
The system of a god

Quincy a normal guy is chosen to save the world from a new race of humans. There's only one issue, Quincy is weak so weak that he couldn't even kill a baby of the new race. But something happens, something great. Only Quincy can have this system and only Quincy can stop this new human race.

ThunderBolt · Video Games
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19 Chs

Task complete

"TWO BILLION?!" I yell. 

"2.3 to be exact."

"Hold on that's like 40% of the population." Josh says.

"No it's only about 30%." Hanna says. 

"Task." I say, the task board pops up.

{Task: Get a servant using life or death.}

[Time 7: 18: 27] 

"I still have seven hours left." I say walking back to the school.

"To do what?" Josh asks running up to me.

"Not die." I say.

"I'm going to head home." Hanna says walking the opposite direction.

"Make sure you pay attention, get home as quickly as you can and lock all doors and windows." The god says before going back in my head.

'I'm not supposed to but I'll break the rules and help you use life after death. Only because it's urgent you level up and get as strong as possible before people turn and they start sending scouts.' 

'Tell me how to do it as we get to the school.' I say.

'It's really easy spreaders are level one so you should be able to do it no fail but you need a command word.'

'Like what though?" I ask.

'You think I know? It's whatever you want.'

'How do I make it.' 

'I don't know I've never had someone be a necromancer.' 

'Wait you've had more people?' I ask.

'Yes and I'm not talking about them.' 

'Still there.' I think to myself looking in the bush where I dumped the spreader. I pull it out and show it to Josh. "See, not joking."

"Dude what is that thing?" Josh asks grabbing a stick and poking it.

"The spreader the god was talking about." 

"So somehow I have to raise this thing from the dead." I say putting my hand to my chin. "Tasks." The task board pops up immediately.

{Task: Get a servant using life after death} 

[Time: 7: 45: 38]

"Details?" I say hoping something pops up. Nothing.

"Is there like a help section?" 

"Uhhh, help." I say. A screen pops up with a scroll wheel and search bar. "Necromancy." The screen closes then opens again with a subject bar.


The ability to raise the dead friend or foe. Keyword needed to allow life after death. 

"Well where do I put in the command word?" I ask myself. The screen closes then pops back up again.


The command needed to take the soul of a dead subject whether they are a friend or an enemy. 

"Okay that somewhat helps." I say to myself closing the help screen. "Uh rise?" I say confused nothing happens.

"Is that seriously what you're gonna use?" Josh asks staring at the spreader. "How about like rise up or something like that." 

"Nah I need something quick." I say looking around for an imput screen. "Okay where is this thing?" I ask myself. 

'Maybe you have to like touch the dead thing or something?' The god says. I bend down and put my hand on the spreaders body and see a black smoke rising from it's body.

{Hidden quest complete}

[One With Death]

[Reward: Ability gained life after death]

{Imput command phrase} 

"Huh. Well found out what I had to do." I say to myself. I type in rise to the imput screen and it closes with a check mark. "Rise." I say again this time the smoke from the spreader rises and makes the shape of the spreader. 

{Quest complete: Use life after death}

[Reward available, accept?]

'Yes' I think

{XP gained 500}

[You leveled up!] 

"Can I name them?" I say petting the head of my new servant. Another imput screen pops up.

{Imput name of servant.} 

"Oh I didn't want to name it." I say to myself closing the imput screen. "Is there a return command?" I ask myself. 

'As far as I know, no it'll just return when it isn't needed.' The god says when the spreader's soul flies into my chest. 

"Player stats." I say then a blue bar shows up.

{Name: Quincy}

{Level: 3}

{Xp needed to next level 300}

{Skill points: 2}

{affiliation: Necromancer}

{Servants: 1/20}

"Close stat screen and open shop." The stat screen closes opening a shop filled with weapons, potions, pills and clothing. 

"I have 224 gold to my name." I say to myself scrolling the buffs section. "One strength pill bottle." I say pressing buy next to a 10 oz bottle of strength pills. 

{This item costs 200 gold are you sure?}

"Yes." I say the shop closes and a white bottle materializes in front of me dropping into my hand.

"How did you?" Josh says eyes wide pointing at the bottle. I spin it laughing reading the instructions. 

'Increase strength by 20% for one hour.' I open the cap and take a pill feeling an immediate rush of strength.

"This'll come in handy." I say storing into my inventory. "What's next?"