
The System Of Infinity

After winning the chance to reincarnate in a new world, Aiden reincarnated on the realm of demons. In a world of magic and gods, he was left alone with a slightly sarcastic system. But the lonely orphan will slowly rise and will become a part of history. It will be a new beginning. *** This novel is completed at 110 chapters. Its a kind of a prologue so read on your own accordance Discord: https://discord.gg/TXwtUHQfnf WARNING- I don't own the cover. If you are the artist and want me to credit you or take the cover down, contact me on my discord.

BlackFlamer · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
111 Chs

Mind Control Failure

Aiden woke up after felt like a few hours. He was no longer feeling sleepy and was quite bored since he could only stare at the ceiling.

So to pass some time, he decided to talk to his system.

'Hey system, you there?'

< I am always here host. I don't need sleep or anything else that humans need. > No sooner had Aiden asked the question that the system replied to him.

'That sounds stalkerish but I will let it slide.'

'Do you know anything about the person controlling my mother who is making me drink her blood? Does it have some special effects or properties?' Aiden couldn't help but wonder whether his mother's blood had certain properties or not.

If he didn't have his consciousness, he would have probably drunk the blood like a good child.

But for some reason, his instincts told him that the blood wasn't something that he should drink.

And Infini's and the system's actions had proved him right.

< Sorry host, I can't tell you that. But you can find about it on your own. Your skill, Liquid Changer, can be upgraded to a higher version which will analyze the liquid which you are drinking and tell you whether it has some special properties or not. After you unlock your status screen, you can check many detailed things host. But for now, I can't tell you anything major. >

'Then I will ask you something else. Can I change the liquid which I am drinking to anything I want? For example, can I change a liquid to a potion that will help me?'

If what he thought would be right, then he would have one of the biggest cheats on his hands.

< As I already told you, host, this is not a system that will spoon-feed you everything. For you to change a liquid into a certain thing, you will have to know how that liquid is obtained or how it is made. You can change stuff into milk because you know how milk is obtained. > The system's words made Aiden even more excited.

'This means that if I know how to create potions, I can basically change any liquid into a potion.'

This was a very good way to become strong enough so that no one could do anything to him.

< Whatever you think host. You have a daily quest host. It's the same quest as the last one, do you want me to auto-accept it host? > The system asked as Aiden thought yes.

No notification appeared in front of his head which was kind of a relief. Since he didn't have any other questions to ask, Aiden just fell asleep.


Two months later.

Aiden got the same quest every day and earned 2 exp for almost two entire months.

But today was a little different for him.


[ Host Has leveled up.

Exp: 0 / 200 ]

'This is taking too long.' Aiden could only sigh in frustration as he looked around at his body.

In the past few months, he had been able to move his body easily.

But he still couldn't stand on his own and had to use his cot as a support. But even after doing that, he was pretty disappointed and a little creeped by his surroundings.

His orphanage rarely had children who were below five years of age but once in a while, a toddler or infant would be dropped off at the orphanage.

He had seen how the people at the orphanage had tried to make lively rooms for the baby and his current room was anything but lively.

The entire room was painted in a shade of blood-red and black and the only piece of furniture it had was his cot and a small bulb that glowed over his head.

The question was that Aiden didn't know whether the bulb glowed because of electricity or if it was something else since he didn't see any wires connecting the bulb to an electrical source.

Aiden's room felt less like a baby's room and more like a torture room.

The only way he knew that people lived here was because someone would come to change his diapers and wash him.

But the person would always wear a black clothes and their entire face would be hidden from Aiden's vision by a mask

Just as he was thinking about this, he saw his mother stepping out of the shadows with an amused look.

Another thing he had noticed was that his room didn't have a door or any opening connecting it to the outside world.

His mother always appeared out of the shadows and went away with them. He had no idea about where he was and what happened on the outside.

This added to the fact that his room looked like a torture room made Aiden feel as though he was a prisoner rather than the demon king and queen's child.

"Already standing on your own legs huh." His mother suddenly said while coming closer to the cot. She gently caressed his cheek with her right hand.

But her action didn't have a shred of love in it. She was still being controlled.

"Let's see if this works." She muttered to herself while staring into Aiden's eyes.

< Host, act as though you are feeling dizzy. Don't ask any questions. >

Aiden suddenly heard the system speak as he was surprised by its instructions. But he still did what the system instructed as he slowly fell back on the cot and laid on it with a tired expression.

His mother looked at this with a smile as her eyes gleamed dangerously in front of him. She took out a bottle and handed it to Aiden as she walked away into the shadows and vanished.

< That person was trying to control you, host. When you drank her blood for the first time, the system wasn't fast enough to convert it all to milk and a drop or two of her blood had entered your system. Right now, your mother was trying to control your body with her blood. > The system slowly answered as Aiden took a sharp intake of air.

'So what would have happened if I had drunk all the blood that person had given me?' He asked the system despite knowing the answer.

< If you had done that, you would be that person's puppet host. > The system answered back as Aiden stared at the bottle in his hand with malice.