
The System Begged Me For Help

Aria was the Goddess of beauty. She got killed by other gods and ended up at Li Ye's world, whose real name was Leon and he vaguely remembers the memories of all his past lives. She thought he was just an ordinary son of heaven and could take his luck by helping him defying his fate. She created a system with her authority to help Li Ye change his destiny and take his luck slowly. But Li Ye wanted to live an ordinary life, leaving no choice for Aria but to devour his soul and move on to the next son of haven. As she was trying to devour his soul, she found out that Li Ye was not someone she should have messed with. After witnessing Li Ye's power, she told him everything. Li Ye then wanting to experience the lives of his past self decided to help her. Leon then began his journey with his beautiful Goddess to know the secrets that the omniverse holds.

Pretom_Barua · Anime & Comics
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20 Chs

Chapter 17: Shocking Everyone (Part-1)

As the instructor stood before the eager assembly, his voice resonated in the training hall like a clarion call. "Today, I shall impart unto you the sacred knowledge of the 'Crane Sword'—a quintessential technique within our esteemed sect, tailored especially for novices. This technique, my dear disciples, boasts of three distinct styles."

With a beckoning gesture, he summoned forth a figure from the crowd. Moments later, a man approached, his demeanor respectful yet poised. "Disciple pays respects to the instructor," he intoned with a bow.

"Behold," the instructor proclaimed, gesturing toward the newcomer, "your senior, an inner disciple who has attained mastery over the 'Crane Sword'—none other than Huiji himself. His name resounds far and wide for his prowess in this very technique. Today, he shall elucidate the intricacies of all three styles for your edification."

"Greetings, senior," chorused the assembled disciples.

"I am Huiji," he declared with a nod, acknowledging their salutations. "As our esteemed instructor has stated, I stand before you as your senior. Let us delve into the depths of the 'Crane Sword,' so that you may grasp its essence. Attend closely, for I shall now demonstrate its three elusive styles."

With graceful precision, Huiji executed the first style, 'Floating Crane Soars Through Clouds' slicing through the air with fluidity and finesse.

He then smoothly transitioned into the second style, 'Swooping Crane Catches the Fish' demonstrating swift and precise strikes resembling a crane catching its prey.

Finally, he seamlessly concluded with the third style, 'Perching Crane Guards Its Nest' showcasing defensive maneuvers akin to a crane protecting its territory.

He performs all 3 styles of the 'Crane Sword' technique with great mastery.

As Huiji gracefully performed all three styles of the elusive 'Crane Sword' technique, his mastery was evident to all who watched. When he offered to spar with his peers to impart some of his knowledge, the room fell into a hush, intimidated by the prospect of facing such a skilled senior.

However, Li Ye, stepped forward, offering himself as a sparring partner.

His declaration drew incredulous glances from his peers, who silently questioned his audacity in challenging someone they considered vastly superior. Yet, undeterred by their skepticism, Li Ye stood firm, ready to learn from the encounter.

Turning to the instructor for approval, Huiji sought permission to engage in the spar, a silent inquiry met with a nod of acquiescence. However, there were conditions set: Huiji could only utilize the 'Crane Sword' technique, abstaining from his advanced cultivation stage, while Li Ye was also restricted to wielding a sword, with permission to employ any sword technique he possessed.

As both combatants armed themselves and took their positions, Huiji reassured Li Ye that he would temper his prowess, urging his junior to give his best effort. Li Ye, in turn, expressed his readiness to learn from his senior.

With the instructor's signal, the spar commenced.

Huiji surged forward, his movements fluid and precise, aiming to strike Li Ye's left side with the opening style of the 'Crane Sword' technique. Admirably executed, his technique spoke volumes of his skill. Yet, just as Huiji's strike seemed imminent, Li Ye evaded with a deft sidestep, avoiding the attack with ease.

The room held its breath as the spar unfolded, each move a testament to the combatants' abilities.

As Huiji launched into his demonstration, his confidence brimming with the assurance of his mastery, he found himself taken aback by Li Ye's uncanny agility. Each strike aimed with precision seemed to meet only empty air as Li Ye effortlessly sidestepped, ducked, or elegantly danced away from harm's reach.

At first, Huiji dismissed it as mere luck, but as the exchanges continued, a gnawing realization crept upon him.

The instructor, too, stood in silent astonishment, his keen eyes widening with each graceful evasion executed by Li Ye. The simplicity of his movements belied a depth of skill that surpassed mere chance or happenstance.

Undeterred, Huiji refocused his resolve, determination etched upon his features as he honed in on Li Ye with renewed intensity. With a swift pivot, he aimed his strike squarely at Li Ye's right foot, only to be confounded yet again as Li Ye effortlessly backflipped out of harm's way.

Realizing the gravity of the situation, Huiji abandoned all pretense and charged forward with a fierce determination, his strikes quick and calculated. Yet, like a wisp of smoke in the wind, Li Ye seemed to slip through his grasp with ease, his movements fluid and almost ethereal.

The instructor watched in awe as Li Ye danced amidst Huiji's onslaught, each dodge and evasion executed with a simplicity that bordered on the sublime. It was a display of skill and finesse that transcended the ordinary, leaving an indelible impression upon all who bore witness to the spectacle.

Huiji's initial shock at Li Ye's nimble evasion gave way to a growing sense of determination. As he adjusted his strategy, aiming for Li Ye's right foot with a swift turn, he was met with another agile evasion as Li Ye executed a graceful backflip, avoiding the strike effortlessly.

Frustration flickered across Huiji's features as he realized his opponent's agility was no fluke. With renewed focus, he launched into a relentless assault, each movement calculated and precise. However, Li Ye remained elusive, dodging each attack with seemingly effortless grace.

The instructor, once taken aback by Li Ye's evasion, now watched in amazement as the newcomer effortlessly evaded Huiji's onslaught.

The room murmured with astonishment, wondering why their senior couldn't land a single blow.

Speculation buzzed among the disciples, some suggesting that Huiji was merely holding back. Others couldn't conceal their skepticism, questioning how someone who couldn't even land a hit on a newcomer could have attained the status of an inner disciple.

Undeterred by the murmurs of doubt, Huiji, stung by the mockery, urged Li Ye to abandon his defensive stance and launch an attack. Li Ye, respectful but resolute, accepted the challenge, expressing his regret if his actions offended his senior.

With a swift motion, Li Ye closed the distance between them, his movements fluid like a crane in flight. Huiji, caught off guard by Li Ye's sudden approach, braced himself for the impending attack.

As Huiji prepared to defend himself, Li Ye unleashed the full force of the "Crane Sword" technique. With grace and precision, he danced around Huiji, his sword cutting through the air with deadly accuracy.

Huiji struggled to keep up with Li Ye's movements, his defenses faltering under the relentless assault. Each strike from Li Ye's blade was like a flurry of feathers, swift and relentless.

Despite Huiji's best efforts, he found himself being pushed back by the sheer force of Li Ye's technique. With each passing moment, it became increasingly clear that he was outmatched.

In a final, desperate attempt to turn the tide, Huiji gathered his strength and launched a counterattack. But it was too late. Li Ye, his movements as graceful as ever, effortlessly sidestepped Huiji's attack and delivered the decisive blow.

With a swift flick of his wrist, Li Ye disarmed Huiji, sending his sword clattering to the ground. The battle was over, and Li Ye stood victorious, his mastery of the "Crane Sword" technique unmatched.

As Huiji lay defeated at his feet, everyone was shocked to see him use the 'Crane Sword' technique flawlessly.

The astonishment among the spectators reached a crescendo when Li Ye flawlessly executed the 'Crane Sword' technique, surpassing even the original with his own embellishments. His movements were not just precise but imbued with a power that surpassed expectations, leaving everyone spellbound.

Observing Li Ye's prowess, the instructor couldn't help but voice his incredulity, "Did you practice the 'Crane Sword' before?" marveling at how Li Ye not only replicated the technique but also enhanced it. His question hung in the air, probing Li Ye's background in swordsmanship.

Li Ye's response only deepened the mystery. He confessed to merely observing Huiji's demonstration and then improvising, adapting the technique to suit his own style. It was a revelation that left the instructor awestruck.

As the implications of Li Ye's abilities sank in, the instructor couldn't help but recognize the magnitude of his talent. To grasp and improve upon a technique after witnessing it just once was a feat reserved for the most exceptional individuals. Li Ye's ingenuity and skill marked him as a rare genius among his peers.

The realization rippled through the gathered disciples, each coming to terms with the fact that they were witnessing something extraordinary.

Even Yanmei, known for her own proficiency in swords in the upper realm in her previous life, couldn't help but be moved by Li Ye's extraordinary display of talent.