
The System Of Infinity

After winning the chance to reincarnate in a new world, Aiden reincarnated on the realm of demons. In a world of magic and gods, he was left alone with a slightly sarcastic system. But the lonely orphan will slowly rise and will become a part of history. It will be a new beginning. *** This novel is completed at 110 chapters. Its a kind of a prologue so read on your own accordance Discord: https://discord.gg/TXwtUHQfnf WARNING- I don't own the cover. If you are the artist and want me to credit you or take the cover down, contact me on my discord.

BlackFlamer · Fantasy
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111 Chs

War Of Beliefs (1)

< Are you ready for the info dumps host? >

'Even though I hate info dumps, I have no choice except listening to them.'

Aiden sighed as he felt like there was no choice for him except to listen to all the info dumps.

'I wonder if authors like giving info dumps." He then thought but since he didn't know any author and wasn't an author himself.

< So host, where should I start from? > The system asked as Aiden thought about it as he started wondering about the things he got from being a disciple of the shadow god.

But before that, he decided to ask the system about job classes.

'Tell me about the differences between a sub-job class and a main job class.'

< As you wish host. The main job class receives full exp from killing a monster while a sub job class only gets about 50% of the exp. That's the major difference but those settings can be changed. But now that you have a fixed main job class, things will be different.

You will have to switch between your sub job classes if you want to level it up and use the skills from it. But after switching a job class, you won't be able to use the skills from the previous job class unless you switch it back.

You can however choose any two skills which you will be able to use during all times. Furthermore, if the job class is evolvable and evolves into an advanced job class, you will be able to keep five skills host. >

After hearing the system's explanation, Aiden slowly nodded. But he wasn't worried about it since he only had a single job class now.

< Now I will tell you about the benefits host. You will gain more exp from killing monsters host. For example: killing a tempest wolf gave you 200 exp but now, you will get 300 exp. In other words, you will receive 30 to 50 percent more exp depending on the monster.

You now have a ten percent attack boost on any shadow element related attacks you use. Your EE recovery rate is now 1 EE per minute host. You can also receive special quests now which are given by the gods themselves. But sometimes, a god might not reveal their name.

He or she will most probably show their title and in some cases, they won't show that too. Completing these quests will give you some special things that I will tell you later on host. After all, even I don't have enough information on this. >

'Then tell me about fallen gods system? What's the difference between them and normal gods?' Aiden then asked as the system fell silent.

< I won't tell you about that host. > The system replied as it went silent.

But before Aiden could ask anything else, he suddenly heard Aysel's voice.

[ Hey Aiden, what are you doing currently? ]

He looked around and couldn't see her anywhere. But then he remembered the bracelet on his wrist.

[ I didn't know we could use this for two way communication. ] Aiden sounded surprised since he didn't really know about this feature.

[ Hehe, the bracelet was never a two way communication device. Well, I just had to convince someone to make it like that. ]

Aiden couldn't help but smile at the fact that his mother did this for him. But since he was curious about gods, he decided to try his luck with his mother.

[ Mother, do you know about gods? ]

{ Are you asking that because of the scroll you received? ] She asked with a chuckle as Aiden replied with yes.

[ Then I will get there. ] After a few seconds, Aysel suddenly appeared in the room.

She was wearing a royal blue dress and had a smile on her face.

"So what do you want to know about gods?" She then asked as Aiden took a deep breath before replying.

"I want to know the difference between a fallen god and a normal god"

Aysel suddenly blinked in confusion as she realized something.

"Aiden, by any chance, do you know something like the Oracle of Gods?"

"Yes…" Aiden decided to go with the truth as he wanted to hear what his mother could tell him about this.

"Damn…" His mother seemed stunned by the fact that he had something like this. "Looks like you got the ability from us. Both me and your father have that ability."

'And here I thought it was a very rare ability.'

"Anyways, I take it you talked with the god of shadows?" Aiden nodded at Aysel's question. "I didn't know he was interested in taking followers again. Looks like you have something in you that made him approach you."

'Oh, you don't know how right you are mother. I have a system who says it's old but talks like a teenager with a bad attitude.'

The system didn't reply to Aiden's provocation so he had no idea what was happening to it.

"Well, if you really want to know about the difference, then you better be ready for a history lesson." Aysel said as Aiden nodded enthusiastically. "It happened around five thousand years ago."

'At least it didn't begin with once upon a time.' Aiden thought one last time before he focused his attention on Aysel's words.

"In the past, the realms were all joint together and created a very big planet. That planet, named Clovia, hosted members of every species possible. They used to live in harmony until the day of the first war between humans and demi-humans over supremacy and control over land. After all, the two races were pretty similar.

The war naturally involved the followers of many gods and they started dying in the war which made the gods angry. As a result, the gods from both the human side and the demi-human side joined the battle," Aysel said in a grim voice. "What happened was a massacre."

"How many gods were there?" Aiden asked as he looked at Aysel's face,

"No one knew the exact number but hundreds of gods had participated in the war. Millions of living beings had been killed and many lands were burned. Many gods also died during the war." Aysel replied to his question.

"Before this, no one had really thought that gods could die as easily as living beings. After all, what's dead mostly stays dead."

Aiden had heard this from his time on earth as he slowly nodded. Even though gods were seen as invincible figures, they too had their weaknesses.

"That war was just like a small fish in the ocean as compared to what happened next. The small war made many gods from other races angry and as a result, a new large scale war took place." Aysel then continued on.

"Why did that happen?"

Since the war had only included humans and demi-humans, Aiden didn't understand why other gods were angry because of it.

"Many innocents and people from nearby places were forced into the war and as a result, the gods who had followers in those species became angry." Aysel's reply made sense to Aiden as he nodded.

"The large-scale war is still marked in history. It is called the war of beliefs."

Thanks for reading. Have a good day/night everyone

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