

Its an adventure of a 7 year boy who lost a lot......

Mub_8922 · Urban
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6 Chs

Chapter 5 The Tournament of Blood ||



An explosion rocked the east side of the maze, sending shockwaves through the chaos. Aric, with a smug grin, declared, "Yep, that's my role – maximum distraction!"


The explosion rendered the maze unstable, triggering a frenzy among the monsters. They went berserk, ruthlessly attacking the unfortunate slaves caught in the crossfire. Just when things couldn't get more chaotic, a young ice dragon emerged from the wreckage, its majestic form towering over the mayhem.


The dragon fixated its gaze on Aric, and a menacing roar echoed through the chaos. Aric gulped audibly.


Aric: "Oh no!"


The dragon's mouth glowed with an eerie blue chill light, signaling an imminent icy blast that caused massive destruction and froze everything around it. The entire battlefield shook, and the orb in the middle of the maze started forming cracks.


Mage: "This is bad! The Aetheria orb is unstable. If it gets one more hit, we won't be able to control the monster. It will be a disaster!"


Mage2: "My barrier won't hold for long! What do we do?"


Mage3: "Inform the captain before it's too late!"


Soldier: "Yes, sir!" rushing off with urgency


The VIP room was alive with the revelry of the pirate king, Redbeard, surrounded by ten women having fun. Suddenly, the room started shaking, catching everyone's attention.


Redbeard: Hm.


Girl: What's that? (looking scared)


There was a knock on the door, and Redbeard gave permission for the person to enter. A bold-headed individual with a large mustache walked in.


Redbeard: Come in.


George: Captain, we have a problem.


Redbeard: Did you find the reason, George?


George: There was an unexpected incident during the tournament. Looks like there is a rat.


Redbeard tossed the women off his lap, stood up from the bed, and began to dress.


Redbeard: Rats! I love it! HA HA HA HA HA.


With his laughter, Redbeard started releasing immense pressure, and the women began turning into stones.


Woman: A A A A A A, no, please show mercy, don't aa.


All the women turned into stones and broke into pieces.


Redbeard: Let's go, George.


George: Aye, captain.


Cough, cough, cough. George spit some blood onto his hand.


Redbeard: Ha, you don't look good.


George: Don't worry, I am fine.


Redbeard: Hm.


In the VIP room, the rest of the crew and Nobels were watching the battlefield through a viewpoint. The door swung open, and Redbeard, accompanied by George, entered.


Men: Oi, Cap is here!


Woman: Honey, are you going to join the party?


Redbeard shattered the view glass and glanced back.


Redbeard: Let's rock.


He jumped out, and the rest of the crew followed suit. As George was about to leap, he suddenly felt an excruciating pain in his back, and a wicked cackle echoed through the air.


George: What in the seven seas...


Spitting blood, he staggered away from the spot, realizing a mysterious woman with light silver hair, clad in a black suit, and a red mask adorned with eerie black and white markings, had materialized behind him, wielding a sinister dagger.


The woman vanished into the shadows and reappeared beneath George, aiming for a lethal stab to his heart. In that desperate moment, George summoned his icy powers, freezing the surroundings. A chilling mist enveloped the area as he created an ice shield with menacing spikes, pushing the mysterious assailant back.


But the woman was relentless. Like a phantom, she reappeared, her red-masked face twisted in a malevolent grin. With a swift motion, George conjured multiple razor-sharp ice blades, hurling them at the woman. However, she effortlessly dodged each one with an uncanny grace that defied gravity, as if she were dancing through the frozen air.


Suddenly, a searing pain ripped through George's chest. The woman had outsmarted him, closing the distance with supernatural speed. George gasped, realizing he was not dealing with an ordinary adversary.


As if mocking his feeble attempts, the mysterious woman vanished again, only to reappear behind George with a bone-chilling laugh. Before he could react, a massive hammer descended upon him, crushing walls and sending him hurtling through the air.

George struggled to stand, but his entire body betrayed him, paralyzed by an unseen force. Despite being an S-class pirate with a formidable bounty of 4 thousand silver, known as Silverfrost and rumored to be on par with the pirate king, he felt an unprecedented weakness.


George: What... what have you done?


The mysterious woman, a sinister glint in her eyes, produced a small test tube and looked at it with malicious delight.


Woman: Oh, just a little something in your tea. I hope you enjoyed it. (she let out an evil chuckle)


George, weakened and desperate, attempted negotiation.


George: Who sent you? I can make you rich, fulfill any wish you desire. Just give me the antidote.


Woman: (mockingly) Really? How generous of you. But, sweetie, you're already dead. No need to bargain.


With a snap of her fingers, George convulsed, vomiting blood, his life extinguished.

The woman turned away, removing her mask to reveal the face of a breathtakingly beautiful young woman. Her dark eyes hinted at a darkness within, as if her will was not entirely her own.

Her name is Ancy

On the distant side of the battlefield, a solitary figure perched atop a weathered rock, their silhouette bathed in the dim glow of a setting sun. Murmuring ancient lyrics and crafting mystical charms, the mysterious individual seemed attuned to the forces that permeated the air.


Suddenly, an ethereal energy wave swept through the land, causing the very earth to tremble beneath its influence. The figure on the rock lifted their head, a glint of recognition in their eyes.


Aric: Hm… looks like he's arrived.


With an almost choreographed grace, Aric rose from the rock, the air pulsating with unseen power. He stood at the summit, encircled by a legion of monstrous entities, their forms a grotesque dance of shadows.


Closing his eyes, Aric took a deliberate deep breath, the charms clasped in his hands igniting with an otherworldly fire. The ominous glow cast eerie shadows on his face as he prepared to unleash the dark forces within.


As if responding to his silent command, multiple explosions erupted in synchronized chaos across different zones of the battlefield. The ominous spectacle painted the scene with flashes of malevolent light.


Aric (with unwavering determination): Let's go and spill some nasty blood. "Bloodmoon."


hey guys

i will be taking a short break for two weeks to rearrange the story and making it better

hope you understand and sorry for the delay

Mub_8922creators' thoughts