
The Symphony of Seven Battles: The Path to Eternity

Immerse yourself in the magical world of Rivelford, where shadows overshadow the splendor of its realms and seers' portents herald seven epic battles. At the unique Ezerion School of Magic, steeped in rune secrets and inspiring wisdom, young Gurzhik begins his journey.

GurzhiK · Fantasy
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16 Chs

Fire melody

"Well, why does everything have to be like this..." Gurzhik whispered, barely containing the emotional storm after that fateful evening; a tremor echoed in his voice. "I didn't want everything to turn out this way... I thought we were friends, that we could move mountains, that our spiritual bonds were so strong that even the darkest shadows deliberately nesting in our hearts would dissipate... Why do you treat me like this? You were like a brother to me; I respected you, believed in you. But it seems I really 'don't see beyond my nose'... I never even imagined it would all turn out like this. Why me? What did I do wrong? Haven't I earned at least a drop of light and kindness in my life?" Gurzhik said, falling to his knees next to the cold bed, like a delicate feather slowly descending into the heart of a storm.

Meanwhile, Artemon didn't even think about all this, dedicating more time to preparing for the exam. His friend was in despair, but he didn't care. Nevertheless, moments like these in life leave an indelible mark on memory and linger for a long time. During one of the training sessions, Artemon pondered, "Did I do something wrong? Am I to blame? No," Artemon firmly answered himself. "Let him do what he wants. I have my own plans now. I need to dedicate more time to myself; otherwise, it might backfire. In the end, I hope he passes the exam successfully..."

And so, the day of the exam on "elemental magic" arrived. The process went as follows: the student chooses their primary element, the one they consider themselves best with. Then, the magical instructor presents a series of tasks and challenges that require the use of that specific element. For example, a fire element mage might be tasked with summoning and controlling columns of fire, while a water element holder could be sent on a mission to manipulate water currents.

The assessment depends on the creativity and strategy of the student using their element to solve diverse problems. Towards the end of the exam, combined challenges might be included, testing the mage's ability to work with multiple elements simultaneously. Such trials emphasize the importance of balance, skill, and creativity in the magical arts, making them exciting and challenging for future mages.

Although the weather outside was clear with a gentle breeze refreshing the slightly swaying trees, sunlight gently touched the still cold ground from the recent rain. The forests were filled again with the singing of birds, tenderly perched on tree branches. The sweet aroma, as bright as the twinkling stars in the vast night sky, enticed people to venture outside more often.

In the school, a different mood prevailed: dark clouds hung over the building, lightning tore the sky like a blade, as if someone had just shattered a completed puzzle. Thunder rumbled louder, like a shot that hadn't yet reached its target.

Artemon arrived first for the exam, silently standing in anticipation of his turn. Gurzhik, being late, thought, "Shouldn't have stayed up reading that book until midnight..." Seeing the crowd of students in line, he added, "I rushed for no reason..." Crossing to the end of the line, he locked eyes with Artemon, who pretended not to notice him – the young man with the scarf with whom he once shared many connections.

Gurzhik wanted to say something profound to him, perhaps a farewell or an apology, but not a sound came out; he merely moved his lips slightly. Paying no attention to Gurzhik's efforts, Artemon, focused on the upcoming exam, remained unmoved.

Suddenly, someone's voice rang out: "Artemon! Artemon Feldrin!" "Here!" responded the tall young man with glasses. Passing through the door, he enthusiastically said, "Well, it's my time to shine. Today, everyone will remember who Artemon Feldrin is!"

"Please, Mr. Feldrin," said the instructor.

"Perhaps, I'll choose fire magic. Let my light be seen throughout the kingdom," Artemon thought.

Announcing his choice, he began the exam. Artemon focused his fire magic, creating a stunning dragon made of flames. The tongues of its brightest flames danced in the air, forming graceful swirls, and the contours of the dragon were imbued with magic, giving it a lifelike form.

Everything around froze for a moment, stunned by the beauty and mastery of the displayed art. Artemon controlled his creation with such ease and grace, as if conducting a melody created from the magic of fire. Observing this wonder, no one had any doubts about his magical proficiency. His silver hair sparkled again, like the brightest lightning in the midst of an impenetrable storm.

With cries of "How about that?!" a Dragon emerged from the ashes, surrounded by a fiery aura that emitted a bright light, illuminating the entire examination hall. Everyone present felt warmth and excitement, carried by the fiery wings of the dragon.

Instructors and evaluators couldn't hide their admiration, watching this magical performance. Artemon demonstrated not only strength and skill but also creativity in using his element.

This moment became memorable for everyone present, and Artemon, finishing his creation, smiled and calmly said, "Fire magic is a great art capable of bringing to life even the most secret desires. Let this dragon serve as a reminder of my strength and determination."

On the other side of this one-man show, Gurzhik languished in turmoil. Realizing that Artemon had performed beyond any praise, his hands began to tremble, and the anxiety that started from the bottom of his stomach kept growing. Eventually, he muttered, "Why? Why? Why?! I should have been in his place... Am I not worthy?" "My hands are still shaking. 'Will I be the fool again?' — Gurzhik nervously noted. "No! I can handle it. But will I have enough strength?..."

"Gurzhik Shadowmour!" echoed the same voice that called Artemon for the exam.

"I'm here," the young man with the scarf hastily replied.

"Well, let's begin."