
The Symphony of a World Gone Dead

In the remains of a post-apocalyptic world, survivors, once regular people, face a brutal, unforgiving landscape—where every step could be their last. In a world where the past and present merge, where shadows conceal secrets and allies became adversaries, these survivors are propelled by a fierce determination to not only live, but also to discover the truth about the mysterious yomigaeri and the tragedy that transformed the earth.As their struggle for life heats up, they must negotiate not just the lethal wasteland, but also the hazards of their own pasts. Can they survive long enough to find out the truth and solve the puzzles of this new world?

Great_Omolu · Action
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50 Chs

Chapter 44

Shota's body froze in terror. He knelt on the writings on the ground, his mind racing with the consequences he could have to endure if he could not prove himself. He felt the skin on his back begin to thin, a terrifying reminder of the dangerous circumstances he was in.

His thoughts were plagued by the yomigaeri's words, which served as a continual reminder of the mistress's might and fury. He was aware that this world he had been thrown into did not provide much opportunity for mistakes.

The gloom of the shadows appeared to enclose him, reflecting his own growing sense of dread. He was aware that he needed to move fast in order to placate the mistress and avert her wrath.

His mind raced, trying to come up with a plan, a way to make this awful circumstance work in his favor. But his doubts and concerns caused every notion that came to him to collapse.

Shota felt the weight of his circumstances settle over him like a thick shroud. He was aware of the restricted options available to him and the necessity to proceed cautiously if he wanted to live.


Ryu sat on the hard, cold bench, his fingers running over the makeshift weapon in his hand with the precision of a surgeon. The metallic sounds of the weapon echoed through the narrow passageway, a sharp contrast to the heavy silence that hung in the air.

His attention was suddenly broken as Seraphina's footsteps approached. Her presence filled the space with an ominous intensity, casting a shadow over Ryu's work.

"Ryu," she said, her voice a low, gravelly whisper."

Ryu's eyes flicked up to meet Seraphina's gaze, a glint of recognition in his expression. "Oh... Seraphina, it's you," he said, his tone shifting to one of familiarity. "I hope you're doing okay. How's your hand healing up?"

Seraphina cocked her head to the side, her face expressionless. "It's fine," she said, her voice soft and laced with joy.

As Ryu observed Seraphina's features, his fingers paused over the makeshift weapon and his eyes narrowed slightly. Despite her gentle tone, there was a difficult to interpret undertone. He felt uneasy at the contrast between her happy words and expressionless face.

With caution in his voice, Ryu said, "That's good to hear." "Seraphina, you're as resilient as a rock. I always knew you would get better.

A fake smile played at Seraphina's lips, but her eyes stayed aloof and unfriendly. She stated, "Yes, I am quite resilient," in a steady, even voice. "Perhaps it's one of the benefits of being around loving people, don't you think?"

"Maybe so," he responded, attempting to sound casual. "But Seraphina, you're also a fantastic person."

"Remember that time when you and Kaida found me in that pharmacy store?" Seraphina said, her tone softening with fondness. "I was cornered by a group of yomigaeri, and I thought I was done for. But then you two came charging in like a couple of wild bulls."

Ryu chuckled, a genuine smile creeping onto his face. "Yeah, you were a sight for sore eyes. And Kaida kept calling you 'Princess' while we carried you back to the hideout. I don't think I've ever seen her so flustered."

"Oh, stop it," Seraphina said, a blush rising to her pale cheeks. "You two were like a pair of bumbling knights trying to save the day. But, I have to admit, I was grateful. I don't know what I would have done if you hadn't shown up when you did."

Ryu's smile widened. "Well, we couldn't just leave a damsel in distress, could we? Besides, you've repaid the favor many times over since then."

Seraphina gave him a sideways glance, her lips curling into a half-smile.

Seraphina chuckled, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "And let's not forget about the time you threw that yomigaeri on top of the shelf," she said, nudging him playfully. "I thought Kaida was going to have an aneurysm from shouting at you to stop fooling around."

Ryu laughed, remembering the incident. "Hey, I was just trying to keep things interesting. You've got to admit, that yomigaeri wasn't going anywhere anytime soon."

Seraphina shook her head, the memory causing her to laugh even harder. "I think that was the first time I ever heard Kaida use that many colorful words in one sentence. He was so mad, I thought she was going to start swinging at you."

Ryu rubbed the back of his neck, his expression sheepish. "Yeah, I guess I pushed it a little too far that time. But hey, we got out of there alive, and that's what counts, right?"

Seraphina's expression softened.

"Right," Seraphina said, her voice dropping to a near-whisper. "But we both know that things have changed since then. We're not the same people we used to be."

The air between them seemed to grow heavier, their laughter fading into a somber silence.

Ryu turned his gaze to the makeshift weapon in his hand, his fingers tracing the contours of the metal. "We're not the same, no," he said, his voice low and gravelly.

Ryu met Seraphina's gaze with a wry grin. "We're survivors, that's what we are. Just trying to stay one step ahead of the yomigaeri... and our own kind of madness," he said, his voice taking on a playful edge. "Hey, maybe that's why we're so good at surviving—because we're already a little bit crazy."

Seraphina let out a snort of laughter, her shoulders shaking with mirth. "Oh, please. If you were any crazier, you'd be institutionalized.

"Well, that wouldn't be too far from the truth," Ryu said, chuckling along with Seraphina. "I mean, what kind of sane person decides to make a home in an abandoned warehouse with a bunch of bloodthirsty yomigaeri?"

"The kind of person who's tired of running," Seraphina replied, her smile turning a bit sad. "The kind of person who wants to feel like they're part of something, even if that something isn't exactly normal."

Ryu's smile faded, understanding passing between them like an unspoken language.