

Anna is hard working girl being abused at the orphanage is living at. One day she receives a system that changed her life completely. Come and join us as Anna starts her new journey with a system and find her way to success while facing old and new enemies and making new friends and family. This will be my first proper novel. Hope you all will support me.

lovinggirl_456 · Teen
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31 Chs


The next morning,

Anna along with the triplets go to school. Dropping the triplets at their classroom Anna go to her's.

The gang is already waiting for her. " Anna you are finally here. Tell everyone that you are coming for shopping with us." Jenny says. " Shopping? Why such a sudden plan?" Ask Anna.

" Right. You don't know. Actually it's the twin's birthday this Friday. We are planning to go shopping to buy clothes and gifts for the party."

Anna agree for shopping and start discussing what gift to buy but soon quiet down as soon as the teacher comes and start focusing on the class.

Soon it is time for recess. Everyone goes to the canteen. " I heard the school has arranged different competitions for students. Do you know where I can get more information about it?" Anna asked to which Jeremy replied " The yearly competitions. You can learn more about it from the student council office. They are in charge of it. We are anyway also planning to go there. You can join us." Anna nods and agree to go with them.

Just when they are leaving, a announcement suddenly rings out, " Miss Anna Wilson is asked to proceed towards the principal's office. Please be there soon." The announcement take the gang by surprise except for Anna who had already expected it. With her history with Sara and her mother she knows that they won't let her live in peace. Telling the others to go back she rush to the administration office.

An hour back,

Sara along with her mother comes to the principal's office. " Principal John you have to help me. Anna used to live in the orphanage I run. I have always loved Anna like my own daughter. When she suddenly ran from the orphanage I was so shocked. I looked for her all around the city but could not find her. I was so devastated. Now that I know that she is here I can finally take a breath of relaxation. Please allow me take her with me. She ha had stolen all the guardianship papers of herself so I don't have those but here are the proof that she used to live in the orphanage." and pass a envelope to the principal after wiping her fake tears with a handkerchief.

Principal John hearing this looks through the files . Hearing what Dean lily said and the pictures Infront of him he is sure that Anna used to live with them but he also remember seeing the government signature on Anna's and triplet's documents. Principal John did not reach his current position from luck. He had his own share of experiences. He had started from the bottom as well and know many people in the government. There are few special privileges given by the government to few people. Anna and her siblings happens to be one of them.

Instead of taking direct action, he first called Anna's guardian Sophia and tell her everything and later ask Anna to come as well.

Anna soon reaches the principal office. As she enters the office, she is not shocked to the mother daughter pair waiting for her. She had already expected it.

"Anna my dear, where have you gone? I was so scared when you left suddenly like that? I miss you so much." says Dean lily and rush to hug Anna with tears in her eyes but Anna steps sideway and go to principal," Principal John, you asked for me?"

" Yes miss Anna. This Madam here claims to be your guardian and that you ran away from the orphanage you live in" The principal tells.

" Anna you are ignoring me now my dear? What happened? Tell me. There is no problem we can't solve with a talk. I am here to take you back with me." says Dean lily and try to forcefully drag her out.

Anna simply takes her arm out of Dean lily's hand and turn towards the principal.

" Sir, it's true that I used to live in that orphanage but not for once had she cared about me. She had always only abused me. When her husband was alive she still kept her attitude in check but the moment he passed away she showed her true colors. She made me do all the chores of the orphanage and even cook for everyone." Say Anna to the principal.

Principal John wants to say something but Dean lily beats him that, " That is not true. Why are you lying. I have always loved you as a daughter." and starts crying.

Not wanting to be left behind Sara also adds," Sister are you angry about something. Please tell me. I will do everything you want. Please come back home."

" Home?" Anna scoffs. " That place was never a home to me. It was a prison. And you, you said you live me write them why is it that I am the only child at the orphanage who doesn't go to school? Why am I the only child in the orphanage who doesn't get a single penny and new clothes in the orphanage. Forget new clothes I did not even get second hand clothes. Where was your love when your daughter used to beat me up or when she put a burning charcoal on me? Where was love love when I was on the verge of death from fever?" Principal John is in shock hearing what Dean lily and Sara did to Anna.

" I,I ..." Dean lily do not know what to say. At this moment Sophia also come with another man. Sara is shocked seeing Sophia here. She of course recognize her from yesterday. Principal John upon seeing her also feel that this is enough nonsense from the mother daughter pair for today

" This is Miss Sophia. She is miss Anna's current guardian." introduce principal John to them. Sophia after greeting the principal turn towards the mother daughter pair and says," I am Sophia, miss Anna's guardian. This is Mr Noah, miss Anna's lawyer. We have decided filed a case against Dean lily and miss Sara for abusing miss Anna physically and mentally."

Dean lily and Sara are shocked to learn this. They want to say something but Anna without listening just leaves after bidding farewell to the principal.