
The System: Pureblood Gamer

Alex Fawley was just another pureblood, enjoying his life anticipating about going to Hogwarts and learning about magic when this blue board-thingy messed up his whole life...

Version_401 · Book&Literature
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[Hogwarts Kitchen]

"Wow," I said as I looked around, I have never seen soo many house-elves working together. It looked like there were hundreds of these buggers as Harry was currently getting mauled by some of them.

"Master Harry skipped Lunch again, what can Jimmy bring master harry?" as the 5 house-elves surrounding Harry finally calmed down, one of them asked to harry while simultaneously scolding him.

"Thanks Jimmy but I had lunch today, my friend Alex, on the other hand, missed lunch so I was thinking if you guys have some leftovers?" upon hearing the term leftovers then angrily muttered before Harry and I were dragged to a small table with 2 seats on opposite ends and while I looked as those little elves started popping left and right, Harry calmly looked around everything with a smile on his face.

"So I guess, they're fun to be around?" Harry laughed at my statement and replied, "Yeah Padfoot told me about this place? amazing isn't it? My dad and uncles used to sneak around Hogwarts a lot so they know all kinds of cool places."

'Must be cool, to hear all those stories...'

My mood dropped for a moment but I shook those feelings off as Harry asked, "Now tell me what happened? You look stressed mate."

"It's nothing, Slytherin and it's bloody rules, plus I have to be careful not to gather too much attention, I have apparently already gathered the attention of one Miss. Rosier..." I sighed and silently chewed on a piece of chicken.

"You mean Calypso Rosier? the Bat-shit-insane Calypso Rosier?" Harry asked with an astonished expression.

"Why how do you know her?" I asked curiously, Gryffindor's shouldn't know about her.

"uh don't ask me, Charlie apparently tried to tame her, whatever did he meant, but he did warn me to stay away from her and her friends, they are like some kind of powerhouse in Slytherin."

"yeah I know, I'm gonna stop performing so over the top in classes too, so congrats on the no.1" I said to which Harry frowned and took a sip of his Pumpkin juice.

"Is it really that difficult?" Harry asked.

"Nothing I can't handle, I just have to not bloody stick out as a first-year. Anyway, what about you, enjoying Hogwarts?" I asked

"Yeah, it's been soo cool, I have been running around crazy exploring everything." I looked around at the kitchen and said, "Yeah I can tell, what's worrying you though? Not enough candy?" I teased lightly but I could see that something was wrong with him. Well, I couldn't see but my Observe could tell me about his emotions and panicked was one of them.

"Oh, nothing to worry about, just a lot of assignments..." I cut off his excuse and said, "Harry I'm not claiming to be a mind reader or your best friend but anyone who looks closely can tell something's up... now spill, no one will know about it." I don't know what compelled me to say it, but having a normal friendship with someone with no strings attached maybe compelled me to test the boundaries of the trust.

Harry munched on his tartacle tart for a couple of seconds before he sighed and said, "I met with Dumbledore yesterday," I gave him a raised eyebrow," he mentioned that he thinks Lord Voldemort didn't die on that night, he is still investigation though..."

'hot-damn.... why the fuck is Dumbledore telling that to an 11-year-old.'

"What did your parents say?" I asked.

"I haven't told them yet, plus Dumbledore asked me not to talk about it soo..." He mumbled.

"So you haven't told your parents or Sirius but you are telling me an almost stranger?" I looked at him in disbelief as he looked away.

"I don't want them to worry if it's not necessary okay!" he fired back after a second.

"Plus, I know you, I always have been able to tell who is trustworthy and who is not, If only you weren't a scardy cat and came to Gryffindor we weren't having this discussion hiding away from the rest of the school."

"Fuck you too Potter, and I'm not scared, I just like to evaluate the risk vs reward on any situation, then minimise the risk, or perhaps use someone else to trigger the risk to safely get to the reward," I replied in a mock pretentious manner as Harry suddenly laughed.

"Yup you're a snake through and through..." he chuckled before asking, "If he does come back, will you side with me or against me?" Harry suddenly asked his expression turning serious, maybe the war he had seen when he was young had affected him too.

"I told you didn't I Potter, I like to evaluate risk vs reward, but that bastard did kill Mom and Dad so I'm with you on this one..." I said as I finish my food and stood up.

"Though I would require to be dined like this from time to time for proper cooperation..." I said as Harry punched my shoulder lightly.

"Yeah, you prat!" He said and after a brief nod we parted ways, I started walking back towards the library.

'Maybe I do think about precautions a little too much, If Voldemort is coming back I need to get stronger quickly...plus I'm 90% sure that the Basilisk won't try to kill me, otherwise we would have gotten rid of snake face 50 years ago.'

I entered the library and opened the book on magical snakes and opened the photo about the Basilisk once again. I stared at the 50 feet long snake that was drawn on the book and thought.

'Okay, fuck that Griffyndor crap, I need precautions, maybe get a rooster from House-elves and master at least second and third-year charms...but magic probably won't help me any way so... hmm I also need to get the broom, Grandma said there is a room in Hogwarts where a large number of brooms are stored. Maybe the House-elves will know about that, they clean up the whole castle anyway...'

As a plan slowly started to form in my head I walked back towards the kitchen.

'Why do I have to tickle a pear though!'

Sorry was busy binge-reading Hogwarts: Blood Wizard! amazing story though!

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