
The System's Martial World

Kai, a high school student yearning for adventure, is thrust into an unimaginable world. Drawn to martial arts and fantastical stories, Kai's mundane life takes a dramatic turn when a mysterious interactive system grants him extraordinary abilities. With the power to acquire skills from his beloved anime and manhwas, Kai embarks on a quest to unlock the system's true potential. Amidst his exploration, Kai stumbles upon an extraordinary reward: an "alteration ticket" capable of subtly reshaping his world. Fuelled by his passion for martial arts, Kai requests a universe brimming with skilled fighters and spiritual energy. As the world undergoes a phenomenal transformation, humanity adapts to the influx of spiritual energy, and martial arts become a core aspect of life. Together with his friends, Kai sets out on a journey that will test his strength, courage, and determination.

Qilinblood · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
135 Chs

Encounters on the SpiritRail

Kai entered the train with a mix of curiosity and a touch of unease.

Inside there were six seats and three of them were already taken. On one side two men who seemed to have had their fair share of adventures occupied the seats.

One had a beard while the other wore a worn-out leather jacket. On the side sat a girl who looked to be, around the age of Kai.

The girl immediately caught Kai's attention. Her long shiny black hair gracefully cascaded down her back. Her captivating crimson-red eyes held an allure.

For a moment Kai couldn't. Think to himself "Wow she's really beautiful."

Feeling slightly awkward about the situation Kai decided to take the seat to the girl so that he could enjoy the passing scenery.

As he settled into his seat he noticed his heart beating a little faster than usual.

Suddenly an interface from the system appeared before his eyes, with its tone.

"Hey there, Kai. Why's your heart racing like a Formula 1 car on its first lap?" it playfully inquired.

Kai's cheeks turned a shade of pink, and he responded in his thoughts, knowing the System could pick up on them.

"Well, I guess it's because I'm feeling a bit nervous. You know, being surrounded by unfamiliar faces and all."

The System, always eager to playfully prod at Kai, couldn't resist the temptation to dig a little deeper. "Hmm, really?" it continued in a sly tone, "Could it be that you're feeling a bit more than just 'nervous' because of someone here?"

Kai's embarrassment deepened, and he muttered under his breath, "Can you not?"

The System chuckled softly but decided to let Kai off the hook for now.

Breaking the somewhat awkward silence, one of the rugged men, the one with the scruffy beard, took the initiative to start a conversation.

"You're new to this train, I reckon?" he asked with a friendly smile.

Kai nodded, relieved that someone had spoken up first. "Yeah, it's my first time riding this train."

The man extended his hand for a friendly handshake. "Name's Jake," he introduced himself.

Kai shook Jake's hand, offering a genuine smile. "I'm Kai."

The other man, the one in the worn leather jacket, joined in. "You can call me Max," he said, nodding in Kai's direction.

Kai acknowledged Max with a nod of his own. "Nice to meet both of you."

Meanwhile, the girl with the captivating eyes had been observing the interaction with a faint, friendly smile.

She decided to introduce herself as well. "I'm Akane," she said softly, her voice carrying a hint of warmth.

Kai felt a bit more at ease with the friendly introductions.

Despite the unusual circumstances, it seemed he was sharing the train with amiable individuals.

As the train began to move, they settled into their seats, ready for the journey ahead.