
Chapter 20 : Test

"Let's go!" Ama spoke and hurried towards a portal. As she neared it, a tall figure with a purple badge on his chest emerged. He wore a slim sleeveless coat over a white shirt. His expression remained unchanged as he looked down at her with his hazel gray eyes.

Her excitement waned she looked down.

"First year student?" a deep voice came from the figure.

"A-Ah, yeah..." Ama's words were cut short.

Ria stood up in front of her and spoke respectfully, "Yes, senior. We are first year students."

Lukas looked at the guy.He had striking black hair that added to his overall attractiveness. However, Lukas found it a bit odd that the guy was wearing black star-shaped earrings, which gave him a somewhat weird appearance, in Lukas' opinion.

" I see"

the guy spoke up and briefly glanced at Ria before his gaze settled on Lukas. He then turned away, took the printed paper, and stood next to the portal. Casually, he said, "You guys can go," while gazing down at the page.

"Okay, Ama, let's go," Ria said, grabbing her friend's hand and pulling her into the portal.

Lukas also started moving his feet while keeping an eye on the guy from the corner of his vision.

As the girls entered the portal, Lukas was about to follow, but his path was blocked by a hand. Lukas looked at the hand and then at its owner. The guy casually folded the page in his hand and gazed down at Lukas.

"One of the owsdins?"

Lukas glanced at the guy, appearing carefree. "No, can you please remove your hand now?" he asked.

The guy's mouth curled up slightly as he responded, "What if I don't?" His voice grew louder.

Lukas let out a sigh and stepped back. The guy patiently waited to see what Lukas would do next. He seemed to be looking forward to the commotion he might cause.

The guy asked Lukas, "What will you do?" as he rubbed the ring on his forefinger with his thumb. The ring glowed softly, ready to act if needed. The guy's action didn't go unnoticed by Lukas.

People in the surroundings, who were also there to take the tests, looked on at the commotion. There were more seniors than juniors present at the moment. Some didn't care, while others stood aside, gazing at the two of them.

Lukas was confused what to do now in this situation. He even didn't bring his training wand yet. Chances of having a battle is low, but wasn't zero.

Thankfully, A voice echoed

" Yemir Ken, You have been warned. No battle allowed here"

" Tch" Word scaped out of his mouth before he looked at him.

" You can go" Lukas calm down, he was thankful for who ever that voce belong to. And entered the portal. He wasn't scared of fighting it's just he didn't wanted to cause commotion yet.

Yemir, looked at him. And watch him go in slowly.

Before a smile formed on his face and he stood patiently closing his eyes. Muttering slowly " Magnetism just like mine"

As Lukas entered the portal, he felt a wave of unease wash over him. What was that guy's problem?

As the portal transported him to the testing area, Lukas found himself in a vast area surrounded by doznes of strange looking statue's of different animals like dragon, lizard, bird along with some small tubes discharging electric current pointing at him.

As for him he was standing in middle of this atop a blue base. And above him hanged a huge rune.

Slowly the rune glowed and opened up, revealing a big helmet like thing with many runes on it. It slowly fall down on his hand.

Lukas was confused seeing this. And then a metallic voiced echoed [ Put the helmet on. To start the measuring process]

[ Caution: You will be entering illusion. Do not resist ]

Lukas hesitated for a moment, eyeing the peculiar helmet in his hands. With a deep breath, he decided to comply, placing the mysterious device over his head. The moment it snugly fit, the surroundings blurred, and he found himself in an entirely white space

[ Close your eyes and try sensing the mana particles in the air ]

Hearing this Lukas closed his eyes. And tried sensing his surroundings. Using all of his senses like sense of touch, sense of sound etc.

[ Task finished. Open your eyes . Next phrase will start]

As Lukas opened his eyes, the white space transformed into a serene landscape. And strange red birds started flickering in front of him. Before disappearing in next moment.

[ Next phrase, Accuracy and sensitivity]

[ Trying counting the red birds, blinking not allowed]

[ Starts in 3]


Hearing this Lukas right away focused his mind.


As the countdown reached "1," the red birds materialized once again in the serene landscape. And a timmer of five seconds appeared above his head.Lukas, fully focused, began counting each flickering bird with precision.

[ Test complete, Proceeding with next phrase....

And thus the tests after tests concluded one after another. Like griping, Punching, Comprehensions, Quiz solving, weapon mastery, and physiologcal questions like when to kill in the descriped situation or not.

And finally after the 27th test. The tests ended.

Lukas could finally take some breath now.

Grabbing the helmet on his head. He pulled it out. It slowly hovered towards the rune. The rune closed up taking in the helmet.

[ Tests have been completed ]

[ Results has been analyzed ]

[ Your being exited, please close your eyes]

" Phew, ended finally" Lukas muttered and closed his eyes.

He felt the surroundings changed again. He opened his eyes and found himself standing on the portal.

Without further any delay he exited and gazed at the right side. We're the dude was at. Lukas sighed in relief seeing no one there.

As he glanced around he can see, Ama and Ria waving their hands at him. Standing not far from the stairs.

Lukas looked at his right side were the page showing his results came out from the wide mouthed frog statue.

Picking it up he started looking into it while heading towards them. Upon reaching, Ama peaked out at his results. Lukas didn't mind and he also looked carefully. Seeing he wasn't minding ria also have it a quick glance.

let's see" Lukas muttered and looked into the informations.

The informations were devided into three categories.

Basic results:

Mana: –E

Soul power: +E

Streanth: +F

Endurance: F

Speed: +E

Accuracy: –B

Control: F

Element: Earth

Shown traits: Telekinesis And Magnetism

Main cources Suggestions:

Earthelement And Telekinesis: Earthwarden , Knight, Spear man, Golem Master,Geomancer, Stone Sorcerer,Terramancer, Artelist , Ring Magician.(Difficulty c to B)

Magnatism And Earth: Polarmancher, Weaponry Craft. (DifficultyB+)

Earth ,Telekinesis Magnetism: Cannon Smith, Controller (Difficulty –S)

[ Remarks: One should always focus on one main course at a time ]

Essential courses:

• Close Combat basics

• Mana Control

• Basic Mana knowledge

[ Further courses depends on The main cources]

Ama and Ria was shocked seeing this. Along with himself.

When he didn't have any Mana. Despite having the same earth element he would only choose from few classes. But there were so many. Ofcourse the traits played a great roll. But this were too many of them!.

[ A/N:Classes, As Element and traits makes one fighting style and capabilities different from each other. The Five crest Alliance made hundreds of catagories to have an organized battle formation during battle and amry deployment]

" As expected from Owsdin's, All of them are monster's" Ria spoke. She already expected him having so many things. But this was too much.

" Wow, -B Accuracy!. Did you practice Archery?" Ama spoke up.

" Soul powers is also at +E!" Ria spoke pointed her hand at the stats.

Lukas didn't know what to say. He know very why those two state are high. First thing he was a Swordsman. And for that his accuracy his high. Next thing was he was reborned with memories. He wasn't sure but it should be related to that his soul power his higher then others.

" I did, practice throwing stones at tree leaves. I think it's because of that" Lukas spoke.

" Damn you, You think I'm stupid!. My big sister is Archer ! She herself at -A despite practicing so much!"

" It's fine, If you don't want to tell me" Ama spoke pouting.

"Aaha, but that's what I really did" Lukas spoke. He really used through strongest at leaves when he was bored even in his past life. So he wasn't lying.

" Lukas don't be like that she herself is another monster. Her mana I'd at +C. I think I'm the only one normal here!" Ria spoke punching Amas head gently.

" Oi, Why do you hit my beautiful head always!." Ama retorted backing away saving her poor head from another upcoming future headshot.

They started heading down. As the two of them cat fight with each other.

Unknown that a small cute spy has seen his whole stats completely. And sent it to it's owner.


" Hey what about you? " Lukas spoke gazing at ria.

She looked at him and shaked her head. " I rather not, My attributes are kinda messed up. I can only go towards Swordsmans path"

Ama Helted before grabbing her friends shoulder shaking them violently.

" Oi, why are you behaving like that!. Swordsman's are the coolest!. And you have Heat! And Matal element completely suplimenting each other. It's perfect!"

Lukas was kinda shocked hearing this.

" To thing she has heat and Matal!"

Soon they reached were there classes were held near the notice board.

Lukas stopped and looked at the notice board. As expected, The place was more crowded then ever. He can even see some senior students with blue and deep blue badges on the crowd.

" I don't think we would be able to see the board anymore" Ama spoke up, As she was a kid and atop of that kinda small she stretched her feets too see the huge board from the distance.

Their purpose for coming here was simple. They wanted to check the times for the basic cources that would start today.

" Yeah, pretty much. I remember two of them when the professor jenny showed us the charts of courses that would start today" Ria

" Well, that's to be expected" Lukas thought and unconsciously gazed at the left side. From where pass a building, A pointed tower structure was peaking out.

" Oh yeah, Why not visit the tower first? We have some time right" Lukas spoke pointing his finger towards the deep blue tower.

" Oh?, Jelfs Tower!. I somewhat forgot about that. Let's go" Ama spoke and started heading towards the path.

Ria looked at the tower, " No wait, let me think for a bit, ah so Basic Mana control would start three hours from now, After that Close Combat tactics would start, and then that would start... Oh yeah we do have some time now"

With that being said, They started heading towards the tower. The tower was located right behind the library.

Realizing this Lukas was kinda feeling weird. He didn't see the tower yesterday. But now it's there, right behind the library.

Soon enough they arrived at the tower. Once again all of them were shocked seeing such a huge entrances. Students of various years can be seen exiting and entering the tower one by one. Among them Lukas already spotted more then!

Five cadets! Along with many older figures, meaning even professors uses this daily.

They aproched the huge round shaped gate. The gate had a huge purple portal, spining slowly.

Right beside the gates a Huge tablet can be seen. On the tablet series of names where engraven. Titling, [Monthly Rankings].

Beside the names the floors numbers was there.

They were still quit far from that thing so they couldn't see the names properly.

"Let's enter, We have limited time" Ama spoke pulling out a small wand from her Pocket.

Seeing this, Lukas realized something. He was a mage now! But he didn't bring his wand.Even ria brought one along with her small sword warped on her waist.

He cursed, A mage without a staff or Charms are useless!. He realized he might won't be able to enter the tower now.

But then he realized something, The people who were going in and out didn't had one. Well of course staffs aren't needed in higher circle's that much. But this wasn't so rare too see no one using one except for few.

He then realized a possibility and looked at them, " Hey I think, The tower will give illusionary equipments too. I think we won't need them"

He also realized, He actually didn't need one in the tower. He has his soul gear!. A top notch at that!.

" Yeah, The tower would create weapons we want. But we can also take them in the tower" Ria spoke.

" Oh, That's great then. Let's go!" Lukas spoke and started heading in.

He never fought any monsters yet. Even if they were illusions he was getting excited.

" Yeah, let's go!" Ama spoke lifting her wand pointing towards the sky.

Ria, Shaked her head. Seeing them so excited. Well a matter of fact. She her self was excited.

[ To be continued...

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