
The Synchronization Project

How would the world react if suddenly, everyone could use magic? Would it be in fear? Arrogance? Awe? The Synchronization Project is a non-profit designed to research and catalogue everything about magic, to help us all adjust to this new world: •learn new paths •hear how people have adjusted to the new power imbalances •understand the current leading theories about what caused the 『Synchronization event』 Follow team 13 on their journey to help the world grow and synchronize!

Jerry_Kakkanattu · Fantasy
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19 Chs

E3 - Astray (3)

While we walked out of the city centre - towards the brown-bricked terraces to find Sven - we somehow ended up travelling in height order: Ryan, Me, Janet, Alix (5' 5" to 6' 1"). And as the people with the darkest complexions here, Ry and I naturally had some thoughts.

"You really think Sven's gonna listen, Nay?"

"I hope so, but we can't really tell till we meet him. It's easy to be influenced when you're young, I guess," I replied solemnly.

"Yeah, seems the kid was an easy target too, since his aunt had to work so much to support them both."

There's a lot of cities around the world like this one, where people revolted when they got power. Since magic made it possible to be self-sustaining, most governments have allowed the people to self-govern as long as citizens are safe - although some still refuse to lose control. Tennerfield's one of the best I've seen; walking to the suburbs, we saw many groups of friendly faces: busking, fixing up the neighbourhood, playing games. Even the houses had life, with folks banding together to help paint their neighbour's, or build an addition. In just one word: Welcoming.

As we attempted to find the house, people were more than happy to stop and guide us. But the moment we said the street name, they froze - warning us to stay away, while they shook and faked a smile.

"Look at this," Ryan gestured, "all these people working together. They can fund and support themselves, but can't remove some weeds?"

"Maybe they just need a push, someone to guide them."


Eventually, we reached the hideout. An overgrown, grey lawn; busted windows; a constant stench of smoke and booze. Barbed wire; impaling, rusty fences; and of course, ugly flags covering the compound. Hostile.

The street was lifeless, empty, abandoned. A complete 180 to the rest of the town. You can see why Barb was scared. We walked to the front door - avoiding the shattered glass on our way - and nodded to each other, steeling ourselves before buzzing the bell.


"Polx off!" a voice grunted through the intercom.

"Sorry mate, we're just looking for Sven. He in?" Ryan lead, while rolling up the sleeves of his light grey hoodie.

"He's not speaking to someone like you. Now polx off before I break your arm, Paki!"

"Try me."

The heavy fire-door slammed open, and a large, stocky man appeared. His once white tank-top jiggled as he threw his bottle of beer at Ryan's head, which was easily dodged.

"Yo, Sven, you here lad?" He shouted, while popping his head through the door, "Your aunt Barb couldn't get hold of you."

Eyes bulging from the disrespect, the man formed a blood-red path that passed down his body. Doubling his size, his skin turned to dark pink leather. His ears drooped down, to the lower canines protruding from his underbite. As his nose became a snout - and his fingernails long, black razors - the shaggy, thin hair on the sides and back of his head lengthened into a messy mane.

"Oi Alix, look, he's a proper gammon now!" the fearless fool guffawed, taking a fighting stance.

"Ha, pink and salty, love to see it. Remember, no escalation though."

As, the rest of the clown's possie emerged from their lair to watch (blessing the battlefield with the stench of B.O. and smoke), Janet pulled some popcorn out of a path while Alix started filming.

"Go on Alan! Get that [slur]! Send him home, lad!"

"Yeah, come on Alan. Unfortunately, my sensei won't let me strike first," Ryan goaded him, as he stuck his tongue out a his brother.


His movements were simple: slow haymakers, slashes from his nails, eye gouging. Ryan was dodging them like a dancer, parrying his moves to lead him in the waltz. Didn't even use any magic. But the bloodlust was concerning, definitely trying to kill.

It only took one mistake to ruin the flow. I guess he was too cocky, played with him for too long, ended up tripping on the uneven driveway. As he fell to his ass, the monster lunged for him, sending his talons straight for his eyes, with the force of a truck.


But in a flash of green light, he was on his back instead. While residual sparks of emerald lightning bounced around Ryan's body (past his black shorts, grounding themselves under his neon green sneakers), he stood above his foe with a solemn stare.

"You done?"


"I'll take that as a yes. Now," he spoke, returning to his usual soft tone, "Sven, you mind coming to see your aunt. She misses you."

"Oh. Yeah, sure."