
The System Of Silence - Silence Is My Only Salvation

The Wordless Warrior. Excerpt 1, taken from inside the book's cover. "To the one who reads this book, heed my warning well. If you do not read this correctly, your life may turn into hell. To gain this power, the power of violence, you must give up your voice, and live in silence. The gains you earn will be far beyond any other, and you may finally be able to surprise your own blood mother. So use this system, if you dare try. It will show you how high, the human race can fly." [Word Count Per Chapter: Approximately One Thousand] [Chapter Releases Every: Whenever I Write One] Discord Server: https://discord.gg/Xv8yGCF8uA Personal Discord Acc: Nesquik#7104 (If you have any suggestions for the novel that you believe would really be interesting to add to the novel :]) [I do in fact own the art, and it was made by Anoniiyy on Instagram!] [https://www.instagram.com/anoniiyy/]

ShadowAmeratsu · Fantasy
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27 Chs

The Auditorium

Archie walked to the auditorium of the school, which is where P.E. was held. It was also where school announcements took place, but they had a collapsable stage for those events. Archie never brought in his P.E. uniform since his teacher would force him to sit out of activities. It wasn't out of kindness or anything of the like. His teacher didn't feel like cleaning up any blood that would spill if Archie got hit by a stray dodgeball or something similar. Archie stretched his arms as he watched students pour into the building five minutes after he got there, togged into their P.E. uniforms.

For all students, P.E. clothes consisted of a tracksuit, a white polo shirt and a hoodie of their choice. The school wasn't all too strict on parading their logo around. Archie stood by the wall as he usually did. P.E. was a boring class since he had to sit out on any activities that could injure him. Archie saw Johann and Michael midst the crowd, sporting similar patches on their cheek as his. Archie smiled as he ripped off the bandage on his face, revealing slightly burnt skin. Archie regretted it immediately afterwards. This caused him to wonder why he did that. He walked over to a nearby bin, dropping the stained bandage.

For a second, Archie wondered why the burn hadn't healed while he was in the Night Terror, but that's when he remembered the rule about damage. His body would be unaltered, but if he died in the Night Terror, his body would die too. As long as Archie survived, his body wouldn't die on him. Archie touched the burn, wincing away as he did so, almost as if it was a bruise. The air attacked his burn, almost as if it was targeting him. The P.E. teacher soon followed, holding a soccer ball in one hand. He threw the soccer ball into the crowd, watching as the students chased it.

Archie watched as different system abilities activated in the auditorium, different elements flying through the air, carrying the ball as it did so. "Hey! No using abilities on other students!" The P.E. teacher yelled at Michael as he threw flames at another student, setting her arm aflame. The female student had a look of fear on her face, so she shook her arm with force, creating a miniature shockwave as she did so. The flames distinguished, causing her to calm down, yelling various insults at Michael. Archie walked over to the P.E. teacher, his notebook and pen in his hands. The teacher didn't notice him for a few moments, only turning around when he felt a pen tap on his shoulder.

Archie quickly scribbled something down on his notepad, showing it to the P.E. teacher, who we still haven't learned the name of. It read, "The principal told me to participate in P.E. from now on, so here I am". The P.E. teacher read it with a shocked expression, questioning the principal's choices. "I'll have to talk to him later, but alright. You'll be playing soccer today, as you can tell from the ball, so I'd advise you to stay out of the way when someone has it. If they kick it at you, dive out of the way with all the force you can muster. I don't want to be in charge of clean-up." The P.E. teacher told him, a smile appearing on Archie's face. "I'm being serious. If one of those kids, take Johann Strider, for instance, kicks the ball at you, there'll be nothing left. Your body is hundreds, if not thousands, of times weaker than those around you. You will explode like a bag of popcorn." The P.E. teacher explained, grasping Archie's shoulders with a firm grip.

Archie quickly scribbled something onto the notepad, his handwriting messy as he did so. "You should be more worried about what I'm going to do to him, Mr Breen." Mr Breen read aloud, sighing afterwards. "Fine, but don't expect me to save you when your body gets ripped apart." He replied, pushing Archie away lightly. Archie tossed his notebook and pen to the wall, walking over to the team designated the "AWAY" marking. His teammates stared at him in shock, wondering what he was doing. Most of them had seen what he'd done to Johann and Michael, so they were shocked at the fact that he was joining them in P.E.

It was almost certainly a coincidence that led Michael and Johann to be on the opposing team. Once they saw Archie playing on the opposing team, they began to grin. They wanted to use this opportunity to get back at him for what had happened only a few minutes ago. Alexis was sitting against the auditorium wall, reading something from their book. A bag of popcorn appeared in their hands soon afterwards. Alexis was treating this as if it was a movie in a cinema. Mr Breen walked to the centre of the field, one of the various male students kicking the ball towards him. He caught it in one hand, gripping it with his fingers as he looked at the two people nominated by their teams as captains. From Michael's team, it was Johann, and from Archie's team, it was Archie, surprisingly enough. Mr Breen gave Archie a death stare, and he decided to let Archie suffer of his own volition.

"Now, we're going to have a fair game, alright? No using abilities on each other, but you may use abilities on the ball. Archie, you'll have no need to do that, but it's just for everyone else to know. Once I finish counting down, you may start." Mr Breen announced to the class, dropping the ball between Archie and Michael, taking their places as the forwards of the match. "Three!" Mr Breen shouted. "I'm going to kick your ass, Archie." Michael cursed. "Two!" They heard as Archie smiled in response. "I'm going to make you pay for what you did earlier," Michael growled as Archie only tried to imagine the stuff going on in Michael's head.

"One!" Mr Breen yelled as Archie cracked his fingers. Mr Breen pulled a whistle out of his pocket, Archie noticing it was made of silvery metal. He blew the whistle, signalling the start of the match as Alexis sat against the wall, eating popcorn.

Alexis really be eating popcorn as Archie gets ready to kick balls >:)

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