
The System's Martial World

Kai, a high school student yearning for adventure, is thrust into an unimaginable world. Drawn to martial arts and fantastical stories, Kai's mundane life takes a dramatic turn when a mysterious interactive system grants him extraordinary abilities. With the power to acquire skills from his beloved anime and manhwas, Kai embarks on a quest to unlock the system's true potential. Amidst his exploration, Kai stumbles upon an extraordinary reward: an "alteration ticket" capable of subtly reshaping his world. Fuelled by his passion for martial arts, Kai requests a universe brimming with skilled fighters and spiritual energy. As the world undergoes a phenomenal transformation, humanity adapts to the influx of spiritual energy, and martial arts become a core aspect of life. Together with his friends, Kai sets out on a journey that will test his strength, courage, and determination.

Qilinblood · Fantasy
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135 Chs

Friendship's Glow

Kai steps outside into the bright morning sunlight, feeling a sense of excitement bubbling within him.

The day seems full of promise as if it holds opportunities just waiting to be seized.

With each stride he takes, he welcomes the dawn of a day, curious to discover what it has in store for him.

Strolling through the streets of his neighborhood, Kai finds himself reminiscing about the events of yesterday.

Thoughts of his time spent with Akane linger in his thoughts, serving as a reminder of the bond they now share.

Despite his efforts to push aside these feelings, Kai can't shake off the inkling that there is something deeper brewing between them.

Their playful exchanges and shared laughter seem to suggest a connection lying beneath the surface.

Deep in contemplation, Kai is almost oblivious to the approaching figure until they are a few steps away.

It turns out to be Akane, her eyes shimmering with enthusiasm as she greets him warmly with a smile.

"Hey Kai!" she exclaims, falling into stride next to him. "Off to school?"

Kai nods in agreement, reciprocating her smile. "Yep, like any other day," he replies, though his heart races at the sight of her.

As they stroll along, their conversation flows effortlessly. A quietness filled with bursts of laughter and shared stories.

With each passing moment, Kai feels himself drawn to Akane's liveliness, her presence bringing light and warmth into his world in ways he hadn't expected.

Before they know it, they have reached the school gates, the bustling campus coming to life around them.

As they head to their class together, filled with anticipation for the day's adventures, today seems like the start of a new chapter waiting to unfold.

Taking his seat in class, Kai can't resist stealing glances at Akane across the room, a smile playing on his face.

During the class, Kai attempts to focus on the lesson content but he keeps getting distracted by thoughts of Akane.

Whenever he gets a chance he finds himself stealing glances at her appreciating how she listens attentively to the teacher with an expression, on her face.

However, just as Kai's gaze lingers a moment too long, he notices Akane turning her head in his direction.

A sense of panic rushes over him.

He hastily looks away pretending to be engrossed in his textbook.

"Focus, Kai," he scolds himself silently. "No need to get distracted."

Meanwhile, across the room, Akane is engrossed in conversation with Emily, Sarah, Aoi, and Rachel.

The girls chat lively, their laughter filling the air as they exchange stories and gossip.

"So, Akane, how are you feeling now? Did you get enough rest?" Sarah asks, concern evident in her voice.

Akane smiles, grateful for her friend's concern. "Yeah, I'm feeling much better, thanks. It was just a little fatigue, nothing serious."

Rachel chimes in, her tone teasing. "I bet you were bored out of your mind, lying in bed all day."

Akane laughs, nodding in agreement. "Actually, it wasn't too bad. Kai and I ended up exploring the neighborhood, so it was kind of fun."

Suddenly, Akane realizes her mistake. She has inadvertently revealed that she spent time with Kai instead of resting, and she can already predict the reactions of her friends.

Emily's eyes sparkle with mischief as she shoots Akane a knowing look. "Oh~~, so it was a date with Kai instead of resting, huh?" she teases.

Akane feels her face turn red with embarrassment. She quickly shakes her head. "It wasn't a date," she claims, even though her friends can easily sense otherwise.

The girls continue to tease Akane, bombarding her with questions and friendly jabs.

Although feeling a bit embarrassed, Akane can't resist joining in their laughter and appreciating their jokes.

As the day progresses, Kai and Akane find themselves engrossed in their studies, the initial excitement gradually giving way to focus and determination.

Despite the interruptions and teasing from their friends, both of them recognize the bond of their friendship and look forward to the journey ahead.