantages," Tetsu chuckles to himself as he notices an unusual mist enveloping the forest. "Squirming away like a worm, too." He recollects all the digs that helped him escape near-death fights.

 It's a peculiar sensation, embracing the pride of an eagle alongside the cowardice of a worm. "I could establish two distinct Orders," he muses, concocting yet another ambitious project as he maneuvers around the mist, marking every fourth tree with the symbol of the Eye of Providence.

 The mist formed a barrier, designed to divert attention away from the scouts. Tetsu flung himself above the treetops and over the mist wall. He first wanted to go through but discarded the idea as the caster might have connected with the mist and sensed his approach.

 With enhanced vision, Tetsu honed in on three figures concealed among the tree canopies. The individual in the center wielded a single sword, two daggers, and carried a handful of reddish potions. Positioned between the two casters, one of whom manipulated the mist using unique spores on his hands, while the other wore a grin even more absurd than Tetsu's own.

 "Simley," he decided to dub the latter. Simley sported a black cloak adorned with even more grinning faces. Both casters possessed blue vials, presumably mana potions.

 "Where in the world did they acquire such equipment?" he muttered, the answer becoming apparent moments later. "Bloody cheaters," he grumbled, his attention shifting to the unsuspecting opponent being deceived by their tactics.

 The trio stood their ground against a horde of bulls, each one surpassing level four. They did not engage in combat in a direct sense, yet Tetsu admired their courage.

 The swordsman served as the group's muscle, complementing their strategic minds. His potions likely provided stamina or enhanced physical abilities, invaluable for stalling enemies or aiding in their escape. While the green vials contained health potions, they appeared to be scarce, none of them carrying more than one.

 "Life force is hard even for you, ha!" Tetsu sighed as he landed on the top of the largest tree crown.

 A rune glowed and propelled Tetsu away just in the nick of time as he touched down like a silent sugar glider. Despite the need for information, he refrained from using his Info skill, wary of disrupting their concentration. The swordsman maintained a vigilant stance, while Smiley and Mistguy teetered on the brink of exhaustion.

 Both Smiley and Mistguy glanced back at the Swordsman, who waited for a while before nodding. In a synchronized motion, they reached for blue vials and consumed their contents. In the blink of an eye, their exhaustion vanished, and they resumed their activities with renewed vigor.

 "Mana exhaustion and mana potions?" Tetsu hummed, curiosity getting the better of him as two runes shimmered to life—one positioned away from the mist and another within its confines.

 Stones sailed through the mist, but Mistguy remained oblivious to any disturbance. Tetsu then attempted to summon a gust of wind to disperse the mist, but his control and power over the Wind affinity proved too feeble to create any significant disruption.

 The bulls, influenced by an unseen force, engaged in skirmishes amongst themselves without venturing into the mist. Those that did enter would circle a tree or two before rejoining the rest of the throng.

 Left with no apparent alternatives, Tetsu descended into the mist. Yet, to his frustration, his vision seemed to play tricks on him, defying logic. Regardless of which direction he moved, he always emerged out of the mist and toward the hoard, instead of penetrating deeper into its shrouded depths.

 "Illusion," Tetsu's smile broadened, challenging Smiley's devilish grin.

 As the trio grappled with the perilous task of keeping the bulls at bay, Tetsu reveled in the mist, unraveling its secrets and exploiting its loopholes.

 The rune [Mark] circumvented the illusion skill. Tetsu only needed to activate it before the mist enveloped him or, with a stroke of luck, marked two opposite sides within the mist. The latter proved challenging as it demanded time, a precious commodity in the midst of battle, where opponents wouldn't allow him to decipher their skills.

 If it wasn't for the Mist user's abysmal control over his own mist, things wouldn't have worked in Tetsu's favor. Facing a more skilled illusionist would demand even greater odds for Tetsu to survive the encounter.

 "How does one overcome an illusion?"

 The gods had subjected him to far more potent illusions, pushing him to the brink of death and subsequent reincarnation millions of times, only to be saved by the intervention of the system. Yet amidst the trials imposed upon him, Tetsu learned to navigate through the illusions, clinging to his unyielding spirit for just a fleeting second before the system intervened.

 In such moments, he found solace in the acquisition of free skills. If the gods could smite anyone at will, it was comforting to have skills or the system intervene on his behalf.

 Even the concept of champion recruitment perplexed him.

 Tetsu failed to comprehend, and likely never would, the rationale behind bullying beings of lower levels. In his view, one ought to face opponents of equal or greater strength, rather than target those weaker than themselves.

 Interfering with lower affairs, whether in politics, raw power, or resources, raises the question of how individuals or entities can experience true growth. Such meddling may provide short-term gains, but sustainable and meaningful development often involves tackling challenges at one's level or aiming for higher pursuits. In doing so, individuals can hone their skills, face more formidable adversaries, and cultivate a deeper understanding of their capabilities. Continuous engagement with challenges commensurate with one's abilities fosters genuine growth and development.

 [Every Smile] felt like an undeserved and extraordinary cheat, a stupendous shortcut to accomplishments Tetsu believed he hadn't earned. While it offered little help in his current situation, the underlying concept remained applicable, which Tetsu used as a guide to learn resistance. Saint had already provided a hint regarding levels and rarity, emphasizing that he needed to reach the skill level to unlock its maximum potential.

 It's like carrying a tornado in one's pocket, but all they may use is a tiny gust of wind. The mystery of how the tornado got there, how to control it, or how to make it your own forever locked.

 Some might view Tetsu as fortunate for acquiring numerous higher-level skills, but to him, it presented a hindrance. A gradual ascent would not only enhance his understanding of each skill but also enable him to counter similar abilities and use them in various ways. Without a solid foundation, one risks expending excessive energy for minimal gains in the long run.

 Although, the biggest backlash is the lack of stimulus.

 Be it a virtue or a flaw, Tetsu connected with his inner Kile thanks to the incubation grounds and he placed fun above the rest.

 A grin stretched across Tetsu's face, nearly splitting it in two. He had figured out the limitations of the illusion spell. Once he confronted Mistguy head-on, the other secrets hidden by the mage would reveal themselves as well.

 Neither of the casters posed a true challenge to Tetsu, and unless the Swordsman possessed long-range attacks, he shouldn't be a significant threat either.

 "Can I take on all of them?" Tetsu wondered aloud as he made his way back to the vantage point.

 Upon spotting a flare from the scouts, he set off towards their next rendezvous point, all the while formulating plans for infiltration and his initial approach.

 Knowledge stood as the linchpin, and the group possessed a wealth of it. Tetsu usually relished decoding the universe as a solitary explorer, but for now, revenge took precedence. His current capabilities allowed him to barely defeat one of them, and any interference from the party mid-battle could jeopardize his entire plan.

 The humans, strengthened by their [Bond], had acquired a considerable array of equipment. Any artifact capable of diminishing the Dandralith's firepower or obscuring their party's presence could wield a profound impact on the outcome.

 Lost in contemplation of future scenarios, Tetsu neglected to create a fake persona. He remained fixed in place, staring at the startled group until they mustered the courage to approach the daydreaming individual amidst the perilous forest.

 Carl, the shield-wielding warrior, approached Tetsu, one hand poised to draw his massive shield. He was among those who skipped leg day at the gym and focused on building his arms. Either that or the [Bond] screwed his build to better suit the shield. Clad in a grey chest armor concealed beneath a worn leather vest, Carl failed to pull off the unarmed look as the battles he'd faced left the vest in tatters.

 Tetsu found himself more astonished by the absence of scars matching the state of the vest. "Did he heal them, or did the creature only target his vest?"

 As befitting his tank role, Carl boasted bulging muscles and sturdy bones. While Tetsu leaned towards overall improvement, Carl focused on enhancing his strength for both defense and offense in close combat. The presence of a small dagger seemed incongruous, hinting at either an unconventional choice or a skill not entirely aligned with his Class.

 If Tetsu hadn't witnessed Carl in combat, he might have assumed Carl to be a diplomat thrust into the role of defender to protect his loved ones. With short, light-brown hair, a neatly trimmed beard, and a countenance that exuded gentleness, Carl seemed the epitome of non-aggression.

 "Skills," Tetsu sighed inwardly. "Do all of their elites possess such deceptive abilities?"

 "Hey, buddy," Carl spoke with a heavy voice, waving at him. "What's your name?"

 "Koel," Tetsu replied with a smile.

