
The Syren Queen

Queen Sedna of the deep-sea queendom, Arcania, has always felt misunderstood. In fact, she wasn't sure if anyone would believe that she didn't mean to murder the love of her life. Of course, she didn't mean to entirely, that was before she witnessed him kissing another woman, more importantly, her younger sister. They said she was evil. An enchantress. A merciless and a tyrant of a queen. All because she made one mistake. There was only one thing she wanted in her life: justice. And she was going to have it, even if she became the evil "Syren Queen" her people believed her to be.

Shyauthorwrites · Fantasy
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8 Chs


All three of my brothers stared at me, their gazes piercing my soul as I didn't make a move from my spot on my bed. I could feel their anger and disappointment coming off of them and I winced, unsure of what they do to me know that the found out what I've done. None of them made a move towards me, they just started staying silent as I waited for one of them to crack. I knew what I did was wrong. I knew I should have waited for there to be a trial. I knew I shouldn't have used my powers for my own enjoyment and if I would admit it, I loved using my powers. I loved the rush and the sight of his blood in the water. But, I feared that this feeling might overcome me.

My sister betrayed me by being with the one that I loved. She knew we were together, she's known all along. How could they do this? I felt the anger well up inside me then just as Delmare swam towards me, his face calm and collected as he closed the distance between us while Oshun and Triton guarded the door.

"Sedna, " Delmare said with caution, "What happened?"

I bit the inside of my cheek, tasting the iron from my blood as I looked away, remembering the look of shock on Kai's face as his blood poured from his body, clouding the water around him with the silver substance. The anger and heartbreak at seeing him on top of my sister and the realization that he admitted to sleeping with her. It made me sick.

"Seda, please." Triton pleaded as I looked back at my older siblings.

I didn't regret killing Kai and that's what had me terrified. It really was an abomination to our kind.

"I killed him." I stood, looking at each of my brothers for their reaction. Swimming over to my wardrobe, I waved my hand over my clothing, making them disappear and sending them back to my homeland before turning around to face my older siblings, "I killed him because he slept with Avisa. I liked the sight of his blood pouring from his lifeless body and I am a monster for saying do. I am an abomination to our kind." And with that last word I closed my eyes, imagining my home in Arcania, wishing myself there. And when I opened my eyes I was no longer in front of my older brothers in my guest room, I was in my kingdom, nestled on top of my bed as I started at the ceiling.

"What have you gotten yourself into Sedna?" I whispered to myself as I got up from my bed, pacing the length of the room as I tried to come up with a plan. I wouldn't get away with killing a member of my guard. I was stupid and reckless. I should have known better.

Biting my tongue, I exited my room, feeling my anxiety rise up as my magic tried to push itself up to the surface. I knew I should have been practicing, knew that it was dangerous to not use your magic from time to time. I just never thought to use it, until now. I felt the dark tendrils snake around my wrists as my hands began to shake.

"You're Majesty! What are you doing here?" I heard my head maid ask as she came around the corner and I looked over at her, "Sedna, are you alright dear?" She asked as she started to swam towards me.

"No, don't please, I'm not myself! I don't want to hurt you!" I pleaded, my skin beginning to give off a light glow as I turned away from her. Readying myself to sprint into my bedroom and hide there forever.

"What happened?" She asked, I'm bothered by my magic circling my body as her eyes shown a rare kindness.

"Kai," I said, my voice breaking as I swam swiftly into my room and locking the door behind me. My breaths quickened as I tried to control my emotions and my magic but to no avail, it just got worse.

They would believe me to be evil. A monster for killing a Symari who was innocent. No doubt my sister would tell them so to save her reputation. After all, she was also guilty of infidelity too. I shut my eyes, wanting to forget all that has happened in the last evening. Maybe this was all a dream. Maybe I was hallucinating. But I knew I wasn't. I would not dream this up.

A soft knock on my door made me open my eyes. I didn't want to see anyone, not now as I felt the tendrils if my magic snake up and down my arms as if it was beckoning me to use it. I didn't like this. I didn't like the rush I felt as it beckoned me to struck at anyone who came through the door. I didn't like the darkness as it threatened to consume my heart and soul. But I was angry and heartbroken and I couldn't take any more hurt.

"Go away," I whispered, my voice hoarse as I felt my magic spread throughout my veins consuming every inch of my being.

"Sedna." Delmare's voice rang from the other side, surprising me as I felt my magic surge forward. "Do not let your magic consume you, little sister. You are more than your hatred."

"You think I'm evil." I whispered, my hands shaking as I tried to stop the thoughts from consuming my mind, "Just leave me alone Delmare. Once everyone finds out I murdered one of my own people they will have my head! I am a monster! Leave me be!"

I felt my magic consume me then, the fear and anger welling up inside of my heart all at once. The magic trailed my skin, tieing itself from my being as I pushed myself up off of the bed. My mind racing as I thought about my sister and my lover. His lips on hers. His body pressing against hers.

I wanted justice. She would say I was evil but was I evil for obeying the laws with which our mother has written an? She knew the law and she knew the punishment against breaking them. I laughed, feeling my powers manifest as I felt everything around me knowing I was not the same Symari I was just hours before. I was not myself. I was becoming the thing I feared most and I didn't know if I wanted to stop it.