
The System’s Protagonist (BL)

[You have 365 days until humanity’s savior becomes humanity’s destroyer.] [Gain Lumina Voss’s trust and stop him from destroying the world.] * * * Autumn Anderson is far from an ideal protagonist. He’d rather let things flow the way they’re fated to than change destiny. He’s a rude, cruel, and heartless bully to everyone. But all of this is about to change as he is the only one who can oppose destiny to save humanity from the Monster Emperor and his tool to destroy the world, Lumina Voss, the nicest (?) Hunter of his generation. Can Autumn overcome his selfish nature for the sake of the world or is he going to let it be destroyed like everything else he’s ignored to change over the years?

Craymem · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
16 Chs

03 | Tower Test

Ahh, just like I had predicted. Only those who had gone to the same regular school as I did would understand what was going on. Lumina Voss was such a person who attracted attention with every action he made.

At first, when he would show up at random times, holding the head of a monster or when he would train excessively after school in his room, disturbing the peace of those in the dorms or when he would tell stories of his greatest feats, I used to think he was an attention seeker who wanted to show off because he had a great level of skill.

After a while of observing him, like I did to anyone who was unfortunate enough to catch my attention in the slightest manner, I discovered that he was naturally that way. He didn't do such unnecessary things to garner attention. He was just a stupid person who liked to do good things and ended up being worshiped for his deeds.

And so, the students and staff members of Gomas Academy, who weren't familiar with Lumina's personality, were confused by his present actions. He was holding up a dirtied sword which was dripping both blood and green slime on the floor. His uniform was also covered in the same sort of green slime. Some parts of his face were muddied and his blond hair was greatly disheveled. But those annoying deep green eyes of his were sparkling with raw excitement even in such a situation.

Dean Ravi seemed to be among the people who were confused about the unfolding situation as he said, "Mr. Voss, why did you just break down the door and what the hell are you covered in?"

Lumina looked down at his uniform and seemed to realize that he was covered in the fluid of whatever monster he had battled with. He made a shy expression as he lifted his head to answer Dean Ravi's question.

"The door was locked and I didn't have a key, so I opened it with my foot. And on my way to the academy, I encountered a monster which was wreaking havoc in the district so I had to kill it. I'm sorry if I'm late. It wasn't my intention." Lumina answered with a sincere tone.

People in the hall broke into whispers after his explanation. It sounded so far-fetched, but I and some other people knew that he was telling the truth. Lumina Voss had no reason to lie, did he? He was Lumina Voss.

He flashed a smile and Dean Ravi cleared his throat. "Since it's orientation day and was for a good cause, I'll let your tardiness slip. Have a seat."

Lumina's smile brightened as he bowed in appreciation, then walked into the hall to find a seat. I shook my head at the scene that just unfolded before me.This was how things worked in the world of Lumina Voss. He never got into trouble for any of his reckless actions.

If it were to be another student who just pulled that kind of stunt, they would've gotten suspended on their first day. But not Lumina Voss. If this world was a novel, Lumina would be the protagonist. He had all the characteristics of a protagonist.

He was powerful, handsome, kind, had an easygoing personality, a good background, he even had those special lackeys protagonists tended to have who supported them in achieving their goals. He was basically perfect, which was why the universe always worked in his favor.


* * *

I had settled into my dorm room and was currently watching a reality TV show. Hunter reality TV shows were trending on this planet. Thousands of Hunter reality TV shows were roughly the same content every time, showing off how Hunters would go to clear Dungeons or Towers and turn the entire experience into a profitable spectacle. It was so dumb and reckless, but it made amazing content.

I was watching this B-Rank Hunter and his team of four other Hunters with one Guide clear the fifth floor of a ten-floored Tower. They were amateurs at best but their humor game was at its peak.

"Jackson, use your [Electrification] Special Skill to neutralize the lightning power of the demon!" The leader of the team said to one of the Hunters.

I laughed. The Boss of the fifth level was a C-Rank Demon with something akin to lightning as a Special Skill. The team leader was trying to see if electric power against electric power would neutralize the Floor Boss, just like that saying, 'Fight fire with fire.' It was such a dumb idea, but they tried it anyway.

As the Hunter aimed for the C-Rank Demon, a message window appeared in front of my face.

[You are qualified to partake in the Tower Test and prove your worth to Gomas Academy to obtain your final ranking.]

Huh? What the—

My dorm room started to get smaller and I jerked up from my bed in action.

"What the hell is going on?"

I quickly grabbed my Inquisitor Gun and pointed around the room, searching for the culprit of this situation. The room was getting smaller and smaller and there was nothing I could do. I tried to open the door and run out but it was sealed shut. I headed for the only window in the room and it was sealed as well.

I grabbed my sword and attempted to cut down the door, but there was not enough space for me to even swing the sword. The walls were caving in on me and just when I thought I was going to pop like a bubble gum, I materialized in an unfamiliar area.

A screen appeared in front of me with Dean Ravi's figure on it.

"The Tower Test will commence in fifteen minutes after you have connected with your group. There are two floors in your Tower and ten groups of four people to clear them. You must take advantage of this situation and show off your special cards if you wish to maintain or increase your ranking. There are wristbands around your wrist to keep track of the monsters you are able to defeat."

I looked at my hand to see that there was indeed a black wristband wound around my right wrist. When did this appear that I didn't even notice?

"Remember that this is not a VR Simulation but a real Tower. I wish you all good luck in clearing it." Dean Ravi said.

The screen disappeared after that and I noticed that I wasn't the only person in this area. Other people's screens disappeared after they listened to Dean Ravi's instructions, just like me. But wait. They weren't exactly just like me.

Everyone here was wearing battle gear and appeared prepared to take on this Tower. I was the only one wearing sweats, holding a gun and a sword without a holster or a scabbard, looking out of place. Once they noticed this, the other students started to look at me weirdly.

It seemed like I had missed some information somewhere.

"Tommy!" Someone jumped in front of me. Beatriz scrutinized me quizzically before speaking again. "Are these some kind of new battle garments?" she asked, referring to my clothes.

No, they were not.

I didn't say that though. I couldn't afford to look stupid by explaining how I missed the fact that there would be another test after we were admitted into Gomas Academy, and that I wasn't at all prepared for it because I was busy watching and criticizing other Hunters who were in a Tower, just like this one.

So, instead, I said, "It's none of your business. Get out of my way."

I used the handle of my gun to shove Beatriz away, and after I did, a message window popped up in front of my face.

[Group 12 members are Jones Dakota, Amita Imran, Buddy Michaelson, Autumn Anderson.]

A scowl formed on my face after reading the message. Who were these wannabes? As though the system heard my question, three goobers appeared in front of me.

"Hi, we're your group members," one of the goobers stepped up to represent the rest of the group. He appeared to be unfazed by the fact that I was looking at them like they were a bunch of nuisances and disappointments.

"State your Rank and Special Skills," I said curtly, deciding to get this entire thing over with.

The guy blushed at my curt tone, rubbing the back of his neck before he spoke up. "I'm Buddy Michaelson, B-Rank. Special Skill, [Alchemy]."

I sized up the boy. He had broad shoulders and muscles but didn't appear to be very useful since he was holding a bow and his Special Skill was [Alchemy]. He might've been useful if we were not in a Tower and if he had energy-restoring potions ready-made but he didn't. So, skip.

"Your skill is useless here," I told him.

I glanced at the people behind him, and then used my gun to gesture that it was their turn to speak. The guy spoke up first. I couldn't make out his eyes because of the thick fringe that covered his forehead and also because he was staring at the ground instead of my eyes. He appeared to be one of those people who lacked confidence in themselves. Ugh.

"Jones Dakota, C-Rank. Special Skill, [Illusion Creator]." He said with a deep voice, contrasting to his small frame. And was that a sword he was holding? Ha.

I stared at him for a while without saying anything. He was an illusionist, hmm. Useful. I shifted my gaze to the last person. The girl had a feisty look in her eyes, and if I was reading those forest green eyes of hers correctly, they were saying, "I won't hesitate to kill you if you upset me."

I didn't like her.

"Amita Imran, A-Rank. Special Skills, [Wind Manipulator], [Tactical Swordsman]." She said with a smug smirk on her lips.

Was it because we both had [Wind Manipulator] Special Skill that she thought she could rival me? This person had the kind of personality that caused me to dread taking the Gomas Academy Entrance Examination and passing it. Her personality was very common among human beings.

I decided not to take any action yet and observe her for the next few days while we were in this Tower.

"I'm going to be very honest here because we're all in the same group. I have no interest in partaking in clearing this Tower or doing anything beneficial to this group. If you people want to raise your rankings through group points and eventually take on the Final Boss, I advise you do it yourselves with your own intuitions." I said to the three people and their eyes widened with surprise.

I knew it. The reason why the three of them collectively came to seek me out first before I found them on my own was because they thought I was going to carry the weight of the group since I was the highest-ranker in it. But they were stupid enough not to believe the rumors about me being a horrible teammate and a horrible person in general.

"B-But if you don't partake in clearing the Tower you will be marked down and you might lose your second place ranking in the academy." Buddy spluttered over his words.

Tsk, this guy. He thought I cared about that stuff. I was an Inquisitor; my ranking in Gomas Academy wouldn't affect my job in any way, and I was only attending this school to uphold the Anderson family tradition. I didn't need to be in the first rank or the second or even the last. As long as I was a student of the academy, nothing else really mattered.

"Whoever wants the rank should go for it," I said nonchalantly, further shocking my group members.

"I can't believe—"

The rest of Amita's words were cut off by screens which popped up in front of each of our faces. Dean Ravi's voice boomed all over the place as he spoke through a video message window.

"I believe you all are acquainted with your group members and have each discussed tactics in taking on the Tower. That being said, your time starts now. There's no specific time limit for how long it should take you people to clear the Towers but as you know, it should not exceed three months. And also, the fact that there are twenty-five Towers in total for your first years to clear. The first set of people to clear a Tower will receive extra points. Good luck, everyone. Let the hunt begin."

The screen went off after Dean Ravi's last sentence. Everyone broke into whispers.

It was time to hunt, Hunters.

originally, I planned for the Tower to consist of ten floors but I realized that most of them were students who didn't have proper battle experience and would most likely die. So, I switched it to two floors to make it easier. Also, if you're liking the story so far, feel free to drop a comment or two and add it to your library.<3

Craymemcreators' thoughts