
The System's World

The novel's cover art is done by rei_chie! So, have you ever wondered what would happen if you died way too early? Have you ever wondered what would happen afterwards? Well let me tell you, this story has that in it. It goes from dying, to reincarnation, and to leveling like a character from a rpg game. If these are what you like to read about, then come check out The System's World! The system actually talks to the character in the story. They progress quite a bit in the story while he tries to level up! The next thing I saw was complete and utter white glow, that was so blinding that I had closed my eyes due to the pain it had caused. After a few minutes I decided to open my eyes. It had taken me a few moments to let my eyes adjust but once they did my eyes were opened very wide. I had never seen a room like this before, it was completely all white. Everything was white not just the chairs or desk. During this time someone had walked up to be right behind me and patted my shoulder. I froze the moment something touched me, it felt really cold and awkward. I decided to turn around and look at the person or thing that decided to touch my shoulder. I was quite surprised to see the very same lady that was at the comic con earlier. "You!" I said to her. "I told you I would see you again." The lady said while smiling.

Arthrall · Fantasy
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96 Chs

Chapter 4: Arialle Knighthaven

A/N: Join my Discord Server to talk to me about the chapters!




I was in complete and utter shock. The world had completely changed from what I remember my world being. My world had a lot of buildings, roads, sidewalks, vehicles, and etc. This world was very open, I could see grass as tall as my shins, trees as tall as houses, animals roaming free, and weird creatures.

'Wait. . . Weird creatures??'

{Uhhh, Zoe??}


{What are those weird creatures??}

[Well those would be something called Slimes. They are not too powerful, but they can still kill travelers who don't pay attention to them. There are actually quite a few different types of creatures in this world. There are Slimes, Goblins, Orcs, Orges, Evil Witches, and more.]

{So like a RPG from my world then?}

[Umm. . . Kind of. Yes the creatures are somewhat like your world except, they are a lot stronger and there are a lot more than just your regular RPG's.]

{Ok then. . .}

After a bit of talking to each other, I noticed one of the slimes hopping towards me. I start to wonder if it had seen me or not, when all of a sudden, it charged at me!!

"Oh FUCK!!!"

I got up immediately, and ran for it! I had no weapons, or anyway to defend myself! I started to run towards an opening towards the treeline.


{WHAT?? Why not??}

[Trust me! Turn to your right!]

So I decided to turn to my right and ran that way. Only to run smack dab into something. I ended up falling onto my ass. When I opened my eyes after a few seconds, I noticed that I wasn't alone anymore.

"Owww. . ." I said.

"Ouch, watch where you are running to you damn idiot!" said a female voice.

At that point, I looked around to find out that I had ran right into a woman who was clad in some leather shoulder guards, leather chest piece, and some leather legguards.

"Oh!! I'm so sorry!! I didn't mean to run into you! I was running away from a slime!" I told her.

"A slime?? Really??" she retorted.

"Uh yeah. . ." I slowly said.

"Don't you know how to kill slimes? They are the easiest creatures to kill, and yet you are running away from one?" she asked me very sternly.

"I'm sorry I didn't know that. . . I don't have any weapons, or any armor to protect myself. . ." I stated to her while looking down at the ground with a little bit of red showing up on my cheeks.

". . . Freaking idiot. . ." She said under her breath, which unfortunately I heard.

{What the hell is wrong with her!}

[Hmm, no idea except for the fact she is right.]

{How the hell is she right? I have no weapons or armor!}

[You don't need weapons or armor to defeat a simple little slime]

{. . .}

"Here you idiot." She said towards me, and then tossed a shortsword at me.

I was barely able to catch it. I looked at the sword, but there wasn't anything special about it.

"What am I supposed to do with this?" I asked her with a raised eyebrow.

"Are you fucking kidding me? Fight the slime that is right behind you!" She retorted.

"Slime. . .??" I started to say, then decided to turn around only to see a slime about 1 foot away from my face. I panicked, and then I swung my sword as hard as I could before I felt a slight resistance on it. I looked up to where the slime was, and there was nothing there. I looked around, but couldn't find anything.

"Uh where did it go??" I asked.

"Were you not looking when you swung your sword?" She asked me with a raised eyebrow.

"NO! I was panicking when I swung it! I can't help that this is the first time I ran into one of these things!" I yelled.

{By the way, I thought I was supposed to have my dragon with me??}

[Oh you do have it. Just not where you thought you would. It is in your inventory, in an egg.]

'My inventory??' I thought

"Hello?? Wake up!!" The woman yelled.

"Huh?? What?? Oh, sorry about that I was thinking about what you have just said, and I guess I blanked out on you." I stammered.

"Huh. You are a weird one. Well my name is Arialle Knighthaven." Arialle said towards me.

"Oh, nice to meet you Arialle. My name is Jas. . . I mean Arthrall Pendragon!" I told her.

"Well, nice to meet you Arthrall. Umm. . . Not sure where you are from, but I would suggest heading towards a town if I was you. You need to get better equipped if you are going to be out here." Arialle decided to tell me.

"Where is the closest town?" I asked her.

"Uhh. . ." Arialle looked at me like I was losing my mind.

"Are you ok? Because, you should know where a town is shouldn't you?" She asked me genuinely.

[Tell her you must have hit your head, because you can't remember where you are from or where you are.]

"Umm. . . I of have hit my head sadly. I honestly can't remember where I am from, or why I was here in the first place." I told her after Zoe told me what to say.

"Oh well that explains everything!" Arialle exclaimed.

I looked at her puzzlingly. I didn't know what to think of Arialle, but she was most definitely different from the girls back on my world.

"Well do you just want to tag along with me to the town I was heading towards?" Arialle decided to ask me.

"Uh, sure I can do that!" I decided to jump right on her suggestion.

So we started to walk in the direction of a town. While we walked, I asked her about the area I was in, the town name, and asked her about the creatures around us. She told me everything I decided to ask her without the rhetorical question this time, which I greatly appreciated.

After awhile of walking we finally reach the town that she had spoken of.

"Is this Alabaster?" I asked her.

"Indeed it is!" She said to me excitedly!

I would like to apologize to everyone for the late upload. It was Halloween yesterday, and I spent all day with my 4 year old daughter! So with that being said, enjoy my chapter and don't forget to hand me them power stones!!! :D

P.s. I should have a discord up soon. So you guys can join up with me!

P.s.s. Also, I will be posting another chapter today since I was late on last night chapter. It will be posted later tonight.


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